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SF2 F2H-3 Banshee Tweeks Pak -for Razbam Banshees

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SF2 F2H-3 Banshee Tweeks Pak -for Razbam Banshees 4/6/2015


= For SF2, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) =


***PLEASE NOTE!!! You must have the original Razbam Payware Banshee set for all the necessary items!!! If you can't purchase the item from the Razbam Store, do =NOT= download this mod; it will do you NO good. This package =ONLY= includes those items modded by me.***


This package contains a few (partly) repainted skin maps for the original skins. They now carry decals for Modex and BuNums.

These are =ONLY= for the F2H-3, as used in the mid thru late 1950s by the USN and RCN (1962-ish end date).

Included are new decals, decal inis, number lists, etc. The repainted skin maps are:



Main_t *



*-VF-193 only*


You'll find all these items in their appropriate skin subfolders.

Skins remain in bmp format. Decal randomization is TRUE. All USN aircraft use a "pool" of BuNum decals. The BuNums, while correct for this model, should be considered 'generic' in nature, as they represent only the aircraft itself, not specific aircraft in any particular unit. The RCN skin 'bunums' are historic, but again, not matched to any particular aircraft

National insignia, and CVG code letters remain painted on, as is the RCN fin flash.

The SF2 'date switch is used for the VF-193 skin (gull grey/white), activating it in 1955.

The decals are set as 'randomized' for all skins.


Modified data, loadout, and main (F-2H2.ini) inis are included. The avionics and cockpit inis have had a few small adjustments, as has the data ini (see "Notes" for more information). A new SF2 userlist.ini has also been created. Operation dates (including export start and stop) have been adjusted to 'closest year'.

A brighter gunsight tgs is included as well. Shadows have been turned OFF, due to 'tractor beam' issues. NEW damage tgas are supplied as well.

It may be advisable for you to back up ALL the original inis, just for safetys sake.


When in game, you'll see


F2H-3 Banshee (Raz)


on the aircraft selection drop down menu.

The aircraft is carrier-capable (after a fashion -see "Notes"), with SF2NA coding for deck 'parking'.However, as the wings do =NOT= fold, you will probably NOT see them parked on the boat. HOWEVER... it has MAJOR issues in getting back on the boat under AI or Autopilot control. The FM needs to be completely overhauled (again, see "Notes").


The Standard Animation Keystroke ™ is used for the canopy, (Shift/0)

No weapons are included, using all stock in-game itmes. Nor are sounds, pilots, etc, included. These are Razbam copyright items, and are included in his package. Those that have NOT updated their pilot to the SF2 folderized standard, should do so soonest.

Further work is required by those FM Gurus to bring it all the way home. I've done what I can with it.


As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them BEFORE installing (but after unzipping, of course). Also, give the "Notes" section a read too. It, as usual, contain important operational information.

Full credits are listed in the usual place, down with the "Notes".


Good Hunting, and Happy Landings!


Kevin Stein


Updated 4/18/2015:


changed round counts for guns

some adjustments to FM, will land on boat 8 times out of 10.


thanks to fanatic modder, fubar512, crusader and me! :biggrin:

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Recommended Comments

Thank you this is great. A new life for an old mod. I purchased it some time ago and I was so dissapointed, 'cause RAZBAM didn't do what you 've just done (=modernizing to SF2 standards+decals). It's a pity because despite its age, it 's still solid. Particularly the cockpit is so good. I hope that the F2H-4 will follow soon.


a quick fix of the FM




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