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I love the work that all the modders put into these aircraft they make, and i know that they are busy with real life and things like that.


I was just wondering if anyone has made, or is planning to make the MIG-31, Tornado F.3, and XB-70 Valkyrie.



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You could easily build yourself a Tornado F.3 or ADV verison by downloading the Tornado package that is in the download page and modifying one of those aircraft's ini's by using the ini mods as laided out in the knowledge base threads. At least for an interm until someone does create the F.3 and ADV versions.


As for the MiG-31 and the XB-70 last I heard both of them were either being built or on the list to be built.

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hmm I wonder if the F-18F, F-18E Super Hornet is put on a list? or even the F-15 Active with canards and thrust vector nozzles.


even the Su-30' models?

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So i modified the ini files, the only thing is that i cannot add an internal gun for some reason. I put one in under the Internal gun part of the ini but it does not show up in game. What did i overlook?

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More than likely, the gun is either named wrong, or, it's a weapon that's not currently in your gundata.ini, and must be added.

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Must add the gun as a system in the components part. Like SystemName=InternalGun

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Must add the gun as a system in the components part. Like SystemName=InternalGun


Spot on. I tried the same with the Mig-25. Added co-ords for gun placement, where the shells ejected etc, didn't work because it wasn't listed as a component of the aircraft. It's kind of similar for chaff and flares. You can add them, but you need to add them as a component too. If I can find my link for it, I'll post it here.

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Read through the compontents list and realized i had to change the name from InternalGun to InternalGun01.

Thanks for pointing that out!!!

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I love the work that all the modders put into these aircraft they make, and i know that they are busy with real life and things like that.


I was just wondering if anyone has made, or is planning to make the MIG-31, Tornado F.3, and XB-70 Valkyrie.




There's a Tornado F.3 included in the Tornado pack at Avsim. I don't think it's been uploaded here though.

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There's a Tornado F.3 included in the Tornado pack at Avsim. I don't think it's been uploaded here though.


Yeah there was one at Avsim, too me a few minutes to find it!!



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If I remember right this one had issues in the past. I think that the skins or the models has some issue with thier detail levels and would cause a CTD. I forget off hand how to fix that.

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It still has issues, neither craft in the package worked and I didn't bother trying to mess with anything from it.

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If I remember right this one had issues in the past. I think that the skins or the models has some issue with thier detail levels and would cause a CTD. I forget off hand how to fix that.


Yeah...I found that out myself last night...it CTDed when i pressed F6 for the external view.

It wasn't just the F3 though, the IDS and GR1 did it too.

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And anyone as and ADV version of the Tornado .ini for me to modify it to CAP´s and Interdiction??

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That's why you need to use the IDS, GR and ECR that are here at CA in the Tornado Package.


All those original Toros need, well, work! The F.3 can be made usable, but you'll need to extract and modify the flightengine ini. I'm not even going into the decal issues....


Sad it say, as much as it's a needed/wanted aircraft, it has some serious problems. My advice, don't use the originals over at AvSim. Hopefuly, at some future date, we'll get a nicer, more stable F.3 variant.


As to the F3/ADV having an 'Interdiction' role, don't forget, it's an interceptor, not a bomber. It already has the CAP role. Right from my data ini:






Kevin STein

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That's why you need to use the IDS, GR and ECR that are here at CA in the Tornado Package.


All those original Toros need, well, work! The F.3 can be made usable, but you'll need to extract and modify the flightengine ini. I'm not even going into the decal issues....


Sad it say, as much as it's a needed/wanted aircraft, it has some serious problems. My advice, don't use the originals over at AvSim. Hopefuly, at some future date, we'll get a nicer, more stable F.3 variant.


As to the F3/ADV having an 'Interdiction' role, don't forget, it's an interceptor, not a bomber. It already has the CAP role. Right from my data ini:






Kevin STein


Yes i know....but as for the loadouts it as not very much to offer. :blink: Have you change yours to carry aam´s like underbely Skyflash for example ?

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As to the F3/ADV having an 'Interdiction' role, don't forget, it's an interceptor, not a bomber. It already has the CAP role.

The RAF also has some F.3 airframes converted to a SEAD type role (similar to ECR or USAF Wild Weasels) - we had the need, some spare airframes & it has a longer loiter capability than the GRs.

You won't hear too much about them though similar to the R.1 Nimrod variant. :wink:

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Mind you, it is the original F3 (the needs work one)


default loaduts:
























Haven't even considered converting one the newer GR/ECR over to the F3...the model may not have the needed wells for the Sparrow/Skyflash/Amraams. And I think they're missing the mounting rails for the 'winders. I'm sure it's doable, but it'll probably 'look' wrong'



kevin stein

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