About This File
MIG-21 Complete Pack
Version 1.3 04.10.2009
1.0 3.11.2008
initial release
1.1 3.12.2008
Changed all mig engines accel to about 8-9 sec per engine doc. Bis version
is little bit faster.
Iddle RPM changed to RL values:
R-11F-300 (37F) 30%
R-11F2-300 (37F2) 33%
R-11F2S-300 (37F2S) 31%
R-13 (95) 34%
R-25 (25) 40%
Corrected fuel tanks quantities to reflect real world figures.
F - 2350L
PF - 2850L
PFM - 2675L
MF - 2675L
BIS - 2900L
Changed all additional files with Mig21_ prefix so all are unique now and
not interfere with other mods.
Reworked all hangar and loading screens to match all game models.
F version now have true ranging-only radar. It can be still turned off by
Ctrl+PgDn. In current game engine this radar starts on.
Wings Over Vietnam new Mig-21 hangar and loading screens. Later i will make
it for all game versions.
1.2 29.3.2009
Added KV1 seat to all MF and Bis variants. Deleted old seat from model.
Added SF2 Mig variants. Changed FMs little bit based on Fubar512 values on
alpha stall to make Migs usable in knife fight. It not bleeds speed in sharp
high AOA turns so much. Added vetral fin from Fubar512 FM.
1.3 04.10.2009
Fixed reversed nose gear rotation.
SF2 version was removed - it will be separate pack.
This pack inludes all official Thirdwire MIG-21 models as flyable jets with
cokcpits in most complete form what my modding knowledge allows. All in easy
install form. I am not author of any 3d pits, FMs, sounds. All is what i
downloaded from Combatace or made by Thirdwire. I want to thank to original authors
of included files and this nice sim. Hope it is ok to reuse their work to
provide really complete, up-to-date and easy to install Mig-21 package. I was
always sad with that great pits available and terrible way to install it into
latest ptached games and it is always missed something. Loading screens, loadout
picture, good FM and so on... Now with latest patches FMs are usable and nicely
flyable so i used it as base FMs for pack.
Pack contains folowing stuff:
Every official MIG-21 flyable with pit for SFP1, WOV, WOE, WOI and SF2. I corrected
some errors in pits, Used latest Oct 2008 TW patches as base for FM fat files
with tweaks in engine (thrust for each model, spool up time, radar, weight). FM
is not touched and i think it flies now ok with latest patch. Diferent sounds for
each engine model is included with Mig RWR sounds. Better Mig pilots too. Each
Mig-21 has loading and hangar screen and camouflage sample patch with loadout
picture. All includes corresponding serial numbers to choose from. I made
Numbers.lst for Vietnam and Arab airforces by hand. All Migs have right service
nationality in dat as was originaly in each game install.
Strike Fighters Project 1
Wings Over Vietnam
Wings Over Europe
Wings Over Israel
MIG-PFM has added LCOS gunsight to be able to use gunpod in fight. More realistic and
distictive heaters sounds are included too.
Simply unpack somewhere and then choose what game you want mod for Migs-21 and
simply copy content of apropriate game folder from pack to game root directory
overwirte all potential files. Dont worry all dat files are based on latest
Oct 2008 TW patches. Sure if you want you can backup first whole game. Just
for cause i forgot something. After that just start game and enjoy all MIG-21
variants flyable in most complete and up-to-date way.
This version of complete MIG-21 pack is far from to be perfect or complete so feel
free to let me know if there is something missed, bad or not working. Also if
someone has some more accurate tech data for enhance FMs feel free to mail me and
pack get fixed or updated.
Finaly thanks to everyone whom work made this pack reality.
Tomas 'ATARIBABY' Hamarcak
Contact: ataribaby@seznam.cz
Paladrian F/PF/PFM/MF/SM Mig-21 pit models and avionics
Spillone104 R-11 R-13 engine sounds
howling1 Fishbed-L engine sound. I renamed it to R-25
Klavs81 AIM-9 Sidewinder Growl sound
Wrench RedAir pilot
Hangar screen tutorial
lindr2 for his Mig-21 variants zip
Zdenek Kussior for his great info on engines
4plus MiG-21
book for all fuel info
Mirage Factory Mig AB effect
Fubar512 For his FM work from where i borrowed alpha stall values and ventral fin.
AmokFloo for KV1 seat from his excelent MIG21UM
If i forgot someone please tell me and i will include credit.