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RSS SA-8/SA-N-4 Gecko Pack Beta 0.3

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RED SIDE STANDARD SA-8/SA-N-4 Gecko Pack 0.3 Beta


This is a public test version. Please try out equipment playing from both sides. This pack has been tested against stock planes on stock terrain. Mostly on IsraelME, a more advanced map and for fast loading time :)
About 1000+ launch tests have been done on planes with various types with or without jamming equipment at low and high altitude. Ballistics have been also checked with HoneyFox's Missile Range Simulator.


To follow the philosophy behind Red Side Standard Weapons Pack (RSSW) I made an attempt to standardize the SAM systems as well. The SA-8 Gecko or Osa family is next in the row. It is a late addition into the game, appears in modern eras. It is the most sophisticated SAM system developed during the soviet era and it is still in service. The SA-8 is a low altitude system for short ranges - considered mobile by the game. In theory it would defend armored units, it can move and stops to shoot. Had the placement routine finished by TW... therefore the SA-8 needs user placement. Usage as Mobile AAA is NOT RECOMMENDED, since this system in large numbers can be more than lethal. Also keep availability dates in mind. A plane with no jammer or chaff is helpless against this system in the early 70's - and I did not modify Noise and CM resistance values.


Using multiple reference materials (both english an russian) we tried to fine tune the effectiveness of all the weaponry for satisfactory player game experience while keeping as much realism as possible. This provides more challenge playing on the blue side.
Effectiveness for guided missiles and radars have been tuned to provide realistic hit rate within the proper launch requirements. Because of game limitations, this means some technical parameters and values may be different from real world data.
We kept as much stock reference as we could to provide compatibility with original game standard (Naming, Types, etc).
Yet, there are no new ground objects included, but many new equipment is WIP for the final version.


- The SA-8 and SA-8B systems, with thoroughly revised characteristics (FM, Guidance, Ballistics etc)
- The SA-N-4 systems, with thoroughly revised characteristics (FM, Guidance, Ballistics etc)
- Kiev and Krivak ship classes equipped with modded SA-N-4 missiles (both early and late models)
- Weapon (and folder) names use common standard for convenience, clarity and simplified looks
- Ground objects use the stock TW 3D models
- Osa Launch sound. Modify soundlist.ini to use this wav file


Important changes:
- Missile ballistic data
- Radar search and track ranges and altitudes
- Early SA-8 (Osa) launcher with 4 missiles (No new 3D yet)
- Corrected SA-N-4 reload times.
Ground objects: TW
In-game testing: Everyone who gave us feedback and shared game experience! Thank you very much! I do count on more testing with the SA-2 and upcoming systems as well.


Work in progress:
New launcher vehicle corrected 3D models (Early Osa)


- pvo.guns.ru
- ru.wikipedia.org
- www.airwar.ru
- various forums


- Istoriya Otyechestvennoy Radiolokatsii (History of Russian radar technology)
- Vasilin: Zenitniye Raketniye Kompleksi (SAM)
- Vooruzheniye PVO i RES Rossii (Air Defense and Radio-Electronic System of Russia)


Special thanks to the author of SAM Simulator for his help and for creating his program.

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Live on the edge... I can't resist. classifying as mobile AAA. Live hard or don't live at all...LOL

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It is strange, for the first time I feel that the stock TW data is too good. Can anyone confirm this?  A flight of eight F-16 Netz has been evaporated by two EARLY Krivaks. Maybe only the naval variant is that strong?

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