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QF-100D Super Sabre Target Drone

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NAA QF-100D Super Sabre Target Drone

-For SF/SFG/WoV/WoE, and mabye SF2 Series Sims


A modification of the stock F-100D Super Sabre, into the Target Drone as used (up) by the USAF.


This is a semi complete mod, no aircraft lod is included as it uses the stock F-100D lods included in all games excepting WoI. If wanted for use in WoI, you'll need to extract the aircraft lods from any of the other sims, and drop them into the aircraft's main folder.

All other parts are included.


The cockpit has been extensivly modified by using the "moves" pioneered by ArmorDave, and greatly expanded upon by Lexx_Luthor. These moves remove the gunsight, armament panels and other items associated with weapons/weapons controls. The data ini has been edited to add the 08/SF2 advanced AI sections; but ALL weapons have been removed. This aircraft can carry NOTHING other than the drop tanks. Using the AI sections assures it will act in an 'aggressive' manner when confronting Blue Forces. The aircraft has been "nationalized" as Soviet, to doubly assure this. So, don't be surprised with seeing them parked on Red Force airfield ramps. The pilot figure has also been edited out, but the seat remains, which is correct, as these aircraft were STILL human flyable.


The skin supplied herein, whilst highly innaccurate, is based off the original natural metal. In reality, all QF-100s were left painted in their SEA camo, with the addition of hi-viz International Orange markings. I just couldn't quite figure out the exact placements for the Orange on the wings, so didn't bother with the camo skin (even on this skin it's not quite right). I welcome Skinners to create a historically correct one. The decals ini has been edited to only show the aircraft serial numbers; again this is innaccurate, but like the skin itself made for a quick and dirty mod.


It has been tested in an 08 patch level install of WoE. It should work just as well in SF2 'NextGens', but I've not tested that. Some adjustments may be necessary.


As always, unzip this to a temp folder somwhere, and you'll have access to the rest of the readme for it's instructions.


This mod is dedicated to Delta6Actual, who came up with the idea, but who's computer 'went west'.


Good Hunting!!



Kevin Stein

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