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    1. Northrop T-38A Talon (ThunderBirds) for Gen 1 ThirdWire Sims

      Readme for the ThunderBird T-38A for Gen 1 ThirdWire Sims.
      ********************************* Version 1.0 Original Release ********************************
      Version 1.0
      Thanks to the following folks:
      TK - For the ThirdWire series of sims.
      PappyChkSix - For the original skins, which unfortunately were lost when the model was remapped.
      The Mirage Factory - For allowing me to use the cockpit, effects, damage textures and sounds from the F-5A. FM based off of Mirage Factory F-5A.
      331KillerBee - For the skins and hanger/loadout/loading screens. And the tweaks to make the seperate ThunderBird version.
      Lexx_Luthor - For the Airshow Smoke effect for the Thunderbird T-38A (borrowed from his missile exhaust effects).
      USAFMTL - For beta testing and advice.
      To my fellow Combatace moderators - For helping me beta test and work out bugs.
      Any errors or mistakes are entirely mine.
      What you will need first:
      Strike Fighters Project 1/Strike Fighters Gold/Wings Over Vietnam/Europe/Israel. This is not for Generation 2 versions of ThirdWire sims.
      What is in this archive:
      1. This readme (duh!)
      2. Effects, Objects, Sounds folder.
      1. Read and understand this entire readme FIRST!
      2. Copy the Effects, Objects and Sounds folders to your SFP1/SFG/WOx directory. Allow directory merging and overwrites (anything overwritten either belongs to me or is the exact same as the Mirage Factory F-5 effects and sounds).
      3. That's it! You should see the aircraft in your selection screen.
      Aircraft Information:
      From Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/T-38_Talon
      The Northrop T-38 Talon is an American supersonic jet trainer. It was the world's first supersonic trainer and to date, is also the most produced. It remains in service as of 2009 in air forces throughout the world including the United States Air Force (USAF), which remains its largest user.
      In the 1950s Northrop began studying lightweight and more affordable fighter designs. The company began with its single-engine N-102 "Fang" concept. The N-102 was facing weight and cost growth, so the project was canceled and the the company N-156 project was began.
      Although the United States Air Force had no need for a small fighter at the time, it became interested in the trainer (N-156T) as a replacement for the T-33 Shooting Star it was then using in this role. The first of three prototypes (designated YT-38) flew on 10 March 1959. The type was quickly adopted and the first production examples were delivered in 1961, officially entering service on 17 March that year, complementing the T-37 primary jet trainer. When production ended in 1972, 1,187 T-38s had been built. Since its introduction, it is estimated that some 50,000 military pilots have trained on this aircraft. The USAF remains one of the few armed flying forces using dedicated supersonic final trainers, as most, such as the US Navy, use high subsonic trainers.
      The T-38 is of conventional configuration, with a small, low, long-chord wing, a single vertical stabilizer, and tricycle undercarriage. The aircraft seats a student pilot and instructor in tandem, and has intakes for its two turbojet engines at the wing roots. Its nimble performance has earned it the nickname "White Rocket". In 1962, T-38s set four time to climb records.
      In addition to USAF pilots, T-38s are also used by NASA astronauts, the U.S. Naval Test Pilot School (other T-38s were previously used as USN aggressor aircraft), other NATO pilots under a joint training program, and some under civilian ownership.
      Notes and Limitations:
      External nozzles don't work...not sure why. Investigation continues.
      ThunderBird Version skins included...resized to 1024x1024 for faster multiplayer.
      Afterburner nodes and travel pod commented out in data.ini for ease of installation.
      This uses the 'Open Cockpit' method to place the cockpit model 'inside' the external model. This also allows the ability to add flight controls to the cockpit, which originally didn't have them modeled. Downsides are the that during inclement weather, it will appear 'foggy' inside the cockpit.
      Capable of being flown from either seat through editing of the T-38Atb.ini file. Simply uncomment the lines that have the seat you want to fly in, and comment out the lines with the seats you don't want to fly in. The default is the front seat. In the ThunderBird version, if you fly in the front seat, there will not be a rear seater (as in airshows, the aircraft was typically flown that way).
      The FM is reasonably 'close' to the real thing...but defaults to being 'fun' vs being 'perfect numbers'. As a pilot with 3000+ hours in the aircraft, it gives a reasonable impression on how the aircraft actually flies...but don't expect to hit all the 'numbers' perfectly.
      This is FREEWARE only, NO money is allowed to be made on the contents of these files, in whole or in part. Released IAW the freeware accords at CombatAce.
      Feel free to redistribute, as long as the original authors are given appropriate credit.
      Questions? Contact me at Combatace.
      2 Jul 09


