About This File
Well, I'm hoping this will be the last update for this aircraft; not much this time around, just that I found that the Case XX wing not only did not go into production in 1969, it's first flight was in May of 1957! It comprised the last 338 (or so) of the entire production run and was actualy the most important modification made to the aircraft after the introduction of the Area Rule in early production aircraft, enabling the F-102A to fly Mach 1 at 55,000 feet, a full 5000 feet higher than the earlier (Case X Wing) aircraft. The other change I made was to fold the (67) into the other Case X and XX Wing planes; it wasn't a different aircraft it just went to Nam.:) The big difference in installation is because of the consolidation of types; (from F-102A, F-102A (60), F-102A (67), F-102A (69) to F-102A, F-102A (CaseX), and F-102A (CaseXX), it is now necessary (because the ini. names don't match) to pull the aircraft Lod.s out of the Razbam folder and drop into this one (pretty much the same as you did for the missles in the previous updates).The Lod.s from the F-102A go in the F-102A folder, the Lod.s from the F-102A (60) go in the Case (X) Wing folder, and the Lod.s from the F-102A (69) go in the Case (XX) Wing folder. Don't forget Cockpit Lod.s for each. The Aircraft ini.s are setup to only use the main (Lod.1) Lod., however if you drop all three into each aircraft folder you can always change your mind at a later date. This also includes Paulopanzs' latest skin pack, adapted for the changes in folder names. Hope this works for everybody; any screw-ups are mine. I've managed to get a lot of animations in the cockpit working; lots of stuff happening when you engage a target. Good luck, good hunting those Commie swine, and I hope you enjoy it.