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8 files

  1. TSF Saab 105 (Sk 60) Flygvapnet Package

    Saab 105
    by AngelP & JonathanRL
    The Saab 105 is a Swedish high-wing, twinjet trainer aircraft developed in the early sixties as a private venture by Saab AB. The Swedish Air Force, which had opted procured the type for various roles, issued the aircraft with the designation Sk 60. The Sk 60 entered service in 1967, replacing the ageing De Havilland Vampire fleet.
    The Swedish Air Force bought a total of 150 aircraft and another 40 were exported to Austria, designated Saab 105Ö. The Saab 105 is also the aircraft used by Swedish Air Force display team Team 60 and was formerly used by two display teams of the Austrian Air Force, "Karo As" and "Silver Birds".
    This package contains two Flyable Aircraft.
    Sk 60B:
    Two-seat attack version for the Swedish Air Force, modified from Sk 60A with new weapons sight.
    Sk 60C:
    Two-seat ground attack/reconnaissance version for the Swedish Air Force with extended camera nose. One new-build prototype and 29 conversions from Sk 60A.
    Copy the package into your Mod Folder of your choice.
    Have fun.
    Modders Agreement is in effect.
    3D model & Skin by AngelP
    Cockpit by Stary
    Weapons by Ravenclaw_007
    Corrections, fact checking, adjustments and loadouts by JonathanRL


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  2. TSF Saab 18 Flygvapnet Package

    Saab 18
    by The Scandinavian Front & Friends.
    The SAAB 18 was a twin-engine bomber and reconnaissance aircraft, designed and built for use by the Swedish Air Force by Svenska Aeroplan AB (SAAB)
    in response to a 1938 design competition. Due to delays, it did not enter service until 1944, but quickly became the standard Swedish bomber aircraft.
    Serving in the bomber, reconnaissance and ground-attack roles, it also assisted in the development of ejection seats and air-to-surface guided
    missiles until its replacement by the Saab Lansen in the late 1950s.
    This package contains two Flyable Aircraft.
    Saab B 18B
    An upgraded version of the B 18A powered by the Daimler-Benz Engine. Saw most use during the post-war years. Armed with 1x 20mm BOFORS Cannon
    and a 13mm BOFORS Machinegun. The aircraft is equipped with a bomb sight.
    Saab T 18B
    Torpedo & Maritime Patrol Aircraft, first planned to carry a torpedo. As no suitable torpedo was found, the aircraft was redesigned as a ground attack
    aircraft with a 57mm BOFORS Cannon replacing the bomb bay alongside the Cannon and Machinegun as well as rockets and smaller bombs.
    The Aircraft is equipped with a bomb sight.
    Install it into the Mod Folder of you choice. Have fun!
    3D model by the Most Creative and Glorious Veltro2k
    Skins by the Great Hunter Paulopanz
    Cockpit by the most revered and envy of All of Poland Stary
    Fact checking, loadouts, ini edits & other random stuff by JonathanRL


       (2 reviews)



  3. SAAB 21 package

    SAAB 21

    The SAAB 21 was a Swedish fighter/attack aircraft from SAAB that first took to the air in 1943. It was described as a very efficient
    weapons platform. It was designed as a twin boom pusher configuration, where the propeller is mounted in the rear of the fuselage,
    pushing the aircraft forward.
    Sweden wished to ensure its continued neutrality through a policy of armed strength during World War II but were effectively
    denied access to foreign weapons. The original design studies began in 1939, based around the use of a "buried" Bristol
    Taurus engine. The project remained dormant until 1941. In response to the need for air defence, and faced with the prospect
    of imported designs being unavailable due to the war, Sweden undertook an indigenous rearmament programme including an
    advanced fighter. The low-wing monoplane Saab 21 fighter was ultimately designed around a license-produced version of the
    Daimler-Benz DB 605B engine, featured innovations such as tricycle landing gear, heavy forward-firing armament, ejector seat,
    and a twin-boom pusher layout that later allowed the type to be modified with a turbojet engine.
    The advantages of a pusher design, are that the view forward is unobstructed and armament can be concentrated in the nose,
    while a major drawback is difficulty in escaping from the aircraft in an emergency, as the pilot could get drawn into the propeller
    blades. SAAB deliberated between systems that would eject the pilot, or jettison the propeller or the engine, (via a system of
    explosive bolts). and eventually installed an early ejector seat developed by Bofors for the purpose and tested in 1943.
    In 1947, the aircraft was extensively redesigned with over 50% airframe, tailplane and wing changes and fitted with a de Havilland
    Goblin turbojet, acquiring the new designation Saab J 21R.