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    2. Twin Otter

      DHC 6 Twin Otter, Argentina Air Force. Created by Syd Adams. Modified and adapted by Tracker.
      Role: STOL Utility transport. Link between Argentinean mainland and antartic bases.
      Combat record:
      During the Malvinas War, the Twin Otter T-82 relized two flights to the islands, in order to evacuate wounded and the remains of the decesed A-4B (C-206) pilot Lieutenant Nívoli, shot down during the attack to frigates Glasgow and Brilliant on 12 May. In the first flight it was impossible to load the body of the pilot, task completed during the second flight. After the conflict, in one of the nose sides of the T-82, could be seen a read that sayd:
      "28-29 May 1982 Borbón Island. Recovery to the continent of ejected tripulants an wounded in combat".
      Source: http://www.aeroespac.../524/castor.htm
      Model distributed under GNU license. Original author (Mr. Syd Adams, From Flight Gear community) kindly allowed me to share this modded version of his work.
       - ESPAÑOL:
      DHC 6 Twin Otter, Fuerza Aérea Argentina. Creado por Syd Adams. Modificado y adaptado por Tracker.
      Rol: Transporte utilitario STOL. Enlace ente el continente y las bases antárticas.
      Historia de combate:
      Durante el desarrollo de la Guerra por las Malvinas, se realizaron con el T-82 dos cruces a las Islas, con la finalidad de evacuar hacia el continente los heridos y el cuerpo sin vida del Ten. Nívoli, piloto del A-4B (C-206) derribado durante el ataque a las fragatas Glasgow y Brillant el 12 de mayo. En el primer cruce no fue posible embarcar el cuerpo del piloto, hecho que se logró recién en el segundo intento. Tiempo después de la culminación del conflicto, sobre uno de los laterales del morro del T-82 se podía ver una leyenda que rezaba:
      "28-29 de Mayo de 1982 Isla Borbón Recuperación al continente de tripulantes eyectados y heridos en combate".
      Fuente: http://www.aeroespac.../524/castor.htm
      Este modelo es distribuido bajo licencia GNU. El autor original (Señor Syd Adams, de la comunidad Flight Gear) amablemente me permitió compartir esta versión modificada de su trabajo.
      This model is provided under GNU license. Original author (Mr. Syd Adams, From Flight Gear community) kindly allowed me to share this modded version of his work.


         (5 reviews)



    3. PAF F-7P v1.9

      PAF F-7P Skybolt v1.9
      A. Installation :
      1. Drop the 'F-7P Skybolt' folder into your Strike Fighters/Objects/Aircraft, or your
      Wings Over Vietnam/Objects/Aircraft folder.
      2. Open the 'Add To Sounds' folder and copy the four .wav files to either your
      Strike Fighters/Sounds, or your Wings Over Vietnam/Sounds folder.
      3. Your copy of Strike Fighters should be patched to SP3.1 standard. Your copy of
      Wings Over Vietnam should be patched to Patch 2 standard.
      4. You should also have the latest Weapons Pack ( w/Updates ) installed. Weapons
      Packs are availible at http://www.combatace.com/
      B. Notes :
      1. The Pakistanis purchased the Chengdu F-7M beginning in 1988 in order to replace their
      aging F-86F-35 & F-6 fighters. Designated F-7P in PAF service, this fighter is capable of
      carrying two PL-5, AIM-9P, AIM-9L, or Matra R-552 Magic II IRM missiles. It uses a modified
      version of the BAE Type 226 Sky Ranger Radar and a limited Sky Ranger ECCM suite ( Flares &
      a noise jammer ). Pakistani F-7Ps also have Martin-Baker ejection seats, and Western radio
      equipment. This fighter has a limited ground attack capability. PAF practice is to assign
      junior pilots to F-7P units while reserving the Mirage & F-16 units for their more experienced
      & promising pilots. PAF F-7Ps are currently being upgraded to F-7MP standard to extend their
      useful service life.
      C. Issues :
      1. The F-7P uses the stock SFP1/WOV MiG-21F model. As such, the canopy has not been animated as the
      MiG canopy hinges forward while the Chendu canopy slides to the rear. The MiG-21F model also has
      only two wing pylons while the F-7P has four. The outer wing ordinance stations are adjusted to ride
      snug to the wing underside for this reason. F-7Ps also have the BAE (GEC/Marconi Type 926 HUDWAC), no
      F-7 cockpit currently exists, so a stock A-4 pit is used. The Type 226 Sky Ranger data is fed into the
      HUDWAC. The avionics.ini is set up for normal HUD settings in game to enable you to see the Lock-On diamond.
      There is no search function on the Sky Ranger radar, it's ranging only.
      D. Credits :
      1. All glory goes to Gramps for first modding the MiG-21F into it's Chinese cousin. Gramps has graciously allowed
      me to carry the ball forward. The Hangarscreen is by Gramps. As is the decal.ini.
      2. Ghostrider883, geg etendard, and madcaddie for Research into the Warbirds of the Sub-Continant.
      3. Fubar512 for his excellent MiG RWR sounds and his revised MiG FMs.
      4. Any mistakes are solely mine.
      Bob 'howling1' Hauser
      *** Note to Manetsim : JPEG included ***


