Heinkel He 51
By Trotski
Heinkel He 51
Birth of the Luftwaffe
I present you with my latest collection of skins, this time for the Heinkel He 51, one of the first Luftwaffe aircraft to see active service, in a air war, the first time for Germany since the end of WWI. The He 51 was a biplane fighter, which was to see service in the Spanish Civil War. It however was found to be very un suited for use as a fighter, as , to be honest, there wasn't much really ground breaking, and there were certainly far better biplane types in service around the world, than the Heinkel turned out to be. Where it was found to shine however, was in the light ground attack role, in which it was quite successful. Several future Luftwaffe aces cut their teeth flying this aircraft, before transitioning across to the BF 109 , which swiftly replaced the biplane in the Jagd role.
It was however, an attractive aircraft, and was as I mentioned before, quite a successful recon and ground attack aircraft. I was used by the Luftwaffe, probably as a squadron hack, until the middle of the war. It was only exported to 2 countries, those being Bulgaria, and Spain, The Spanish had these old girls still in service until the mid 50's. It appears the Bulgarians used them until around 1942 -43.
So, on with the blurb. I have included 3 skins for aircraft of JG 88 Condor Legion, from different JagdGruppe ( 2, 3, 4 ) Also I have 4 colourful examples from around 1936 or so, in Luftwaffe colours of the time, with their colourful markings. next there are 2 variations on the Bulgarian machines, pre Communist, and post Communist, the final real skin is a Spanish post 1939 scheme. The last 2 I have thrown in for fun. The first is a Parani one because I KNOW some of you lot do play Paran Dhimar. and finally, An Imperial Elbonian Air Service skin, just because, SO THERE !!
This aircraft is a model made by Stephen 1918. I have completely redone the skin , panels, rivets etc. etc. All the files you need are included in this upload EXCEPT for the LOD's. For those, please be kind enough to download Stephens original model FIRST Before attempting to fly the beastie !! I have however included all the .INI files, that are pertinent to these skins, so please, after you have downloaded the aircraft from the FE 2 Golden age download section, you ensure that the files I have included , replace the ones you will get with Stephens original aircraft. There are reasons for this, such as gunsights, sounds, weapons, pilots etc. etc. So please rename stephens .INI files just in case you want to use those instead of mine. I cannot see that you shall want or need to though.
I have included everything else all in their respective folders, so you should be able to drop it into your save file, wherever that may be. So Sounds, guns, bombs and tank, sounds, and pilots, and of course Decals are all here for you. Just please follow the directions I have stated here. and you will be good to go. As a side note, I have found that a good terrain to utilise for this aircraft is the Finland one, seems to work well. However if you are wanting this aircraft to use in FE2 then wait as I shall be doing a separate upload for First Eagles Spanish Civil War, these skins in this format WILL NOT WORK IN FE !!
Anyhow, that about wraps it up. Thanks to Stephen, who is very kind to me, and allows me to bugger up his lovely aeroplanes. So major kudos to him for making the model in the first place. Any glitches, problems, gripes, whinges, or moans, please contact my P.A. Mrs Ramsbottom. She will occupy you and deflect ALL your woes, with her rather nice Victoria sponge cake and a nice cup of Tea ........failing that, message me and I shall see about correcting any bugger ups
Finally, as ever, ENJOY (I have enjoyed flying around in this rather attractive aircraft, I even got 2 kills in her )
Ludwig Froba 109E3.7z
By russouk2004
Skin of BF109E-3 W.Nr0820 of 4./JG77 Uffz.Ludwig Froba Oct.1940 Norway
drop folders into your BF109E-3 folder in your WW2 mod or appropriate mod of your choice main folder,allow to overwrite,or backup first if you want to change back later.
I wont be responsible for anything you may lose.
all items required supplied in rar for decals.prop effects(3blade tga)
Fw-190A-4 MTO skins
By amariani
Hi all!
This is a set of skins for Torno's Fw-190A-4 available at
This set includes 3 generic MTO skins (Southern Europe/North Africa):
To install just drop in your mod folder (you should know how by now!).
Thanks to Torno for the 3-D model.
Happy hunting!
FW190A4 generic skins
By amariani
Hi all!
This is a set of skins for Torno's Fw-190A-4.
This set includes 4 generic 3-tone grey skins:
LuftCamo1 No Insignias
LuftCamo2 With Insignias
LuftCamo3 Yellow Mrks No Insignias
LuftCamo4 Yellow Mrks With Insignias
To install just drop in your mod folder (you should know how by now!) and add to your squadronlist.ini the following entries:
Thanks to Torno for the 3-D model.
Happy hunting!
Bf-109G-10 (S-99) from Thirdwire
By amariani
Hi all!
This is a set of skins for Thirdwire's S-99 (DLC28 AI Plane Pack I available at https://store.thirdwire.com/store_dlc.htm).
It is intended to be use with Wrench's Mod Pak, available here: https://combatace.com/files/file/14663-sf2-ww2-dlc-28-s-99-bf-109g-mod-pak/.
