About This File
Canadair CF-104S "Super Starfighter" (what If...) by Wrench 2/10/2023
-- For SF2, Full 5 Merged REQUIRED --
*** Please note: your game's mod folder/install =MUST= have access to the stock 3rd Wire CF-104_76 Starfighter to make use of the mod. You must ALSO have access to the A-7D_75 as this mod makes use of that cockpit. Hence, the "FUll 5 Merged requirement. ***
This is a modification of the stock CF-104_76 into a "What If..." CF-104S Super Starfighter of the Canadian Forces, Royal Norwegian Air Force, and Royal Danish Air Force. The mod is supplied with 5 skins, 2 of which are "generic" for Any Other Users You Can Think Of (tm).
CAFCamo - a 2-tone dark Euro style (no squadron affiliation)
RDAF - Dark Green Overall (Esk 726)
RNoAF - Light, "Air Superority Grey" Overall (Skv 331)
For Other Users:
Standard European 2-tone camo
Standard "SEA" type 3-tone camo
All markings are decals, and the serial numbers are based off the CAF style post 1980s. 24 serials are supplied for each skin, excepting the Euro & SEA which share the same pool of 24 serials (which just happens to be historically correct CF-104 serials). Decal Randomization is TRUE. With the use of 'all decals' for markings, the 2 generic skins are easily re-badged for any other Friendly Nation (tm) that might have recieved these Super Zippers (see notes for more backstory). All skins have individual Hangar Screens. All are in jpg format.
This is a "full use" aircraft; it is speced for medium range missiles (Sparrow, Aspide, Skyflash), Sidewinders, and all manner of air-to-ground weapons. THis is a full strike fighter, minus the RCAF/CAF's nuclear mission for NATO. It's cleared for use with all NATO, UK and USAF weapons. Be advised, the DRAF/CF use the same anti-ship missile, while the RNoAF uses it's own Penguin.
Most weapons used are stock in-game items, excepting the "F104S pylon set". This has been edited to not conflict with the AMI or Turkish F-104S series. Other weapons are included; of these, all have had the 'end of service/export years' extended to at least 2045. All items have been included for ease of installation. Excepting those items who's LODs we can't access (cockpit!). Ini's do the trick. The canopy is also activated via the Standard Animation Keystroke (tm), Shift/0 (zero).
As always, =READ= the enclosed readme for full, detailed instructions. PLEASE read it!!!
Happy Landings!
Kevin Stein