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    4. F-104A Pakistan Air Force

      All the F104 are well modeled but road to perfaction is always under construction


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    5. Republic F-84B/C Thunderjet

      Republic F-84B/C Thunderjet For SF/WoV/WoE and probably WoI
      This little mod is a tweek to RussoUK's F-84E, with a new lod with the bubble-top non-reinforced canopy. It represents aircraft from the 59st FS, circa 1948.
      Russo made the new lod for me several years ago, and this has been languishing on my HD for some time; I figured NOW would be a good time to finish it off and release to all you good folks!
      The new skin, with redrawn panel lines (but no rivets - this was done before I learned how, and wasn't going back to add them!), Serial numbers are accurate, for B and C models. Squadron marking, the yellow color bands, are as close as I could match the few color photos I could find.
      The auto-speed canopy has been disabled, as this no longer works in WoI (and by inference, when the SF/WoV/WoE patch arrives), but I somehow managed to fool the game engine by assigning it to the arrestor hook; so, the canopy will open when you hit the "H" key.
      A new WoE-style hangar screen, and a new loading screen are also provided.
      The loadouts are designed to work with the Bunyap Weapons Pak of 6/06, but can be used with the Mirage Facrtory Pak. I've suppllied the necessary lods, bmps, inis and instructions for adding the older, WW2 style weapons to the TMF Pak. Also, for both, there is an edited version of Zur's F-86 drop tank, for use with this aircraft. So, get your Weapons Editors warmed up. For whichever version you wish to use, you'll still need to add the fuel tank (see Notes below)
      It should be noted this is 1of 2 Thunderjet mods I'm releasing; an Historic version, this one, and a "What If..." for WW2: 1946. They are designed to be mutualy exclusive, and are available as seperate aircraft downloads. This Historic version would be a perfect addition to a 'Cold War Gone Hot: 1948' scenario. As is the other for a hypothetical WW2 that runs into 1947, or later.
      As usual, PLEASE read the enclosed readmes; it'll make your life just that much easier. Etc, and so forth; blah, blah, blah, and so on!
      Happy Hunting!
      Kevin Stein


         (5 reviews)



    6. Mig-15 Package

      MIG-15 Mod Pack by USAFMTL
      All I did was give each country their own Mig-15.
      There is a N Korea, 2 Egypt, China, 2 E German, 2 Polish MIg-15 Bis and UTI's.
      Models and FM by Pasko and Column5. Attempted to contact Pasko with no joy. Talked to Column5 instead.
      ini tweak by moonjumper
      Skins by wpnssgt, volks, whiteknight. Hope I didnt miss anyone.
      Just install to your objects/aircraft folder and that is it.


         (8 reviews)



    7. B-52 Stratofortress Mega Pack

      B-52 Stratofortress Package by Dels via Wpnssgt.
      Skins by Pappy and X Ray
      Loadouts by MJ and JSF_Aggie
      Decals, testing, etc by Dave (USAFMTL)
      Sounds by Spillone.
      Package contains:
      Early B-52G/H
      Late B-52G/H
      A Phase V, B-52H will come later.
      Units included
      319th BW
      17th BW
      379th BW
      456th SAW
      72nd BW
      410th BW
      To install:
      Planes go in your Aircraft folder.
      Sounds go in your Sounds folder.
      This is currently an AI only plane, I will say it again, this is currently an AI only plane as we didn't have a finished enough pit to include it. Having said that, you all know in Knowledge Base it tells you how to make AI planes flyable. If you go to the forum and say you can't fly it because you didn't read this readme. I will clown you hard and may not even be nice.
      That link above will tell you how to make AI planes flyable.
      Knowing you all will make it flyable, here are the known issues:
      There are so many loadout combination that we went basic but we did our best to get many things to work. Your milage may very.
      We did our best. Enjoy.
      Dave USAFMTL.


         (3 reviews)



    8. Aeritalia G.91Y SFP1 Edition

      The G 91Y was a tactical fighter-bomber and reconnaissance aircraft capable of carrying out direct support, close interdiction, photographic reconnaissance and air combat missions.
      This aircraft is for SFP1, WOV, WOE, WOI at Oct08 patch standard.
      1) Unzip the file G91Y.rar
      2) Copy Object and Sounds folders into your game directory (for example: C:\Program Files\ThirdWire\Strike Fighters\...).
      And use the weapon editor to install the drop tank
      For people with 4/3 monitors : remember to change the entries into G91Y.ini for Loading / HangarScreen.
      Animation 1: canopy open
      In order to open the drag-chute land with the airbrakes open.
      As the real one this model can reach speed over the airframe limit , be careful with the afterburner.
      README file includedCredits:
      kreelin for the great FM; thaks a lot Andriam
      Spillone104 for the jet sound, photos and suggestions during beta testing and SFP1 conversion
      Steve S for the invaluable infos about the cockpit , grazie Stefano
      bobrock, Soulfreak, Dave, Canadair, 76.IAP-Blackbird, Veltro2k and Nghengo as beta testers
      myself ... 3D, skins, pit, blood and tears.
      Thank you very much guys
      Every part of this mod can be used into others mods only if the final product is free of charge for the community and proper credits are listed into the product itself.
      Enrico "erikgen" Gennari


