32 files
EAF TW F-16A Skins
By steelflanker
Egyptian Air Force TW F-16A Skins
Requires Strike Fighters 2 Israel!!
This is my attempt at the EAF F-16A.
It contains the later well known high-viz grey scheme that gives some of the Egyptian aircraft their unique flavor & the overall standard Egyptian grey scheme.
I could only find a handful of reference photos of the early A & B models so feel free to make any suggestions or any changes.
It is possible to just drop the skins directly in to your F-16A_Netz folder but I recommend you use them with the Updated F-16A Block 10 1.1 pack or similar TW F-16A packages in the downloads section.
Drop the skins folder in your F-16A or what ever you have called your TW F-16.
Place the decals folder in the in your Objects/Decals folder.
Add the following to your F-16A USERLIST:
Hope you enjoy
- Fantastic TW F-16A Templates by Wrench.
- Bits & bobs from MigBusters Euro Packages & Dave's Updated F-16A Block 10 1.1 pack.
- Original numberlist & decals from the WOI F-16A Blk.10 Arab pack by suhsjake.
- ThirdWire Original Templates.
RNoAF TW F-16A Skins
By steelflanker
Royal Norwegian Air Force TW F-16A Skin
Requires Strike Fighters 2 Israel!!
This is my attemtpt at the RNoAF F-16A.
It contains two overall grey skin sets & decals for the 331st 332nd Squadrons.
It’s not perfect so feel free to make any suggestions or make any changes.
Recommended for use with the Updated F-16A Block 10 1.1 pack or one of the earlier packages for the TW F-16A in the downloads section though it is possible to just drop the skin folders in you F-16A_Netz folder.
Drop the skins folder in your F-16A folder & place the decals folder in the in your Objects/Decals folder.
Add the following to your F-16A USERLIST:
Hope you enjoy
- Fantastic TW F-16A Templates by Wrench.
- Bits & bobs from MigBusters Euro Packages & Dave's Updated F-16A Block 10 1.1 pack.
- Number list from the Viper Team F-16AM
- ThirdWire Original Templates.
- Miss matched grey base texture corrected.
- Stray texture on port flap removed.
SF2 Pakistan Viper Skin Pack
By ace888
SF2 Pakistan Viper Skin Pack
This is for SF2 Full Merge Installed updated to August 2011 patch.
The file contain the "skin" files of the following squadrons:
9th MLU
9th SQ
11th MLU
11th SQ
TEF (Test and Evaluation Flight, same as OT&E in the USA)
9th MLU
9th SQ
11th MLU
11th SQ
PAK (MLU test aircraft)
I name my aircraft as stated above. You need to go to the decal.ini and change the name to fit your own aircraft, otherwise the skin decals will not show up.
I tried to add the F16-005.bmp but I think the aircraft .LOD does not read it so I deleted it. The F-16A/B_Blk15 is still the old one. The new aircraft when MF decided to upload will read the F16-005, but only in .DDS file format.
Additional Credits:
Migbuster for his great viper templates.
If I missed anyone it is not intentional and you will be credited :)
06 September, 2011
F-16 Netz “Desert Viper”
By steelflanker
F-16 Netz “Desert Viper”
Requires: SF2 Israel!!
A fictional 2 tone Desert skin for the Third Wire F-16.
I’ve based it on the original Israeli camouflage scheme & have unofficially assigned to
Israel’s 116 (Flying Wing Squadron)
However it could make a great mercenary skin or as a fun addition to those “Special Ops” for an air force & squadron of your own.
This is my first attempt at skinning the Netz & decided to keep it simple.
When time allows I’ll try something a little more authentic & perhaps a little different next time.
Notably, it may not be as good as those masterpieces that you are used to but
I hope you have fun with it anyway.
Enjoy :- )
Unzip & place in your Strike Fighters 2 “Mods” folder.
Third Wire:
- for the original artwork.
- For his fantastic F-16A templates that took 90% of the hard work out of creating this skin.
Thank you.
Israeli Vipers Pt.3: First Jet Squadron (1982)
By wilco
Israeli Vipers Pt.3: No. 117 First Jet Squadron (1982, Operation Peace for Galilee)
This skin pack is for Thirdwire's stock F-16A Netz and depicts all F-16A of No. 117 First Jet Squadron before and during the Lebanon war in 1982, most of them adorned with individual names.
Original skins - Thirdwire
Repaints - wilco
Decals and inis - wilco
Testing - Team Flying Dragon
Team Flying Dragon (alex70b, ekek, guyran, Stick, wilco)
Released under the CombatAce Fair-Use License.
If you have any problems or comments, contact us at CombatAce.
Israeli Vipers Pt.2: First Netz Squadrons (1980-1982)
By wilco
This skin pack is for Thirdwire's stock F-16A Netz and depicts the F-16A given to Israel under the Peace Marble I (FMS) program.
Included are all but one aircraft (299 was given to MANAT, the IAF Flight Test Center/No. 601 Squadron) that served in the three initial squadrons before the Lebanon war.
No. 110 Knights of the North Squadron - 1980-1982
No. 117 First Jet Squadron - 1980-1982
No. 253 The Negev Squadron - 1981-1982
Original skins - Thirdwire
Repaints - wilco
Decals and inis - wilco
Testing - guyran
Team Flying Dragon (alex70b, ekek, guyran, Stick, wilco)
Released under the CombatAce Fair-Use License.
If you have any problems or comments, contact us at CombatAce.
Israeli Vipers Pt.1: No. 144 Arava Guardians Squadron (1994)
By wilco
Israeli Vipers Pt.1: No. 144 Arava Guardians Squadron (1994)
This skin pack is for Thirdwire's stock F-16A Netz and depicts the F-16A given to Israel under the Peace Marble IV (FMS) program as a reward for its restraint during the Gulf War.
Most of these aircraft were ex-ANG/AFRes aircraft that retained their USAF air superiority grey color scheme in Israeli service. They joined 144 Squadron at Hatzor AB,
making 144 the biggest fighter squadron in the IDFAF at that time. While at 144 Squadron, they underwent a series of upgrades, bringing them to the standard of the Netz already in service,
including the adaption of the standard Netz paint scheme.
Original skins - Thirdwire (IDF camo) & MigBuster (USAF camo)
Repaints - wilco
Decals and inis - wilco
Testing - guyran, USAFMTL
Have fun!
Team Flying Dragon (alex70b, ekek, guyran, Stick, wilco)
Released under the CombatAce Fair-Use License.
If you have any problems or comments, contact us at CombatAce.
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