    There're 5 aircraft included in this pack,three propeller and two jet version,none of them have cockpit,to fly these planes
    you need Stary's 3d cockpit which from here
    download it first!
    these coordinate of the cocpit are Recommend and please edit by your self.
    Position=0.0,0.52,0.581 <---
    and the template are also included which you guys easily can make your own skin.




    special thanks





    hope you like this mod,enjoy your flight.


       (11 reviews)



  4. Tunnan Festival

    J-29A, A-29B, J-29E, J-29F, S-29C
    Quite a 'Tunnanpedia'.
    Here You will find all Tunnans versions in one pack.
    A plenty of silver, green, camo, austrian & UN skins.
    You will need (as for my Vampire 50, Viggens and all other incoming Swedish mods) last squadron.ini to work.
    A sample UN mission 'Kamina Dawn' is also included.
    Spillone104 helped me in data.ini tweak and as usual
    added proper sound (thank You my friend).
    The model we have made by Phlerp is an 'F' with sawtoothwing, IRM rails, and afterburner
    The 'E' was easy to make: same plane without rails and burner.
    For the 'C' that had the new wing of 'E' & 'F' as an upgrade, all the guns and pylons except the tank ones were removed.
    For 'A' and 'B' we changed the wing as much we can. We cannot full remove the sawtooth.
    [i mailed Phlerp to finish the work making these types as stated in original readme.]
    Waiting for him (I hope I will answer one of these days) we can use them in great Operation Isbjörn and enjoy.
    Thank You all for Your interest in those little, great barrels (i.e. barilotti, vero Alex?)


       (5 reviews)



  5. SAAB J29F Tunnan for SF2

    SAAB J29F Tunnan for SF2
    = For SF2, Full-4 Merged, and/or SF2E
    *Important Note:
    The main reason for SF2 and/or SF2E, is this aircraft now uses the stock Hunter FGA.9 cockpit. Should be available in all versions, excepting stand-alone SF2V (and even then, possibly when merged, even using the SF2V exe?). In other words ... any SF2 install that has access to the Hunter 9's cockpit parts.
    This is an upgrade/mod of the SAAB J29F Tunnan, as released by Phlerp & Co in either 2004 or 2006 (the lod is dated 2004, and the original readme in dated 2006. Go Figure!)
    Several small tweeks to the various inis have been done; the cockpit switched to the stock Hunter 9, all skins and decals are setup SF2 style, and all weapons for this aircraft are included. I couldn't positiviely ID the canopy node, so that is NOT working. The weapons are taken from the GunnyPak, so if you have them installed, just allow the overwrite. There are also landing lights.<grin> The destroyed model uses a stock 3rdWire one available in ALL versions, so won't be any issue there (Fresco).
    The damage textures have been converted to dds format; however the original tgas ARE included. A new SF2-style hangar screen in included. Avionics mods adds a radar-ranging gunsight (weither this is historically accurate??? don't know!). A new Userlist ini is included; with luck I got the years right (or close enough)
    As always, READ the enclosed readme for full, highly detailed, step-by-step install instructions. This package is set up for a 'drag and drop' style of installation -- everything has been divided into the proper folder format that SF2 needs/wants/requires. Of course, the usual "Notes" section for other stuff.
    Happy Landings!
    kevin stein


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  6. Saab A/J/S 32 Lansen super package

    Lansen Package
    by Paulopanz, JonathanRL and Timmy
    The Saab 32 Lansen (meaning the Lance) was a two-seat, high transsonic attack aircraft produced by SAAB from 1955 to 1960 for the Swedish Air Force (Flygvapnet). During its long operational life, the Saab 32 also served as a fighter, reconnaissance, electronic warfare and a target-tug aircraft.
    Package contains:
    A 32A (Early) - Attack Version
    A 32A (Late) - Attack Version
    J 32B - All-Weather Fighter Version
    J 32E - ECM / Jammer Version
    S 32C - Recon Version
    3D Model by Timmy
    Skins by Paulopanz
    Test skin by Spillone104
    RB-24 by Ravenclaw007
    Jaktraketkapsel M/57 by Cocas
    Lansen (66)/ J-32E Editions by JonathanRL
    Fact checking by JonathanRL