         (3 reviews)



    9. MiG-23MLD Ukraine

      MiG-23MLD Ukraine Readme
      MiG-23MLD (factory code 23-18)
      Model based on MiG-23M model by TMF, sound by Spiloone 104
      This plane required MiG-23/27 Weapons Pack. Please install it first.
      http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=9693 - part1
      http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=10041 - part2
      To Install:
      - unpack Archive in temporary folder
      - copy MiG-23MLD_Ukr folder to Aicraft folder.
      - copy Sounds to sound folder
      Plane specifications:
      - Max G: 8.5
      - Radar: N008 Ametist (also known like RP-23MLA-2)
      - ASP-17 gunsight
      - MiG-23MLD can use R-24,R-13M,R-3S,R-60,Kh-23,R-13M1 missiles, R-73 allowed, but required APU-72 Rail.
      - Max Loadout 2000Kg
      - R-35-300 Engine
      - TP-26 Heat seeker
      - new RWR & ECM
      - BVP-50-60 CM
      "MLD" update program, also known like "bulletin 1000" modernisation has been begun june 1982 and completed in 1985, 566 MiG-23MLA planes have been modernised
      , SN 0390310389-0390323765 (except 0390310485,486,556,560,561) and 0390324647-0390324949
      Ukraine has received ~90 MiG-23MLD after VVS USSR diverse. In 2007 Ukranian AF were armed with 74 MLD planes, officially reported, include 35-40 planes on active service in 894-th IAP.
      Accordind to some reports, they remained active in 2007-2009.
      7 historical correct SN & plane numbers included in pack.


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    10. Mirage 50 Pantera FACH By Banidos Team

      Deltas over South América Part 3 by Banidos Team
      Mirage 50 Pantera for WoI by BANIDOS Team
      This is the upgraded Mirage 50 Pantera from Chilean Air Force.
      This model is based on the excellent Nesher's Wings over Israel
      Thanks to TK for this spectacular simulator!!!!!
      .ini´s modifications: TORNO
      Skins: TORNO
      Loading Screen: TORNO
      Hangar Screen: TORNO
      Afterburner Effect: TORNO
      3D Addons: ALEJANDRO
      Note; All 3D aggregates were re facts and details have been added;
      Nose, refueling probe, radar warning, placement of the countermeasures, antennas,
      some air intakes, canards, etc..
      Note; This model is only for Wings over Israel!!!!!!
      Enjoy it, good hunting!!!!!!
      Deltas sobre Sudamérica Parte 3 de Banidos Team
      Mirage 50 Pantera para WoI de BANIDOS Team
      Este es el mejorado Mirage 50 Pantera de la Fuerza Aérea Chilena
      Este modelo está basado en el exelente Nesher del Wings over Israel
      Gracias a TK por este espectacular simulador!!!!!
      Modificaciones de los .ini: TORNO
      Texturas: TORNO
      Pantalla de carga: TORNO
      Pantalla de hangar: TORNO
      Efecto Afterburner: TORNO
      Agregados en 3D: ALEJANDRO
      Nota; Todos los agregados en 3D han sido re hechos y se han agregado mas detalles;
      Nariz, sonda de repostaje, alertas radar, alojamiento de la contramedidas, antenas,
      algúnas tomas de aire, canards, etc.
      NOTA: Este modelo es solo para el Wings over Israel!!!!!!!!!
      Que lo disfruten, buena caza!!!!!!


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    11. U-2A Addon for Strike Fighters

      The most famous spy-plane of the Cold War era was a product of the Lockheed Skunk Works. The U-2 was designed to fly at altitudes that put it beyond the reach of interceptors. The advent of surface-to-air missiles brought U-2 over flights of the Soviet Union to halt in 1960 after an aircraft flown by Gary Powers was downed by an SA-2.


