About This File
This is the conversion of the old SF1 model in SF2 + new skins
Original files is here
This package presents the Su-30 Soviet times and the Su-30 MK (Modified Commercial) modern by Irkut Avia Plant .
IF YOU HAVE INSTALLED THIS MY PACK BEFORE version 1.0.0 : Delete "Su-30" and "SU-30MK" folders at "Objects\Aircraft\" in your mod folder.
Extract file "SF2_Su-30_Irkut_ST_v1.0.1.7z" at any directory
Move the files to the appropriate locations in your mod folder as usual.
if you like, unpack "Additional_Skins_(these_skins_moved_to_SU-30MK2_KnAAZ_Pack).7z" and move skins to just installed Su-30 aircraft, but you need'nt to do it if you want to use my Su-30 Part II by KnAAZ air Plant. I moved these skins to that pack. It is easier for me to update packs separately. In real Su-30 are produced at two different factories, on "IRKUT" (Irkutsk Aviation Plant) they rebuild old Su-27 UB\PU to Su-30KN and KM (both without canards) and build new Su-30SM with canards. I do not do skins for SM modifications, cuz i see that decision with "fake pilot canards" is not elegant, and i have no 3Ds MAX to do something by myself. In this pack there are skins only for KN and KM modifications (without canards) . Second Plant is KnAAZ ( based in Komsomolsk on Amur) produses all other modifications (all without canards) for export.
It is better to overwrite weapons folder. I 've made some small changes (fixed the years of using) in inies in some of them.
I tried to make the skins as accurate as possible. But some details missed because of the limitations of the model. i cant find the way to do "no step" dashes on Ukrainian skin, it places wrong way, some decals can't de placed right etc. If you want to correct this, do not stop yourself. If you like my files, fix, redraw, repack, share, do what you need.
Russian after 2004
Russian Gray Fully - overhauled Su-27UB to Su-30 standards
Soviet Early
Soviet Shabby - Standard Soviet Weathered
UB Ukraine 91
UB Ukraine 94-99
UB Ukraine 99
UB Ukraine Modern
UB Ukraine Shabby - Standard Soviet Weathered with Ukrainian Ins
Aubergine (What if skin)
China Dark Gray
China Gray
Omonovskiy 2002 (Known as 'Winter' at NATO countries)
Russian Forest (Splinter) 1994
Russian Standard - Serial
Skins was drawn based on outlines by Mariusz Wojciechowski and real photoes.
I used these files:
I took some skin details like engines, nozzles, marks, from this skin:
SF2 SU-30SM Flanker Pack Redux 2016 Version 0.99
By viper63a (approved by Wrench, August 16, 2016)
Su-30MK2 for SF1 / WoE Version 1.0
By ivanbasic (approved by Erik, October 4, 2013)
Decals and Weapons:
NATO Fighters 4+
By Dave (approved by Dave, January 20, 2016)
Modern Flanker Cockpit 1.0
By YEYEYE (approved by Dave, October 7, 2014)
Classic flanker cockpit for Marcfighters Su-27 v1.0
By YEYEYE (approved by Dave, October 5, 2014)
And Skins by me, bazillius
Best regards.
What's New in Version 1.0.1
- Added Ukrainian 1999 Skin
- Added some lost decals
- Chsnged loading screen to better picture (I think it is better ;))