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What should i do to get a playable F-104S/G in WoV? Help

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Ive been reading the forum and know it's possible and i've downloaded a F-104C-10 mod but i don't know what to do with it. It has got no cockpit and I don't know where or how to put the ext fuel tank file.


I'm a fan of the Starfighter and really hoping to get it playable in WoV.

Anybody pls explain how to do this in step by step procedure? I'm a complete noob in this game.


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I thought it needs the stock thirdwire 104 cockpit which can be found of SF and SFG. The only other option is to use a different cockpit lik the A-4 pit or sumthin. You need to use the weapons editor to update the library after you dump the weapons(or tanks) inside the weapons folder and updated the weaponsdate.ini.

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Sorry, this won't help at all, but why waste your time with the F-104? :tomato: (admittedly, the F-104S wasn't too bad, but only after practically redesigning the whole thing!) :dntknw:

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I use the F-104C-10 in WOV - mainly because it was actually used in the SEA conflict

Download an F-104 cockpit from here:




The files need to be in a folder called Cockpit - like the other planes.


The f-104.ini file should have an entry that refers to the correct cockpit .ini file ie:



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To get a working cockpit, simply download the F-104G add-on from Third Wire, and use it's cockpit, and it's avionics and cockpit.ini files with your C-model.

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If you've added the last Service Pack to WoV any Mod airplane refering to the Stock F104G cockpit should work.


You might also try to create a folder F-104G in the Aircrafts folder. In this folder place any F-104G skin you like and create a F-104G.ini


Now copy the following into the F-104G.ini



AircraftFullName=F-104G Starfighter









































Then run WoV and see if it shows up as selectable aircraft in Singlemission.

See if you can fly it.

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Sorry, this won't help at all, but why waste your time with the F-104? :tomato: (admittedly, the F-104S wasn't too bad, but only after practically redesigning the whole thing!) :dntknw:


Despite what you say I love the F-104, or I wouldn't of made about 40 some skins for it. When it worked right she was a damn good fighter. The NVAF wouldn't even launch a fighter when it was escorting strikes, that alone tell the fear factor it instilled in enemy pilots.

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Yeesh, you guys are all so complicated.


Download the F-104G patch for Strike Fighters Gold (I forgot where, thirdwire should have it), install, and enjoy.

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Unfortunately the exe file download for the F-104G can not be applied to WoV. However that's a mot point since TK added all needed files to WoV with the latest service pack. It's just missing the Folder, a skin and the F-104G.ini to be useable.

Refer to my earlier post as how to get it done.

There is other stuff carried over from SFP1 to WoV that just needs folders, skins and inis to work.


In the patch section i posted a file that contains the folders and inis for the "hidden" planes and groundobjects.


Similar lots of WoV stuff was added to WOE with last service pack, it's just they are missing folder, skin and plane.ini.

Also some WoE stuff trickled back to WoV, like seats for the Hunter and the like, however not a single WoE plane or groundobject. Makes sense, you get the stuff of the predecessor but not the one of the follow up.



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Despite what you say I love the F-104, or I wouldn't of made about 40 some skins for it. When it worked right she was a damn good fighter. The NVAF wouldn't even launch a fighter when it was escorting strikes, that alone tell the fear factor it instilled in enemy pilots.


No gun, and couldn't turn worth a damn, just fast and armed with unreliable missiles. against nimble migs than turn on a dime, what's to be afraid of?

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No gun, and couldn't turn worth a damn, just fast and armed with unreliable missiles. against nimble migs than turn on a dime, what's to be afraid of?


The A model only lacked a gun for a short time. Once the issue with the gun itself was fixed they were all carrying them.


Check out the complete history.


Don't ask me, ask the NVAF,


From Description of F-104C service in SEA from Mark Bovankovich and Tom Delashaw, The F-104 in SEA.

In April of 1965, a single squadron (the 476th TFS) of the 479th TFW deployed with their F-104Cs to Kung Kuan AB in Taiwan, with regular rotations to the forward base at Da Nang Air Base in South Vietnam. Their job was to fly MiG combat air patrol (MiGCAP) missions to protect American fighter bombers against attack by North Vietnamese fighters. They flew these missions armed with their single M61A1 20-mm cannon and four AIM-9 Sidewinder air-to-air missiles. The effect of F-104 deployment upon NVN and PRC MiG operations was immediate and dramatic--NVN MiGs soon learned to avoid contact with USAF strikes being covered by F-104s. During the entire deployment of the 476th only two fleeting encounters between F-104Cs and enemy fighters occurred.

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Unfortunately the exe file download for the F-104G can not be applied to WoV.


Oh, really? Yes it can. :rolleyes:

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No gun, and couldn't turn worth a damn, just fast and armed with unreliable missiles. against nimble migs than turn on a dime, what's to be afraid of?


If you ask Andy Bush at SimHQ, there's at least one F-15 pilot who used to share your opinion. Until he met up with Andy and his F-104, that is :biggrin:

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If you ask Andy Bush at SimHQ, there's at least one F-15 pilot who used to share your opinion. Until he met up with Andy and his F-104, that is :biggrin:



Very true, he found out the hard way that he was on the wrong end of the F-104.

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Oh, really? Yes it can. :rolleyes:

How's that? IIRC it called for a SFP1 install and did some check and refused to procced.

Did i miss anything?



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There's a trick that was posted a while back at SimHQ, that involved creating a "fake" install of SFG, using the right folder structure and a few renamed WoV files. It's somewhat controversial in as far as its legality, and I won't post it unless TK gives me the OK to do so,


Of course, I cannot prevent you from performing a search for it at SimHQ :rolleyes:

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How's that? IIRC it called for a SFP1 install and did some check and refused to procced.

Did i miss anything?



Funny, I was able to install it just fine without changing any folder structure or renaming anything.

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