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55 files

  1. F-14 VF-111 CAG "Miss Molly" 1994

    This skin represents the CAG bird until the squadron's disestablishment in 1995.
    For the Mirage Factory F-14A/B ONLY
    Updated with the TF30 skin update by Ceaser.


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  2. VF-32 F-14A Mig Killers 1989

    F-14A_82 VF-32 Swordsmen Skin by Dave
    On the morning of January 4, 1989, the Kennedy battle group was operating some 130 km north of Libya, with a group of A-6 Intruders on exercise south of Crete, escorted by two pairs of F-14As from VF-14 and VF-32, and as well as an E-2C from VAW-126. Later that morning the southernmost Combat Air Patrol station was taken by two F-14s from VF-32, AC207 (CDR Joseph Bernard Connelly/CDR Leo F. Enwright 159610 AC207) and AC202 (LT Hermon C. Cook III/LCDR Steven Patrick Collins 159437 AC202). The officers had been specially briefed for this mission due to the high tensions regarding the Carrier Group's presence; the pilots were advised to expect some kind of hostilities.
    At 11:50 hrs, after some time on patrol, the E-2 informed the F-14 crews that four Libyan MiG-23s had taken off from Al Bumbaw airfield, near Tobruk. The F-14s turned towards the first two MiG-23s some 50 km ahead of the rear pair and acquired them with radars. At the time the Floggers were 72 nautical miles (133 km) away at 10,000 ft (3,000 m) and heading directly towards the Tomcats and carrier. The F-14s turned away from the head-on approach to indicate that they didn't want to engage. The Floggers changed course to intercept at a closing speed of about 870 knots (1,000 mph, 1600 km/h). The F-14s descended to 3,000 ft (910 m) to give them a clear radar picture of the Floggers against the sky and leave the Floggers with sea clutter to contend with. Four more times the F-14s repeated this maneuver, still tracking the Libyans. At 11:59 the Radar Intercept Officer (RIO) of the lead Tomcat ordered the arming of the AIM-9 Sidewinder and AIM-7 Sparrow missiles it was carrying. The E-2C had given the F-14 crews authority to fire if threatened; the F-14 crews did not have to wait until after the Libyans opened fire.
    At almost 12:01 the lead Tomcat RIO said that "Bogeys have jinked back at me again for the fifth time. They're on my nose now, inside of 20 miles", followed shortly by "Master arm on" as he ordered arming of the weapons. At a range of 14 nmi (26 km) the RIO of the lead F-14A fired the first AIM-7M Sparrow; he surprised his pilot, who did not expect to see a missile accelerate away from his Tomcat. The RIO reported "Fox 1. Fox 1." The Sparrow failed to track because of a wrong switch-setting. At 10 nmi (19 km), he launched a second Sparrow missile, but it also failed to track its target.
    The Floggers accelerated and continued to approach. At 6 nmi (11 km) range the Tomcats split and the Floggers followed the wingman while the lead Tomcat circled to get a tail angle on them. The wingman engaged with a Sparrow and downed one of the Libyan aircraft. One of the US pilots broadcast "Good kill! Good kill!" The lead Tomcat closed on the final Flogger from the rear quadrant and at 1.5 nmi (2.8 km) the pilot fired a Sidewinder, which hit its target. One crewman broadcast "Good kill!" and "Let's get out of here." The Libyan pilots were seen to successfully eject and parachute into the sea, but the Libyan Air Force was unable to recover them. The Tomcats then proceeded north to return to the carrier.
    Templates and base skins by Column5 and EricJ.
    For use with The Mirage Factory F-14A_82 for SF2.
    To install:
    Drop the "Objects" folder into any SF2 install:
    C:\Users\yourname\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2
    Let it overwrite the aircraft and decals folder names. The go fly.
    JimmyB thanks for the assist!
    Update 22 Jan 11
    TF-30 and Glove vane updates by Caesar. Thank you sir.
    Dave aka USAFMTL


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  3. F-14A VF-111 Line Bird

    F-14A_82 VF-111 Skin Package by Dave
    Templates and base skins by Column5 and EricJ.
    Thanks Eric for the Sundowners hook up.
    For use with The Mirage Factory F-14A_82 for SF2.
    To install:
    Drop the "Objects" folder into any SF2 install:
    C:\Users\yourname\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2
    Let it overwrite the aircraft and decals folder names. The go fly.
    Update 22 Jan 11
    TF-30 and Glove vane updates by Caesar. Thank you sir.
    Dave aka USAFMTL


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  4. TF-30 Turkey Feathers for VF-32 & -41

    This is a modified F-14A-005.bmp file for the excellent VF-32 and VF-41 MiG Killers skins for the new TMF F-14A and F-14A(82). The original skins appear to have been based off of the F-14B templates, and have the General Electric F-110 "Turkey Feathers"/engines that don't match up to the TF-30 nozzles. Just drop the new F-14A-005 skin file into the VF32-89 and VF41 skin files to replace the initial F-14A-005.bmp and go flying!
    Anytime, Baby!


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  5. F-14 VF-31 CO Last Tour

    This scheme represents the embarked scheme (from Vampyre's photos anyways) of VF-31 Tomcatters CO bird in 2006.
    Needless to say this will ONLY work on the Mirage Factory F-14B
    Thanks to Dave for additional assistance.
    Eric Johnson


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