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Ok, I just downloaded the FOXBAT, everything else works fine, with the exception of the afterburner flames not showing for the MIG-25PD the throttle the display indictes full reheat but it simply does not show on the external view. :dntknw: Any pointers ?

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Maybe the AB effect is included in the weapons pack?

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Crap I think i forgot to add it! Uploading the effect now. Sorry.

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pfff I enjoyed more from the inside of the cockpit..


I was putting them F-14A's down while they tried to protect their F-5A's...



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Well any human vs AI matchup in SF is bound to have the same result regardless of aircraft unless there's a huge gap, like an F-15 vs a mig-15. Try taking that foxbat online against a real person in a tomcat!

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well even against AI 1 v 8 tomcats isn't exactly a fair fight..


and In the end if the human pilot of the Tomcat is as bad as a baby on a bicycle.. well then.. thats still a win for me.

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well even against AI 1 v 8 tomcats isn't exactly a fair fight..


I still get screwed everytime the pair of Mig-29OVTs who i thought were running, decide to get involved... Damn I hate that plane!! :black eye:

If I engage, I get a heat seeker in my freckle, if I bolt... sometimes I make it home... sometimes... Still, I'm good at moving mud!

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AIM-54C Phoenix missile; cures all ills, be it Foxbat/hound, Fulcrum, et cetera. Though I am more of a fan of using the 'Cat's gun against the new Foxbats...allows me to get up close and appreciate the detail and fine work of the mod...before ripping it to shreds. Any time, baby!


Side Note (on topic): I had the AB problem too, glad to see it's fixed, I'll re-d/l it.

Edited by Caesar

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Ok, I just downloaded the FOXBAT, everything else works fine, with the exception of the afterburner flames not showing for the MIG-25PD the throttle the display indictes full reheat but it simply does not show on the external view. :dntknw: Any pointers ?



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I still get screwed everytime the pair of Mig-29OVTs who i thought were running, decide to get involved... Damn I hate that plane!! :black eye:

If I engage, I get a heat seeker in my freckle, if I bolt... sometimes I make it home... sometimes... Still, I'm good at moving mud!

Man OVT are just hard to keep up with. As long as you keep moving you can avoid their crap missiles(no offense). I made a missiopn of 2 F-15Cs(galm1+2) vs 12 OVTs and even though I lost I alone killed 9(the other 3 are what got me).

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