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the only option left open for modders is to offer their work on a"pay to play"basis,then listen to people start to cry.The A-team made their decision based on people flaming their work,Bort made his decision on that same thing,he just took it a step farther in pulling his completely,YAP made their work"pay to play"(and they had to go through Thirdwire to get permission for that).If people aren't happy with a certain modder then keep to themselves,or if you have a question,or know something is wrong,then be mature about about the way they present it,if not the community will continue to lose modders,free mods,and will start to crumble.

Perhaps WW1 was the very worst possible choice TK could have made and should have listened to the ones who wanted a Korean mod,or WW2.It seems that way to alot of folks.

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I still am befuddled by all that has happened around these parts. It started with the modder vs modder conflicts on the forums, led to the A-team's reg-only choice, and continues to this day. Perhaps it's no longer a "hot war" like it was then, but it's very much a "cold war" still.


I understand that people will get upset at someone claiming work they didn't do as their own, 100% I agree with that. I do feel that if you release something like that to the public domain, though, you can't expect things like that won't happen. Whether someone deliberately misrepresenting themselves (I think we all know someone in our lives who is the "pathological liar" and will lie even when there is no benefit to it), or just a person who was looking at someone else's work for reference and got it confused with something they did and repackaged it as part of a greater whole and forgot to give credit, it's going to happen.


However, as soon as someone gets nasty about it, either the accuser or the one being accused, the whole thing goes to hell fast.


One definite side effect of this has been a general contraction of the community into "sides". It used to be you had the pro-TW sim people and the anti-TW sim people, the latter consisting of those who would ramble ad nauseum about all the features that weren't there and how it will never achieve greatness without them and so on. Yet all those who enjoyed the sims were on the same side. In typical fashion, however, as soon as the "external" force of the naysayers gave up due to boredom or whatever, the fans that were left started to argue amongst themselves.


I'm not for or against anyone, other than a general appreciation of the good work done by the modders. I have no info nor an opinion on who did what to whom when, and I doubt I ever will. The opinion I do hold is that this is a sad state of affairs we now find ourselves in and I despair that we'll ever see a return to "the good old days."


I loved NATO Fighters and NF2 for WoE, OTC for SFP1, and so on, and I was waiting for more of these "bundles" to come out...but with modder set against modder I feel such things will be quite rare indeed now.

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Hi Guys, This is a black day for all those who fireup FE everyday without fail, cos the game is saturated with borts stuff

and they were getting really rather good, I think We All should remember 1 thing , Everyones Lives outside of the vertual realm

were in when that modem light is flashing, and outside pressures can make us less then agreeable from time 2 time, & bring on the dreeded "sense of humor failure", things r seldem as cut and dried as they seem

How many times have you read something, in a bad mood, and its had steam coming out of yer ears, but u read it again IN THE COLD LIGHT OF DAY and its not a red rag 2 a bull that it seemed 2 be the night be4 , and infact no1 is rubbin yer rubarb after all.

There are human elements to all we say and do here, and all actions beget reactions, we just gotta try and picture who will be on the recieving end of our verbal kicking, and gauge there reaction accordingly, and by the time we've mastered the art of remote viewing, our post might look more like just a poke in the eye :biggrin: than being savaged by a terbut


I didnt know He didnt like any1 skinning his crates,(didnt read the blog page) this is not becuase we skinners didnt like wot he can give us , its because we dont see anything, just a blank canvas,& we just got 2 put some paint on it , no1 should ever be offended by that, infact I think its a thumbs up, :good: I wouldn't bother skinning anything that wasnt up to par

Im prity sure that's how the FM guys feel as well

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Somehow a simple fact seems overlooked. Bort does all of his own work. Models, skins, FMs, web site admin and overall administration. Each of these tasks are shared or divided by most (if not all) others who contribute. Whatever we think of the results (I happen to be a fan), Bort offered his own personally produced gifts. Some of us accepted these gifts. Others did not. There are few who could do all that Bort has done. Even TK does not attempt to "do it all." Well then, perhaps some can do this bit or that bit better (I certainly cannot even begin to model or do FMs). Lately I can't even find time to fly, and what time I have is better spent in the virtual air. Nevertheless I feel I really have to put this post up. Bort has every right to offer gifts and to take them down.


