About This File
This is a complete pack containing exactly what it says on the tin.
Represented here are the Mirage 5, Mirage IIIE, Mirage 50 and a totally fictional French made version of the Kfir powered by the Rolls Royce Spey - something in there for everybody!!
********** IMPORTANT NOTE!!! **********
You'll need SF2, SF2:I and certain DLC releases in order to use this mod:
* For the Mirage 5DH - the aircraft model is the Egyptian Mirage 5E2 from the AI Pack One DLC. The cockpit is from the Mirage 5BA DLC.
* For the Mirage IIIED - the aircraft model is the Egyptian Mirage 5SDE from the AI Pack One DLC. The cockpit is from the Mirage IIIEL DLC.
* For the Mirage 50DH - the aircraft model is from the Mirage IIIO DLC. The cockpit is from the Mirage IIIEL DLC.
* For the Mirage 5DHS - the aircraft model is the Kfir C2 from SF2:I. The cockpit is from the Mirage IIIEL DLC.
For credits and installation instructions please refer to the Readme.