       (2 reviews)



  7. Lansen Package

    Most of the work on this bird was done by NeverEnought and Timmy; Big thanks to them.
    Avionics & Damage models optimisation by Wrench. Thanks a bunch for that!
    Original Readmes included.
    A32A 3D model by Timmy.
    Cammo Skin and Metal silver Skins by Timmy.
    Dark Green Skin & national decals by Knug.
    FM work by Lexx.
    Euro001 Pilot by Diego.
    Martin Baker Mk GW5 Ejection Seat by Ravenclaw_007.
    Swedish RB Missile Set by Ravenclaw_007.
    SF2 updates by NeverEnough.
    M123 Photoflash Bomb from Bunyaps Weapons package - thanks to whoever made it.
    Avionics Upgrade by Wrench.
    All I did was to seperate it all into the three service versions, as
    per the sources of the book "Lansen" by Sven Stridsberg.
    Versions included in this package:
    Swedish Air Force:
    A-32A Lansen (F17 Blekinge)
    J-32B Lansen (F1 Västmanlands Flygflottilj)
    S-32C Lansen (F11 Södermanlands Flygflottilj)
    Attack version, fitted with bombs for ground targets and the Robot 04 for Ships. The basis for "CIC Club", the first strike that would annihilate Soviet Ships on the Baltic. Carrying a Thirdwire substitute for Bofors AKAN 20mm Guns. Standard Military Green skin.
    All Weather Figther, however most used as a Night Figther and thus, this is as well.
    Its set to Night Only, so be mindful of this if you use it with the Campaign Editor.
    Carrying 4x 30mm Aden guns. Silver Skin.
    Recon Version, carrying photoflash bombs. Added mostly for novelty value. Aside from that,
    you are left to your own speed and devices to evade the enemy. Experimental Low-Alt Skin.


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  8. J32B Lansen Interceptor For SF2

    J32B Lansen Interceptor For SF2
    BETA based on A32A model by Timmy.
    Good A32/J32 resources here...
    Canit, deep stuff on all SAABs ~> http://www.canit.se/%7Egriffon/aviation/
    Vectorsite SAABs ~> http://www.vectorsite.net/avsaab.html
    A32A 3D model by Timmy.
    Cammo Skin and Metal silver Skins by Timmy.
    Dark Green Skin & national decals by Knug.
    FM work by Lexx.
    Euro001 Pilot by Diego.
    Martin Baker Mk GW5 Ejection Seat by Ravenclaw_007.
    Swedish RB Missile Set by Ravenclaw_007.
    SF2 updates by NeverEnough.
    Uses the Thirdwire SF2 F-105D cockpit and avionics. Every effort has been made remove as much of the Beta aspect as possible. The weapon positions on the pylons have been adjusted, the weapon stations have been tweaked to avoid model overlaps, and the weapon loadout has been tested to insure every plane in the flight is loaded for bear.
    The lighting positions and wheel rolling radius have been corrected. FlapSettingForLanding and FlapSettingForTakeOff was added to the FlightControl section of the Data.ini, which helps the AI absolutely grease their take offs and landings!
    TIMMY made a very nice model and Lexx assembled a data.ini which flys stable and sporty. The plane looks good, and fights just as well. There is no need to fear the MiG-17F.
    TIMMY SAYS: Model and Template are available for those wanting to work with them.
    Simply extract the contents of the J-32B Lansen folder into your Mods\StrikeFighters2 folder.
    Default Loadout:
    4 30mm Aden Cannons
    4 Rb24 Swedish Sidewinders
    Basic setup for 12 Swedish 18cm-m49 air-ground rockets but this is just an example use of Timmy's great pylons. Timmy made this as an A32 so we
    have 12 pylons here if they are used (invisible if not).
    Conformal nonjettisonable belly tank.
    Avionics is SF2 F-105D but basic radar performance (not display) tweaked towards J32B levels.
    RWR is audio only.


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