I look forward to the other work being offered. Perhaps the co-operative efforts will yield what we may regard as pleasing results. Bort still deserves recognition and thanks. I doubt we will soon find as much under the tree from one donor.


Thanks again Bort.



Edited by sinbad

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May I remind every one it's only a game you know. Loosen up and take a hold of your Joystick and enjoy, have a cup of tea then go to bed and then do it all over again it's only a GAME.

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Guest IndioBlack
May I remind every one it's only a game you know. Loosen up and take a hold of your Joystick and enjoy, have a cup of tea then go to bed and then do it all over again it's only a GAME.


Yes we have already done the "it's only a game" bit, further up. Twice already.

I mean "calm down dear, it's only a sim-lite".


Nevertheless, it is a game in which, presumably, we are all interested. Therefore, it does make the situation worth discussing. The fragmentation of the community is not a good thing, just for simple reasons like the FE active battlefield being made in two versions, one for those who are registered with the A-Team and one for those who are not. How much better it would be if you didn't have to do that. It's almost like VHS and Betamax again.


Surely, no-one disputes that the community would be better if it was undivided, in the same way that Iraq would be better if Shi'ites and Sunnis got along, instead of blowing each other up, then blaming the presence of US troops.

But whatever the divisions, their removal always needs leadership from the top. This community needs a Lawrence of Arabia to unite the warring tribes. Unfortunately, TK simply expressed regret that the A-Team had chosen to go their own way, when a man of his stature could have advised them to re-think.

So who else of any stature do we have that could accomplish the task ?

Why not the people who run this site ?

You'd expect them to have a certain amount of clout. You'd expect that if they talked to the A-Team and appealed to their better nature they would once more return to the fold. You'd expect that if they talked reasonably with Bort they might persuade him that they were generally sorry that they failed to moderate the attacks against him and would like him to come back.

USAFMTL, DAGGER, are you up to this task ? Do you not want an undivided community ? Or is it far easier to just move on, because "we have beat this subject to death" ?

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while I appriciate the thought,I must say this,I quit playing FE,except for testing.I would not be the one to try this.I would love to see the community come together,but I don't think it can happen without someone who is active in the community leading the way.Also keep in mind that Rome wasn't built in a day,so if anybody doesn't want to join in they shouldn't be subjected to any ridicule for their decision.

My suggestion would be to look within to find the people to help with this.

Again thank you for the thought.

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Yes we have already done the "it's only a game" bit, further up. Twice already.

I mean "calm down dear, it's only a sim-lite".


Nevertheless, it is a game in which, presumably, we are all interested. Therefore, it does make the situation worth discussing. The fragmentation of the community is not a good thing, just for simple reasons like the FE active battlefield being made in two versions, one for those who are registered with the A-Team and one for those who are not. How much better it would be if you didn't have to do that. It's almost like VHS and Betamax again.


Surely, no-one disputes that the community would be better if it was undivided, in the same way that Iraq would be better if Shi'ites and Sunnis got along, instead of blowing each other up, then blaming the presence of US troops.

But whatever the divisions, their removal always needs leadership from the top. This community needs a Lawrence of Arabia to unite the warring tribes. Unfortunately, TK simply expressed regret that the A-Team had chosen to go their own way, when a man of his stature could have advised them to re-think.

So who else of any stature do we have that could accomplish the task ?

Why not the people who run this site ?

You'd expect them to have a certain amount of clout. You'd expect that if they talked to the A-Team and appealed to their better nature they would once more return to the fold. You'd expect that if they talked reasonably with Bort they might persuade him that they were generally sorry that they failed to moderate the attacks against him and would like him to come back.

