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Edited by Veltro2k

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damn two hard drive crashes?


what brand HD are you using?

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Zip it up, and back it up to CD every few days....two CDs, just to be safe.

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Actually this in number 3.... Maxtor IDE...I was able to save the vautour because i zipped and sent it to someone to look at ,But the KC-135 is also gone,,,I now rebuilt my system with 4 Seagates 500 SATAs and keeping files also in my Kingston 4GB Flash....I think this should solve this problem once and for all :crazy:


Every Maxtor I've ever owned has died a horrible death at the most inopportune times, possible. Seagate drives are awesome, they're built like Tanks, you can chuck 'em off a 100 storie building and they still work. So, you should have no troubles, now. Western Digital is the Ferrari of Hard Drives, though. I usually buy WD

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My friend had several seagate HDs and they were terrible and all died. I've only had maxtor and Western digital and I've been very satisfied. Actually the Hondas of HDs, Ferraris are always breaking down and need tons of maintenance to keep them in good shape.

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Hard Drive Crashes are a B**ch..So I started rebuilding it from scratch...Here is the latest WIP PICs


No... no no no... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!! Awwwww crap! I feel your pain buddy. I went through something similar a short time ago, lost a hole bunch of customised aircraft. It sucks hard!! But that's great progress in the mean time!

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Thanks for the continied efforts and the updates veltro.The Mig-31 looks great and I'm glad to hear thet your Voutour was not lost as it's one of my all time favorites.

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Guest Saganuay82

Yes I too am glad that you didn't lose the Vautour. :)

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No... no no no... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!! Awwwww crap! I feel your pain buddy. I went through something similar a short time ago, lost a hole bunch of customised aircraft. It sucks hard!! But that's great progress in the mean time!



You know guys, DVDs are cheap. Burn a couple, burn 10, or, like me, burn some 25 already for Third Wire flight sims and add-ons. I make a new one every month. Unless you mistreat them or leave them in the sun, they don't ever go away. Hard Drives are slow RAM these days. Purchase and, more importantly, use backups. Have a regular backup plan and you will be one happier dude.

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No, weapons pack did not have one ,so I made a model for it. As far as a pit I am not that advance yet but welcome anyone who wants to try it

Hello ! Vulkan here.

I use modded Aim-54 Phoenix like R-33 (AA-9) Amos, inte veapon editor kreate new weapon, choose the aim-54 model (LOD), and add a name R-33...

But I try to make add a new skin editing in LOD.file it is not easy

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Guest Saganuay82

Ah welcome back will be this weekend dude. I'm still bobbing along on the sea on the way home. Keep an eye out on ICQ. Should be up Friday or Saturday.

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:clapping: Looks like cool Veltro2k !

And maybe MiG-31 Beta release ?

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Of course, it's obvious the AA-9 wasn't "all that" or they'd have kept using it. There were early pictures of Flankers intercepted carrying an AA-9 or two over the Baltic by Viggens in the 80s, but as soon as the Alamos came out they disappeared.

I'm sure it's also of limited use vs fighters and is more an anti-bomber/anti-cruise missile type AAM. Didn't they also make a anti-AWACS variant meant to home in on the AWACS' emissions?

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looking very good! Can not wait to go Falcon hunting in this baby!

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This is yet another bird i cant wait to get behind the controls of

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