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    12. F-4E Phantom II, Hellenic Air Force

      F-4E Phantom II, Hellenic Air Force Mod
      A Stand-Alone aircraft for SF/WoV/WoE/WoI
      This package will create a complete, 'nation specific' aircraft; the F-4E Phantom II as used by the Hellenic Air Force. This is a stock, standard or garden variety Rhino, and NOT the AUP version currently flying with the HAF (see Notes below for my begging!)
      This is a completion of a pack started by Sundowner, and he supplied me with the Hi-Rez Agean Blue skin, and a bunch of inis, along with the Agean Blue camo 370 gallon drop tanks -- you WILL be adding these, so get your Weapons Editor warmed up!!
      The other skin, also by Sundowner, is the USAF SEA 3-tone; this is the paint scheme used as first delivered. It is set as the 2nd skin in the list, even though historically it should be first.
      -- NOTE: these are HI-REZ skins; 2048x2048. For those with older, slower machines or those with smaller vid cards, you might want to resize the skin bmps down one step to 1024x1024. You =WILL= loose some detail, but it's a trade off you sometimes must make. --
      All I've basically done, is some ini tweeks for loadouts and some extreamly small changes. I also remade the serial number decals, as I couldn't exactly match Ant's font, extending the numbers out to a total of 24. They ARE correct serials as issued to these Phantoms, but I cannot claim 100% historical accuracy as to which squadron had which number set. Also, out of sheer laziness, both skin sets use the same decals - why waste good decals? That's my motto!!! :)
      A new Hangar screen is included, based of Ant's original; this one's for SF/WoV/WoE. There's also a WoI style one, called "woi_F4E_HAF_Hangar.bmp". So, you can choose, depending on your game, which to use.
      It is set up to use either of the weapons paks; the Bunyap Pak or Mirage Factory, or even NONE at all!!! As it is a complete aircraft, it should also be usable in WoI, I've tested it in ALL iterations of the game, it works just fine. In fact, I like the newer 'jetengine' sound in WoI better than the SF/WoV/WoE version!!
      I'd like to thank Sundowner for trusting me to complete and release this package. Ant gets 98.6% of the credit; the remainder is mine! After all, he DID all the hard work with the skin; and I gotta tell ya, the detailing on it is superb; as we've come to expect.
      PLEASE read the enclosed readme for more, detailed instructions. Of course, there's the usual noise in the Notes section.
      kevin stein


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    13. Soko G2 Galeb

      A bit of history:
      Yugoslavia's Aeronautical Technical Institute began design work on an airplane, named Galeb, in 1957. The first flight of the prototype was performed on 31 July 1961. Soon, after a full-size wooden mock-up, the second prototype Galeb 2 was built The Air Force needed a trainer with secondary combat ability that could operate from unprepared runways. Not familiar with such requirements, the designers provided for landing gear strong enough to make the aircraft suitable for landing on aircraft carriers.
      Production began in 1964, making it the first indigenous jet to enter mass production in Yugoslavia. The first production series G-2A was entered in the aircraft register of the Yugoslav Air Force on 30 July 1965, and the last one on 6 January 1981. Production of updated aircraft for export to Libya was extended until mid-1983. Soko produced a total of 248 Galeb aircraft, 132 of which were used by the Yugoslav Air Force. In the first Congo war, a total of three J-21 Jastrebs and one G2Galeb were delivered to the government, flown and mantained by yugoslav mercenaries.In early 90’s during the Yugoslav war, many airframes of dismissed Galebs were put in flight condition and used together with the single seater variant Jastreb as ground attackers from all sides.
      Installation instructions:
      Put the files in the respective folders.
      There are some .INI files to be edited because not everyone have it in the same condition. For exhample: there are guns and a couple of weapons to be added to their respective WEAPONDATA.INI and GUNDATA.INI and then run the editors.
      Plus extract or modify the SOUNDLIST.INI in Flight folder in order to have the JATO sound.
      Flight Instructions:
      This model have a simulated JATO rocket effect to help in take-offs especially when eavy loaded. To activate the JATO use the controls used for vector thrust. (down to activate - up to deactivate) This system works on the principle of the gun recoil so the "propellent" will empty when ammo finish. The rockets work for 14 seconds. Is recomended to not fire the JATO until 150 Km/h.
      When the rockets shuts down you could jettison the spent bottles by Ctrl-D as droptanks.
      For the model we use the wonderful cockpit for F-80 shooting star, made by76.IAP-Blackbird
      Erikgen for the pilots
      Aleks and Nghengo for 3d model and texture
      Spillone 104 for test flights, JATO mod (bottles and effects), loadouts & sounds
      Homer for the serial numbers set taken from his F-84G JRV skin pack
      This model is freeware, and so it must remain!!! have a nice flight


         (8 reviews)



    14. F-101A/C Voodoo V1.1

      F-101A/C by Erikgen and team. Please read the read me.
      Column5 for the FM
      Spillone104 for the J57 sound
      NGHENGO, bobrock, Canadair, triplethr3at as test team
      Dave and Jimmybib for decals and skins and various support
      Again a special thanks to Dave who strongly wanted this airplane to which initially I was not so interested.
      I hope I did forget noone.
      Thank you very much guys.
      (Thank you by Dave)
      I can't thank Enrico enough for doing this for me. You forever have my gratitude and my thanks. Thanks to Jimmybib for helping me sort the skins and thanks to C5 for coming through once again on the FM.
      F-101A/C Ver 1.1
      - FM modifications from Column5
      - .ini update in order to use new fuel tanks from mppd
      - disabled nuke capability for F-101A (just add NUC if you want it back)
      - changed the fixed guns from 3 to 4 for the F-101A (in the directory "3_gun_version" the files to come back to 3 guns configuration)
      - added metal effects on skins.


