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Isn't Desert Storm one of the X-men????



kevin stein

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Guest Saganuay82

No thats "Storm"

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No thats "Storm"



Well if she was in a very dry and sandy place... i guess she could be.... :rofl:







And with regards to a DS mod, in the immortal words of SGT. Schultz.... schultz.JPG

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Sir, I am unaware of any such activity or operation - nor would I be disposed to discuss such an operation if it did in fact exist, sir.

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Ah, people ignore that stuff all the time. :wink: I know a guy who told me he worked on the Aurora program. You know, the one the USAF denied it had to replace the SR-71?

It existed. It was just cancelled for costing too much and not offering enough over satellites, U-2s, and the upcoming (at the time) UAVs.

I don't know if they ever flew one, but they did test the engines on the back of SR-71s, some under the guise of X-33 engine testing.


No, BTW, the guy wasn't making it up either. I know for a fact he worked on the B-2 and other programs out there in the 80s.

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Alright, enough of the piss taking already yeah?


It was a simple question, a yes or a no would've been sufficient. It stopped being funny after the second 'humorous' response

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Alright, enough of the piss taking already yeah?


Relax man,

You haven't been around our forums very long, this is all in good humor and what we do.


It is not a personal attack on you or anyone.

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Guest Saganuay82

No, you should see what happens to the next guy who posts the same question in another thread.

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Alright, enough of the piss taking already yeah?


It was a simple question, a yes or a no would've been sufficient. It stopped being funny after the second 'humorous' response



Hey! Take it easy young padawan....the answer is in the jokes! :wink:

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I'm on a few forums and newbs are usually given a hard time, just not used to being on the receiving end of it, I guess lol. Apologies anyway :victory:

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No, you should see what happens to the next guy who posts the same question in another thread.



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So, what's this I hear about a DS1 terrain/campaign, eh?







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I'm on a few forums and newbs are usually given a hard time, just not used to being on the receiving end of it, I guess lol. Apologies anyway :victory:


Is your quote from dear leader Benito when he and his latest sweetheart were hanging upside down being flayed by his faithful countrymen in 1944? Without doubt, a man whose words were worth remembering. Translation, please?


I, too, have heard rumors of a complete Desert Storm campaign, but then again, I cannot confirm or deny such stuff without frothing at the mouth in anticipation.

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Guest Saganuay82

Enroute to the target.


Gulf War warload over desert??? Wonder where he is going?

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In all seriousness, I am not going to confirm or deny we are working on a Desert Storm Mod because we would ge bugged to death about it.

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In all seriousness, I am not going to confirm or deny we are working on a Desert Storm Mod because we would ge bugged to death about it.



I can confirm that USAFMTL is denying the confirmation in regard to his denial... As facts have been presented to me, I can unequivocally confirm that USAFMTL is in denial regarding his recent confirmation.


I hope I've made this abundantly clear.




.... "In the desert... you can't remember your name..."

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I will confirm Zurawski's confirmation of the denial

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What'd Da Nile got to with it??? I seem to disticntly recall that it was in Iraq, not Egypt!!



Kevin Stein


Also confirming the denile

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Da Nile is not just a river in Egypt!!! :tongue:


Excuse me, sir. Seeing as how the D.S. is such a V.I.P., shouldn't we keep the R.D. on the Q.T.? 'Cause if it leaks to the R.G. it could end up M.I.A., and then we'd all be put out in K.P.

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I am not denying anything, I am not in denial.......

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Guest Sony Tuckson

what does denial mean anyway?



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