USAFMTL, DAGGER, are you up to this task ? Do you not want an undivided community ? Or is it far easier to just move on, because "we have beat this subject to death" ?


I'm quite hesitant to get involved in this heated debate as I really don't care all that much. I've been following it for it's entertainment value but a thought just occured to me that I felt you may enjoy considering on a philosphical level.


As an outsider looking in I was piqued by your use of the term "community"; in that it seems that you recognise a single community that is currently fragmented. I would postulate that there isn't one fragmented community, but rather two seperate communities. And it would seem that these seperate entities will always be seperate; oil and water if you will. No amount of rational debate or argument could possible serve to join that which is incapable of being joined.


And that's OK! Division is inherent in any human gathering (even digital). But it does reinforce the sense that the horse is well and truly beaten, and further efforts will be for naught. It's not a matter of, "...[it's] far easier to just move on, because "we have beat this subject to death" ?", but move on because no change is going to take place.


Maybe my outlook is a bit too zen, but I'm happy for what I have, rather than unhappy for what I don't have.


P.S. I think TK is wise to stay the hell out of it. He's got enough to be going on with.

Edited by tank03

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Yes we have already done the "it's only a game" bit, further up. Twice already.

I mean "calm down dear, it's only a sim-lite".


Nevertheless, it is a game in which, presumably, we are all interested. Therefore, it does make the situation worth discussing. The fragmentation of the community is not a good thing, just for simple reasons like the FE active battlefield being made in two versions, one for those who are registered with the A-Team and one for those who are not. How much better it would be if you didn't have to do that. It's almost like VHS and Betamax again.


Surely, no-one disputes that the community would be better if it was undivided, in the same way that Iraq would be better if Shi'ites and Sunnis got along, instead of blowing each other up, then blaming the presence of US troops.

But whatever the divisions, their removal always needs leadership from the top. This community needs a Lawrence of Arabia to unite the warring tribes. Unfortunately, TK simply expressed regret that the A-Team had chosen to go their own way, when a man of his stature could have advised them to re-think.

So who else of any stature do we have that could accomplish the task ?

Why not the people who run this site ?

You'd expect them to have a certain amount of clout. You'd expect that if they talked to the A-Team and appealed to their better nature they would once more return to the fold. You'd expect that if they talked reasonably with Bort they might persuade him that they were generally sorry that they failed to moderate the attacks against him and would like him to come back.

USAFMTL, DAGGER, are you up to this task ? Do you not want an undivided community ? Or is it far easier to just move on, because "we have beat this subject to death" ?


I am not apologizing for a thing. I didn't see anyone attack him at all. All I saw was him get mad at people for tweaking his work. But if you want something out of us, then I want something out of you Indio......an apology for all the crap you have stirred up on this site. I mean you do not want a divided community do you? Or is it far easier to just move on, because "we have beat this subject to death" it has to start somewhere.

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But whatever the divisions, their removal always needs leadership from the top. This community needs a Lawrence of Arabia to unite the warring tribes.


Tell that to the Turks! I don't suppose they were terribly enthusiastic about Lawrence's activities!


Look, there is no one "guru" or "knight in shining armour" that will suddenly come down from above and unite such a diffuse and global community. TK gave us the programmes and the tools/open architecture. Freedom is messy (to paraphrase).

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I've been gone for 3 1/2 Days and it appears I,ve missed another

episode of "As the Boil Festers". Bort's Main Page is up, his

Machines can be DL'd. The Blog option is gone.


Have a Nice Day People

Edited by Bwf

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<put some dirt over the dead horse grave and packs it down firmly> STAY!

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This is wonderful news. Bort if you are reading this thank you for coming back. My advice to you is to not take things so personally and if you find anyone on this site talking bad or in less constructive way about your work let me know and I will take care of it for you.


To borrow a line from American Pie, this has been a good news day.

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Yes it is great news.I'm glad Bort didn't let my ill thought out words ruin everything for everyone else.

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