         (15 reviews)



    15. J-35 Draken pack (A,B,BS,D,FS,J,OE,F.35)

      J-35 Draken pack (A,B,BS,D,FS,J,OE,F.35) final Beta (need pylons work for J-35j & F.35 & 135mm & 75mm RP models)
      Used items:
      Model: J35F Draken Addon v1.1 http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...mp;showfile=236
      Skins: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...amp;showcat=159 by Hoarmurath
      Reference link: http://w1.465.telia.com/~u46506466/English/Start.htm
      J-35 history (from internet)
      J 35A
      Fighter version, total production: 90. The J 35As were delivered between 1959-1961. The tail section was lengthened after the 66th aircraft to house a new afterburner for additional thrust. This forced the installation of a retractable tail-wheel. The two versions were nicknamed Adam kort (Adam short) and Adam lang (Adam long).
      J 35B
      Fighter version, built and delivered between 1962–1963, total production: 73. This variant had improved radar and gun sights, and was also fully integrated into the Swedish STRIL 60 system; a combat guidance and air surveillance system.
      J 35D
      Fighter version, delivered between 1963-1964, total production: 120. The aircraft had a new and more powerful Rolls-Royce Avon 300 (RM 6C), which could deliver 77.3 kN thrust when using its afterburner. This was also the fastest Draken version, and capable of accelerating until out of fuel. It was also the last Draken to carry two cannon.
      J 35F
      Fighter version, delivered between 1965 and 1972, total production: 230. This variant had improved electronics and avionics, e.g. integrated radar, aim and missile systems. The aircraft's main armament where IR and SARH versions of the Hughes Falcon missile originally intended for the J 35D , but one of the cannon was removed to give space for more avionics. The J 35F2 was a J 35F, produced with a Hughes Aircraft Company N71 infra red sensor, a so-called IR seeker. This was a change in the production line from the no 35501 airframe.
      J 35J
      In 1985 the Swedish government decided to modify 54 J 35F2's to J 35J standard. In 1987 12 more modifications where ordered. Between 1987 and 1991, the aircraft were given a longer lifespan, more modern electronics, a modernized cannon, an additional 2 sidewinder pylons under the air intakes and increased fuel capacity. The final operative J 35J flew for the last time in 1999.
      Saab 35BS
      Used J 35Bs sold to Finland.
      Saab 35FS
      Used J 35Fs sold to Finland.
      Saab 35OE
      In the mid 1980s, Saab purchased back 24 J 35D aircraft from the Swedish Air Force and converted them into the J 35O version (also called J 35OE in English literature). These were later exported to Austria.


         (3 reviews)



    16. IAI_MiG-21_2000

      MiG-21_2000 For WOI/WOE/SF1 tested in WOI.
      Made this IAI MiG-21 from Gepard's(Germany) MiG-21BISON.
      The cockpit is an WOI stock F-15A cockpit.
      To Install:
      1.Dump All folders in the inside the "Aircraft" folder in your WOI/WOE/SFP1...Object/Aircraft folder.
      2.The folder inside of "Weapons" goes into your WOI/WOE/SFP1...Object/Weapons folder
      3. Use the "Weponeditor" to add this Data.
      -Coopy or cut & paste.
      Add Weponsdata number in secvense for ex.[WeaponData100] next in line will be [WeaponData101] a.s.o
      FullName=MiG-21bis Backtank
      That's it!
      WFGR/Stefan Wiskstrom aka "Hynkel"
      Lulea,Sweden 2010-11-19


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    17. F-51D Mustang

      F-51D Mod by USAFMTL
      Original plane by Wolf257 and modded with his permission.
      Skins by USAFMTL
      Original Templates by Wolf257 and Sundowner.
      Just unzip and drop into your main aircraft directory.
      Drop the Merlin5 sound into your sound directory.