This set includes 3 skins:
LuftCamo1 Green/Grey
LuftCamo2 Grey/Grey
LuftCamo3 Green/Brown
To install just drop in your mod folder (you should know how by now!) and add to your squadronlist.ini the following entries:
DisplayName=JG 1
Nation=Nazi Germany
DisplayName=JG 2
Nation=Nazi Germany
DisplayName=JG 3
Nation=Nazi Germany
DisplayName=JG 4
Nation=Nazi Germany
DisplayName=JG 5
Nation=Nazi Germany
DisplayName=JG 6
Nation=Nazi Germany
DisplayName=JG 7
Nation=Nazi Germany
DisplayName=JG 11
Nation=Nazi Germany
DisplayName=JG 26
Nation=Nazi Germany
DisplayName=JG 27
Nation=Nazi Germany
DisplayName=JG 51
Nation=Nazi Germany
DisplayName=JG 52
Nation=Nazi Germany
DisplayName=JG 53
Nation=Nazi Germany
DisplayName=JG 54
Nation=Nazi Germany
DisplayName=JG 77
Nation=Nazi Germany
DisplayName=JG 300
Nation=Nazi Germany
DisplayName=JG 301
Nation=Nazi Germany
DisplayName=KG(J) 6
Nation=Nazi Germany
DisplayName=KG(J) 54
Nation=Nazi Germany
If you need to adjust the number sequence to match your Squadronlist.ini, then remember to do same with the fuselage band decals
found in the "FuseBands" folder so that the proper markings show up when you select a unit from the drop-down menu.
Thanks to Wrench for the templates.
Happy hunting!
Messerschmitt Bf 109E-3 3./JG 52(Battle of Britain)
By regula50
Messerschmitt Bf 109E-3 3./JG 52(Battle of Britain)
Texture for Strike Fighters 2.
Luftwaffe Gruppe I of JG 52 began operations at the Battle of Britain on Aug 2, 1940.
The Gruppe(Staffeln 1, 2 and 3)was based at Coquelles until Oct 31, 1940, then, the unit leave the front Channel and return to Germany.
Following the disastrous deployment of Gruppe III(eight pilots lost in two days, including Gruppenkommandeur and three Staffeln Kapitän. Unit retired of operations after only ten days of operations), and Gruppe II(six pilots lost in six days and unit retired after only 12 days of operations. However, Gruppe II returned to combat from Sep 25, 1940 at Peuplingues), Gruppe I was better prepared for the task, and claimed some 72 victories lossing in the process 24 Bf 109s with seven pilots KIA and 16 POW.
Follow readme instructions
PilotData included photos of the main aces of the RAF and Luftwaffe by the Battle of Britain.
Squadron list
Optional. List included main units of Battle of Britain(Luftwaffe and RAF)
Russouk2004 and Wrench for the original model.
Happy flights!
Messerschmitt Bf 109E-4B 3./Erpr.Gr.210(Battle of Britain)
By regula50
Messerschmitt Bf 109E-4B 3./Erpr.Gr.210(Battle of Britain)
Texture for Strike Fighters 2.
Luftwaffe 3./ Erpr.Gr.210(Erprobungsgruppe 210)was the third staffel of the Gruppe and the only one equipped with Bf 109Es.
The others two squadrons operated with Bf 110C-4B, D-0, D-1 and other new and last versions of the Zerstörer.
3./Erpr.Gr.210 take on charge a batch of new Bf 109E-4B by July 1940 and began an intensive programme of training.
A red line was painted in the left canopy side to serve as reference at the dive(45 ° from 3000m).
On Jul 13, 1940 by 07.00 hours Erpr.Gr.210 move forward from its base at Denain to St Omer for start operations in convoy attacks. The group flew his first mission at 12.15 hours, targeting a convoy off Harwich .
Erpr.Gr.210 was a precision attack unit and after targeting convoy traffic, switch in the next phase of the Battle of Britain, to attack radar stations and airfields.
On Aug 15, 1940 Erpr.Gr.210 suffer heavy losses. After two succesfull sorties, the Gruppe depart by the 17.00 hrs to attack Kenley.
With the low setting sun, Erpr.Gr.210 dont find the escorting JG 52 and continued always a low altitude to London area.
The Gruppe made a long approach by the north and began the attack, but they mistook Croydon with Kenley. The long approach give to the RAF, enough time to intercept and
two Hurricanes squadrons(No.32 and No.111 Sqn)were converging to the Kenley area.
The attack cause moderate damage to Kenley and then Gruppenkommandeur, Hptm Rubensdorffer, ordered the retreat. But that was too late.
The Hurricanes went to chase the Bf 110s and the eight Bf 109E-4B led by Ltn.Horst Marx were no enough to content the attack.
The full Stab flight was destroyed(Rubendorsffer and his radio were KIA)and 2./Erpr.Gr.210 loss three others Bf 110s. Ltn.Marx try to save and protect Rubendorsffer but he was also hit and shot down.
Marx´s Bf 109 was one of the only two Bf 109s lost in combat by Erpr.Gr.210 by the Battle of Britain.
Follow readme instructions
PilotData included photos of the main aces of the RAF and Luftwaffe by the Battle of Britain.
