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What was you fav off the wall Sci-Fi movie

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Clockwork Orange.


Set in the near future

Social-political commentary

Cure is worse than the disease

What is not shown is more disturbing than what is


I saw this in a theater 30 DEC 93, even after 30 years this movie still made the audience nervous.


I also ammend my comment about Don Steele, yes the voice of KRTH and was really good but I preferred the DJ's from the mighty KMET over all others.

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Oddly, I never saw the film but I did read Clockwork in school. Didn't care for it much! :grin:

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Clockwork Orange.


Set in the near future

Social-political commentary

Cure is worse than the disease

What is not shown is more disturbing than what is


I saw this in a theater 30 DEC 93, even after 30 years this movie still made the audience nervous.


I also ammend my comment about Don Steele, yes the voice of KRTH and was really good but I preferred the DJ's from the mighty KMET over all others.


Clockwork Orange still creeps me out. I've seen the movie several times, but I can't say I've ever been entertained by it; it's just too distubing. And like you say, what is left unsaid/unseen is more disturbing than the obvious.

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and what was that Rob Zombie film? House of 1000 corpses?

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Hmmm....the three that stand out in my memory.


Planet of the Vampires


The Earth Dies Screaming


Day of the Trifids


Ahh the good ole days in the mid 60's. Summer vacation, Saturday Matinees, Double Features, and scary movies. :biggrin:

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I remember Trifids. I never found walking plants particularly scary. :grin:

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The Thing with James Arness. When I was a kid, it scared the crap out of me when he knocks the door down and comes stomping into the corridor.

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I remember Trifids. I never found walking plants particularly scary. :grin:



Not even walking, man-eating plants??? :biggrin:

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Well, it's not the idea, it's the execution...and the execution in that movie wasn't very scary. :wink:

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I guess you had to be 9 years old and in a theater full of screaming girls. :wink:

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LOL, the theater? I can't imagine having seen that in the theater! :grin:


However, I did see Virus in the theater, so...

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