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    18. Mirage F-1CG

      This is the Hellenic Air Force Mirage F-1CG as it operated from 1975 until 2003.
      It is based in the Mirage Factory F1C
      Changes include:
      -Mirage F1 cockpit by Ordway (with some minor changes)
      -Engine Sounds by Spillone
      -Hangar Screen by KingAlbert
      -New weapondata: Mirage F-1CGs NEVER carried French Air to Air Missiles, or any type of guided air to ground weapons.In fact the only weapon that carried in all their career (apart from the DEFA cannons) was AIM-9 Missiles.The fact that no SARH missiles were ever carried was not to the ...good weather as it is often mentioned (Overcast during winter in the aegean is not that unusual) but due to the fact that THK uses aircraft that were/are in HAF too, like F-104s,F-4s and F-16s.Therefore in the frequent clashes over the Aegean visual indentification is required, for obvious reasons.
      -Loadouts are changed accordingly.AIM-9P in its various versions was the standard F-1CG weapon.Only Alu fuel tanks were used.F-1CGs were NEVER used for air-to-ground missions, however they retained some basic air-to-ground capability and it is retained here only for gameplay reasons.
      -Automatic Flaps: During the early '80s all F-1CGs were retrofitted with automatic flaps.As you are going to see yourselves this was a substantial improvement.
      I 've nothing special but to collect different parts to present a credible Mirage F-1CG.
      The credits should really go to:
      -Sony Tuckson
      Please notify me if someone else needs to be mentioned.


         (3 reviews)



    19. Su-17 Pack Part 2

      Su-17 Pack Part 2 Export planes
      At First.. fixed some bugs in first part:
      1) IRM Support removed for Su-17 & Su-17M.
      2) Add MER in BackFuselage Stations for Su-17M3 & M4
      3) Wrong word NUKE replaced to NUC in ___DATA.INI
      Just replace INI.
      And Now Part 2:
      Su-20A Export variant S-17M for WP members, IRM Support added (4 R-13)
      Su-20B Variant for other - no CGR, but GP supported on each 4 wing pylons, also used in CAP role
      Su-22  Export variant S-17M2 with MiG-23BN Engine, no ARM & LGB only, CGR, also used in CAP role
      Su-22M Export variant Su-17M3 with MiG-23BN Engine, KLEN-PS removed, no LGB, ARM Supported, also used in CAP role
      Su-22M3 Export variant Su-17M3 with MiG-23BN Engine, all avionics Su-17M3 Keeped, only WP plane
      NOTE: Su-22M4 is 100% analog Su-17M4, not included in pack in this reason.
      New weapons
      SPS-141 Export variant, used on Su-22M3 & M4
      RN-28 Soviet tactical nuclear bomb, mass and dimensions analog Mk-43, 30KT
      THis pack is ONLY INI modification mod, Original plane Is
      Su-17M Fitter-C for
      Strike Fighters : Project 1
      build 21-12-2003
      Models : David
      Textures : Sal
      Flight model : Column5
      P.S. i Hope they not kill me...


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    20. Su-17 Pack Part 1

      Su-17 Pack Part1 Soviet only planes (no export)
      Su-17 First Version AL-7F Engine, 4 wing pylons, 2 fuselage pylons ungiuded weapons
      Su-17M AL-21 Engine, CGR Added , 2 backside fuselage pylons added, external ECM pod SPS-141  
      Su-17M2 ARM Missiles (Kh-28 Only with "Metel'" Pod), centerline pylon added (ONLY FOR Kh-28), LGR Missiles (with external laser designator "Projector")
      Su-17M3 Version with internal laser designator KLEN-PS (KLEN-PM - for Mig's ), 2 additional pylons for IRM and 2IR (with APU-62). Fuselage pylons now supports Giuded weapons.
      Su-17M4 TV guided weapons, new KLEN-54 Laser Designator with LGB supports, centerline pylon removed
      New weapons:
      Projector - russian Pavespike analog
      Metel' - SAM Finder, need for Kh-28 (In Real for using Kh-58 and Kh-27 also need external POD "Vyuga", but i's mounted in special pylon and not occupe more place, in this reasons I not include this pod in pack) use AAQ-13.lod
      SPS-141 ECM POD (DECEPTIVE_JAMMER use alq-101.lod )
      if someone want create correct LOD's, contact my please, i have drawings of its weapons.


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    21. Su-7 pack update

      This update for Su-7 pack
      - Moment of inertia recalculated for all planes
      - ECM pod position fixed (for BM,BKL)
      - gun aim point fixed
      - non-used pylons remowed (Su-7,Su-7B)
      - Engine FC changed
      - added updated data.ini/loadout.ini for BMK, S-22
      NOTE: for use updated ini for BMK, S-22 please change cockpit to Boopidoos Su-7BM http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=6159
      s-22 http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=1342
      su-7BMK http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...mp;showfile=718


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    22. Su-17/22 Pack ver 2.0