Squadron list
Optional. List included main units of Battle of Britain(Luftwaffe and RAF)
Russouk2004 and Wrench for the original model.
Happy flights!
Messerschmitt Bf 109E-3 8./JG 3(Battle of Britain)
By regula50
Messerschmitt Bf 109E-3 8./JG 3(Battle of Britain)
Texture for Strike Fighters 2.
Luftwaffe Gruppe III of JG 3 began operations at the Battle of Britain on Jul 2, 1940.
The Gruppe(Staffeln 7, 8 and 9)was based at Guines until Jul 20, 1940, then was trasnfered to Desvres and remain there until Feb 16, 1941.
Of the three Staffeln, only 9./JG 3 had a individual badge.
Following orders as the others units, the 7./JG 3 was selected and equipped by October as fighter-bomber unit.
III Gruppe claims were for 67 kills and loss 33 Bf 109s with nine pilots KIA and 8 POW.
Follow readme instructions
PilotData included photos of the main aces of the RAF and Luftwaffe by the Battle of Britain.
Squadron list
Optional. List included complete JG 3 structure.
Russouk2004 and Wrench for the original model.
Happy flights!
SF2 WW2 FW-190s Skin Pak
By mizera
This is my first work for SF2/WoX/SF-P1.
SF2 WW2 Focke Wulf FW-190 skins Pak 02/24/2013
= For SF2 reworked to WW2 ETO/MTO/Russia =
In this package are 20 skins for Fw-190 A/F/G (Wolf257).
Skins are reworked for SF2 from 6 IL-2 skins (CptFarrel).
All Skins are in jpg format.
In this package are skins only! You must have this aircraft installed!
I recommend SF2 WW2 packages Fw-190 by Wrench.
1) Unzip this package.
2) See pictures and select required skin.
3) Copy reuired skin to your SF2/Aircraft/Fw-190.../Skin folder
4) Overwrite your old skin picture (.jpg)
The tail swastika and numbers or letters aren´t painted. You must use decals.
For using this package in SF-P1 or WoX you must skins retextured to .bmp format.
CptFarrel for the best IL-2 skins (cptfarrels.com)
Wolf257 for the aircraft and original skin
Wrench for SF2 repackage of this aircraft
Me, for little painting.
Horrido for all!
Peter "Karaya" Mizera
Legal BS:
This is freeware; it CAN be distrubuted if the original readmes and all other pieces of the package remain intact.
The names of all contributors, modders, suppliers, etc =MUST= be listed in any new readmes.
This package may NOT in any way, shape or form be used in any payware additions.
Bribes are accepted; ask for the day's going rates
SF2 WW2 Focke Wulf FW-190A4, JG2, MTO
By Wrench
SF2 WW2 Focke Wulf FW-190A4, JG2, MTO
-- Something for the WW2 MTO players --
= For SF2, Full-4/5 Merged ( Full-5 Reccomended/Preferred) =
*Note: this mod is designed for use =ONLY= in the MTO envrionment.*
**This mod is designed to REPLACE any 1stGen variant you may have in your WW2 MTO intalls. It is reccomended you delete the skin and decals folders of the originals, as to NOT cause any conflicts with THIS mod.**
Reskin/Redecaling for the recently released FW-190A4 recreates JG2 'Richthofen' as seen in North Africa/Tunisia region during late 1942 (early 43??) and onward.
The aircraft is finished in a 'solid' desert tan, with white ID bands. Skins are in jpg format, decal randomization is set to TRUE. This set contains the markings for the various gruppe officers (<, <<, etc). With luck, they're pretty close.
If you don't have the aircraft yet, you can get it here:
However, you WILL be doing some light ini editing BEFORE adding this skin. See "To Install Notes" for more details.
Remember, this is for a WW2 MTO-centric mods folder ONLY!!!
As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read them!!! Also, the "Notes" section for other important stuff of interest.
Good Hunting!
kevin stein
Joseph Priller.7z
By russouk2004
Bf109E-3 "Yellow one"..Flown by Joseph Priller of 6/JG51,Autumn 1940.
Requires BF109E-3 here...
http://combatace.com/topic/78173-bf109e-3/ and 2 later updates..
Open archive to desktop etc...Drop Objects folder, into your WW2 main mod folder and allow to overwrite\merge folders.
Add data,supplied in "Add to sqd list.txt" for squadronlist.ini,in your pilotdata folder and entry in the BF109E-3.ini,add that to yours ,into your main BF109E-3.ini to get skin to show.
more to follow.
German Kill Markings
By amariani
Here are the kill marks that go along with the Mustang pack just released. Just put put in the decals folder.
II/JG51 skin for MontyCZ's S-99 (109G6)
By Wrench
II/JG-51 Skin for MontyCZ S-99
For SF2 WW2 MTO/ETO installs
A fairly simple skin for Monty's S-99 (here representing the Bf-109G-6) as used in North Africa/MTO theatre by Jg-51. Simple, because II/JG51 didn't seem to use any stab marking or ID numbers, making this an easy skin.
As always, READ the enclosed readme for full, detailed (and very simple in this case) instructions. This package has been broken down into the various folders that SF2 needs, to make it a LOT easier to install.
Kevin Stein
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