About This File
SF2 A-6A Intruder, VA-95 Skin/Decals Pack 2/6/2018
= For SF2 (Any & All, Full-5 Merged Prefered) =
*Can be used in any install that has access to the A-6A*
A new skin for the 3W A-6A Intruder that depicts VA-95 "Green Lizards" during 1974-74 embarked aboard USS CORAL SEA during the Vietnam War.
Almost all markings are decals (excepting squadron color flash on tail fin), most made new for this mod, and decal randomization is TRUE*. All serial (BuAerNums) are 100% historical for the A-6A, but should be considered "generic" as they do not depict actual aircraft from this unit. Also, this is the very first CAG skin I've ever done (so be kind).
The aircraft is finished in the standard Grey/White scheme, with full color markings. The skin is in stock jpg format.
On the Loadout Screen, for skin selection you'll see:
VA-95 Green Lizards (73-74)
As the Green Lizards are also a stock squadron, using this skin for campaigns should be a fairly easy edit.
Please note, =NOTHING= is included that makes the aircraft flyable; no inis, cockpit parts, nothing . You should have made it flyable already or need to seek the "parts" on your own. Also, if you have made it flyable, and use the "Read Only" trick on the main ini (A-6A.ini), you'll have to un-read only it to add this skin.
As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them ....
Happy Landings!
Kevin Stein