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Jarhead, have you ever made a mod before?


Hey Jarhead, do you like Gladiator movies?



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Nooooooooooooo, not at all **as he polishes his armor and sharpens his sword and spear**

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I like being close enough to my enemy to poke him with a stick!!!!! :biggrin:

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....and that's when you release the tiger!!!" (pulls lever)



kevin stein

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I like being close enough to my enemy to poke him with a stick!!!!! :biggrin:


As long as you know "how not to be seen".


When Marcelo finishes the nighthawk/DS comes out, you should announce it with a shot of it at night and name the thread after the monty python bit :good:

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I had an idea for an add-on to the DS mod that could either be included in the initial release or as a follow up. Essentially it's Desert Air Pirates (DAP); a series of historically accurate single missions from the real Desert Storm campaign. Kind of like YAP, but with sand.....


I'm no mission maker, so the experts can run with this if they want, but here are some ideas:


1) First Kill, 17th January 1991 0320hrs - Capt Steve Tate (71st TFS/1st TFW, USAF, F-15C) entered the history books in the early morning of January 17th when he scored the first kill of the Gulf war. '.....We were escorting the strike force [to Baghdad] which included F-4Gs, F-15Es, F-111s, EF-111s and B-52s...The entire sortie was at night and we flew with our lights off......As I turned back towards [the northeast] AWACS called out a possible bogey...a Mirage F1 heading west at 8,000 ft....'


2) Tornado Down, 17th January 1991 Dawn - Flt Lts Adrian Nicholl and John Peters (No. XV Sqn, RAF, Tornado GR Mk1) were part of a 4 aircraft flight tasked with hitting the Iraqi airbase at Shaibah near Basrah with loft attacks using 1,000 lb bombs....


3) Splash One Fulcrum, 17th January 1991 1500hrs - Capt Charles Magill (USMC exchange officer serving with 58th TFS/33rd TFW USAF, F-15C) was leading a flight of 8 F-15Cs on a CAP for a strike by 24 F-16s supported by F-4Gs and EF-111s when AWACS vectored them towards 'a couple of MiG 29s CAPing the target area, Al Taquaddum airfield.....The Iraqis had a pretty sophistcated air-defence system. They fired a few SAMs at us as we headed towards the MiGs...'


4) Airfield Strike, 17th January 1991 night - Col Tom Lennon (48th TFW, USAF, F-111F) led a force of 54 aircraft against the large Iraqi airfield north of Baghdad.'.....about 30 miles inside Iraq we started getting a lot of indications that people were looking at us and locking onto us so we were forced to descend a lot earlier than planned..we were running at about 650 kt at 200 ft and we just accelerated on out....The sky was red with AAA. I was first one in and my initial attack was was to drop a GBU-15 on a hangar. We came to release point, hit the pickle button and for some reason the bomb didn't come off. We went into our turn and and came back for a re-attack....'


5) Dual Role Hornets, 17th January 1991 afternoon - Lt Cdr Mark Fox (VFA-81, USN, F/A-18C) was one of flight of Hornets armed with four Mk-84 2,000 lb bombs bound for H-3 airfield in western Iraq when the hawkeye made an urgent call, 'Hornets, bandits on your nose, 15 miles.' The bandits were 2 Iraqi MiG 21s, which Fox and a wingman, Lt Nick Mongillo, downed before proceeding on to bomb the target.


6) Desert Eagle, 24th January 1991 - Captain Ayehid Salah al-Shamrani (No. 13 Sqn, RSAF, F-15C) shoots down two Iraqi Mirage F1s with AIM 9 Sidewinders. It appears the aircraft were escorting one or more Mirage F1s attempting t deliver an Exocet attack on Allied warships in the Gulf...


These only scratch the surface of the air war over the Gulf. There are missions involving Navy and Marine A-6Es on strikes against Iraqi land and naval targets, Marine F/A-18As flying defence suppression with HARMs and CBUs, RAF Jaguars taking out missile boats with rockets, Buccaneers lasing targets for Tornadoes or their own bombs and Canadian Hornets flying CAP and strike missions. We could see historical missions involving F-15Es on the Great SCUD Hunt or tank plinking' with 500lb LGBs, USN F-14As flying TARPs recon missions into the teeth of Iraqi AAA and SAM defences, or A-10As flying strikes over the 'highway of death' or 'Sandy' rescue cover for downed pilots.


It would not be too hard to compile 100 historical missions from the material available in books or on the net, and if these could be re-created for the DS mod by the talented mission makers in the community, we could have something to rival YAP in terms of it's scale and ambition, with a ready set of planes, skins, objects etc as a base from which to work.


Can I just stress here that this is no way a call to the DS team to do more than they are already doing for the community. I'm certain that the mod will be great when it's released. It's just a suggestion for either the team or anyone else in the community to take up if they wish.


What do you guys think?

Edited by allenjb42

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Way ahead of you!

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Damn! You always do that to me!


Looking forward to it. Keep up the good work.

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Looks like there might be a delay in this until late September as I will be gone from mid early August until mid September.

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Better that than to be rushed and come out with bugs and such. :wink:

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Better that than to be rushed and come out with bugs and such. :wink:



I was actually thinking along those lines yesturday....

For those that remember my ATF/FA mission sets, 'occasionally' there was something odd that would appear (Atomic Moth, Quetezalcoatals, whatever)


We need something like that to pop in once and a while....wonder if I can convert Capun's Giant Turtle into a tank.....or maybe use the Super Eagle as "The Giant Claw".....


Or maybe we can get a 3dmodeler to make us Mutated Giant Cockroach?? Talk about bugs in the program!!! Set the availabilty to "VERy_RARE".....hmmmm

Giant Turlte as a cargoship......

(Wrench runs off, the wheels in his head spinning furiously with ideas.....)





kevin stein

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well thats alright! My computer will probably arrive here in Korea at about that time. Steped off the plane and the first thing i noticed was the ever present kim-chi smell.

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Out there in the deep desert you will occasionally see...Shai-Hulud. :grin:

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This will be the theme song.....


He is the king of all the land

In the Kingdom of the sands

Of a time tomorrow.

He rules the sandworms and the Fremen

In a land amongst the stars

Of an age tomorrow.


He is destined to be a King

He rules over everything

On the land called planet Dune.

Bodywater is your life

And without it you would die

On the desert the planet Dune.


Without a stillsuit you would fry

On the sands so hot and dry

In a world called Arrakis.

It is a land that's rich in spice

The sandriders and the "mice"

That they call the "Muad'Dib".


He is the Kwizatz Haderach.

He is born of Caladan

And will take the Gom Jabbar.

He has the power to foresee

Or to look into the past

He is the ruler of the stars


The time will come for him to lay claim his crown,

And then the foe yes they'll be cut down,

You'll see he'll be the best that there's been,

Messiah supreme true leader of men,

And when the time for judgement's at hand

Don't fret he's strong and he'll make a stand,

Against evil and fire That spreads through the land,

He has the power to make it all end.


To Tame a Land.... By Iron Maiden

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Tell me of the waters of your homeworld, Usul.

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Maybe we can have some camels as targets. They had them in one of those Janes games. Then you could dump gallons of napalm on them. The Marines could move up and make a FOB at the same place and have camel burgers.


On the last mission the main target could be Sadam. You could drop a Lazer Guided Bomb on him and win the campaign. Then the republican guard, riding on their camels, will come out to see what happened only to find death by a whole strike package of A-10s and F-16s!!!!!!!!

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