About This File
ALL work by ME ( Sundowner ) is now no longer covered by the CombatAce Freeware Licensing agreement.
What this means is that you can only use my work for your own use, you CANNOT re-upload it or any part of it.
So please no copying of my skins for any use other than your own.
This model has been created from the old freeware AlphaSim OV-10A, which in itself is a lot more work than most of you think.
Most of the original AlphaSim model has be "re-moddeled" in some way.
All animations have been done from scratch and may not be perfect, bits have been added and even more bits have been removed, all parts have been remapped etc, etc.
Please read the read me.
There are other Bronco mods available here at CA, this is not designed to replace any of them, you have the choice to use whatever you like or what works best on your system.