      Su-17/22 pack ver 2.0
      Su-17, Su-17M, Su-17M2, Su-17M3, Su-17M4, Su-20A, Su-20B, Su-22, Su-22M, Su-22M3
      Su-17M Model & Skin by AmokFloo
      Su-17 Model & Skins by Dave
      Desert Skin: Su-20 Egyptian Air Force by Gepard
      Sound by Spillone104
      ECM pod's & PTB-800 Drop Tank links (download & copy to weapons, new ini (SPS-141-1I, SPS-14-1F,SPS-141-1F, SPS-141-1D,SPS141-MVG) contains in my pack):
      http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=6976 &
      Changes from 1.0
      - some bugs fixed
      - used new model for early planes (su-17,17M,17M2,22)
      - created Metel, L086, L066, Delta-NG2, Projector Pods
      - for Su-17M2 & Su-22 added NK-23 on nose
      - moments of Intertia recalculated
      - added Screens
      Metel Pod - special pod for Kh-28, used on Su-17M, M2, M3, 22M, 22M3, MiG-27M
      L086 V'yuga pod for Kh-27,58 - variant for Su-17M3, 22M3, 17M4
      L066 V'yuga pod for Kh-27,58 - variant for MiG-27K,D,M
      Delta-NG2 pod CGR control pod Used on Su-17M2, Su-17M3, Su-17M4, Su-22, Su-22M, Su-22M3, Su-22M4, MiG-23M (Late),MF, Mig-23ML,MLD
      SPS-141-1I Syren' pod - 5W ECM pod, 1F - 20W ECM pod, 1D- 100W ECM Pod, SPS-141MVG Gvozdika pod - new generation of Syren' family pod's
      Su-17 Hystory
      Su-17 First Version AL-7F Engine, 4 wing pylons, 2 fuselage pylons ungiuded weapons
      Su-17M AL-21 Engine, CGR Added , 2 backside fuselage pylons added, external ECM pod SPS-141 ARM Missiles (Kh-28 Only with "Metel'" Pod)
      Su-17M2 ARM Missiles (Kh-28 Only with "Metel'" Pod), centerline pylon added (ONLY FOR Kh-28), LGR Missiles (with external laser designator "Projector")
      Su-17M3 Version with internal laser designator KLEN-PS (KLEN-PM - for Mig's ), 2 additional pylons for IRM and 2IR (with APU-62). Fuselage pylons now supports Giuded weapons.
      Su-17/22M4 TV guided weapons, new KLEN-54 Laser Designator with LGB supports, centerline pylon removed
      Su-20A Export variant S-17M for WP members, IRM Support added (4 R-13)
      Su-20B Variant for other - no CGR, but GP supported on each 4 wing pylons, also used in CAP role
      Su-22 Export variant S-17M2 with MiG-23BN Engine, no ARM & LGB only, CGR, also used in CAP role
      Su-22M Export variant Su-17M3 with MiG-23BN Engine, KLEN-PS removed, no LGB, ARM Supported (only Kh-28), also used in CAP role
      Su-22M3 Export variant Su-17M3 with MiG-23BN Engine, all avionics Su-17M3 Keeped, only WP plane (Hundary)


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    23. Tu-4 Bull AWAC

      Tu-4 Bull AWAC for SF/WoV/WoE/WoI
      This is a modification of MontyCZ's Tu-4 into a reasonable facsimile of a long-range airborne radar equiped version. I say 'reasonable', as I've not seen any proof the Soviet Air Force -actually- had a version like this. Photo evidence, and other research, show the PLAAF had several, with turbo-prop engines, but they apparently didn't work out too well.
      This is a complete aircraft mod, ready to unzip and install. Everything is included. Even MontyCZ's original Tu-4 readme.
      Although designed as an "AI Only" aircraft, for testing purposes I had a cockpit installed; I've included this modificated version of the A-4B Skyhawk pit, converted to use Metric readouts. Using the 'Stargetic Moves Method' pioneered by Lexx_Luthor, you now have a flyable aircraft, although it would best be used as originally designed AI Only. PLEASE NOTE: it REALLY is designed with Post 9/08 & 10/08 Patchs in mind, as I've used the "OpenCockpit=TRUE" line to bring up the greenhouse framing. Unpatched users WILL experience visual anomolies; therefore, it's best left as AI only. Instructions to return it to such are in the "To Install" section below.
      For those wishing to fly it, a new WoE-style Hangar Screen is included.
      Other ini mods (many as seen in the CombatAce Knowledge Base Weapons Fixes Threads) puts NS-23 cannons in the tail ONLY, place the exhaust emitters correctly, remove the upper and lower guns and turrets, bomb bay and add the radar disc (as a pilot station). You will NOT be needing to use the Weapons Editor...how easy is this!!!???!!!
      Operational years are a "best guess", as I've not found any real data (as stated above) the Soviet Air Force ever really had this version of the Tu-4.
      As usual, PLEASE read the enclosed readme for relitively easy (for once!) to follow install instructions.
      Happy Landings!
      Kevin Stein


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    24. B-52F & B-52D "Big Belly" Version 2.0

      Included is:
      - An updated version of the B-52D "Big Belly"
      - the B-52F, the last of the "Tall Tail" BUFFs


         (6 reviews)



    25. B-52G Addon by Wpnssgt

      Very Early Cockpit included...So do not worry about how bad it looks. There are some very small bugs but I am actively working on. Report any strange problems! The more feedback I get the better the next version will be.
      Two schemes by Marcelo included... Silver & SEA.


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