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PhotoReal Terrains Available NOW at RAZBAM

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Hmm...well here's my two pennyworth or maybe that should be two bucks or cents worth. I've looked at the screenshots and in my view those who have bought YAP, as I have, probably won't be all that impressed. I thought YAP was good value for money and in any case as the producers have to pay for the mods then I can't see that anyone should complain about having to buy the stuff. It really is good and some of the detail in the objects has to be seen to be believed. On top of this it's historically based and in my view this is a great advantage because the player is flying actual fighter pilot missions not some crazy fictious scenario. The only gripe is that all the files have to be manually installed and this might be a problem for some people as it was for me in the begginning.


I guess the other sceneries might be of interest but I reserve judgement on that for the time being. I have no problem paying for enjoying my hobby but what does annoy me is when I pay the price but don't get the goods. I have just spent about £100 approx £200 dollars on aircraft for FS2004 and quite honestly you guys produce better models for free!! I ended up trashing them and they come from well known developers with purportedly good reviews. I say again without apology, the work produced and available on this site is well up to payware standard and I thank you all for distributing this for me and others who share the same passion.


All the best to everyone.




Im with you on the quote about the quality of the free models available for the Third Wire series - a lot are top drawer - guess thats what you get when something is made with passion and not to a deadline. :clapping:

Users of the free Mods have a lot to be thankful for IMO

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And USAFMTL is right....this is a civil conversation, just people airing out different opinions. THAT is what seperates this community from the guys over at SHQ. I haven't seen one person call someone a doo doo head once!



Just kidding. :crazy:


I think (And I agree) what many people are saying is not that payware sucks, or all mods should be freeware, but that the way we were lead (or not lead) to believe it was freeware until release is the big sucker punch.

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@ Sky Captain


Oh now you have to start the crap slinging.....poo poo face...... :crazy::biggrin:

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I respect your feelings.Why don't you send me $15 bucks, and I'll buy one of terrains.

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What exactly is in each terrain pack you buy?...I assume its just bitmaps and tga`s...as im sure everyone is aware...if there are ini files the same as in the game..(which I assume are copyright) then thats illegal and copyright infringement.

just curious...who has bought a terrain and what exactly IS included?



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What exactly is in each terrain pack you buy?...I assume its just bitmaps and tga`s...as im sure everyone is aware...if there are ini files the same as in the game..(which I assume are copyright) then thats illegal and copyright infringement.

just curious...who has bought a terrain and what exactly IS included?




Ini files are not copyrighted, TK said that is part of the open structure and doesnt mind them being used. He just has issues with core game files.

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Does he know others are profiting from it though?...

btw....I notice in Razbam forums,you C5 and Sag and others are in the gang...

seems like small cliches are popping up all over...im glad im out of it all...

sorry state of affairs....

im well out of it now...



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Does he know others are profiting from it though?...

btw....I notice in Razbam forums,you C5 and Sag and others are in the gang...

seems like small cliches are popping up all over...im glad im out of it all...

sorry state of affairs....

im well out of it now...




Yes TK says he has no problem with payware. As far as the RAZBAM forums are concerned, I just help out anyone with SF questions. I am not making any money or selling anything. I am a technical advisor. I mean really Russ, known you for years why does this chap your ass so much? Its not hurting you and your creativity at all. I would even buy from you if you went payware. This system works for MSFS and even though we are smaller than them, it is still a choice whether to buy or not to buy. Its really not as a big a deal as you think. Its all about choices. But make no mistake, I am purely freeware have been since 1998 when I started modding.

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From my humble perspective there is no such thing as "freeware".


There are always production and distribution costs. Someone is paying even if it's not the end user. We all should try and re-think the definition of "freeware" because to me it's all "payware". Some folks just ask others to help support their expenses and I see nothing wrong with that at all. A supportive community wouldn't hesitate at the opportunity to help out with the expenses. So why aren't we out promoting any new addition to the community?


Dave is absolutely correct. Our position here is to support the entire community with it's many diversified individuals that do so much to continue their support for the enjoyment of others, "payware" or otherwise.


Before we are critical of anyone offering continued life to an otherwise "as is" packaged past time I think we should consider what would happen if all the "freeware" or "payware" additions just stopped. I'll lay wager that the vocal tendencies would soon switch to, "where are all the new mods at?"


Be thankful, be understanding, and most of all be supportive.



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Guest Saganuay82

Yep, I'm a moderator at his forum. He wanted me on to help him out answering questions at his forum. So what? I still can't afford to buy the Audi I want and I still am in the Navy. I'll tell ya, no monetary gain from it. Zero.


The whole payware thing was so foreign when RAZBAM, as I remember, brought it to SFP1 and so many rejected it cause it was never done before. Very few mod, very few post and many of that very few have big opinions. "Payware!!! Not in my lifetime will I ever buy that!!!" What an uproar it caused to buy a Spad. Oh well. I'm sure all the guys who were flying Mid east wars at the time couldn't have cared less. We are still getting lots of freeware high quality aircraft and products coming out.


I don't know why Russ you are taking such exception to it. You have your own rights not to buy. You don't have to support it. Buut everytime something comes up , out comes the "hanging the Buccaneer out over our heads" again. You know that was one aircraft that many who are the silent ones in the community were waiting for and again, it won't be released. I don't understand it. Then again it is yours to do with what you want and I see it won't be in the Combatace download section.


I think this thread is dead as I said before. All it is hacking out the old payware vs freeware storm again and leads to nothing productive.

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Does he know others are profiting from it though?...

btw....I notice in Razbam forums,you C5 and Sag and others are in the gang...

seems like small cliches are popping up all over...im glad im out of it all...

sorry state of affairs....

im well out of it now...




As I've said on numerous occasions, I've helped Ron with some flight model stuff in the past, for free because I think a strong payware community is good for this game. Ron's pricing has been right on the money (no pun intended) for his aircraft, but these terrain repaints are way overpriced, and I can't support that.


What's really got your knickers so bunched up, Russ?

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Like I said before, I'm not a payware guy. Regardless, it seems its here to stay. So be it. What gets my back up, however, are the insinuations that those that are against payware are "freeloaders" or cheepskates just used to a "free ride". Bull! I don't give a damn if it costs a nickle. Its a philosophical difference. Now, I'll crawl back into my hole before I get in trouble. :wink:

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is done,3 versions with 15 skins,weapons and new pilots......but...its gonna cost yer £50... :no2:

took me months to make so thats why its so expensive......

j\k....it aint gonna happen...why should others who charge for their work get mine free?...deal or no deal...none...


Just when i tought things couldnt get any worse the sh** its the fan.... :nono:

If i was kinda indiferent with the concept of payware this comment couldnt resent me more! It seems my 4y old nephew talking sh**...."i have it and you dont nananana"...now realy...this is getting truly a circus!

If you have it and dont want to share it, hey it is your right someonelse has to make it or not but getting pissed at someone for using payware and menace with that kinda remarks...man that is truly disgusting. :bad:

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Hey russouk.. :hi: even as i find it pretty expensive, throw me a line if you want to distribute it... :wink:


Best regards



Dark Lord of payware

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Hey russouk.. :hi: even as i find it pretty expensive, throw me a line if you want to distribute it... :wink:


Best regards



Dark Lord of payware



Not that im uptight or anything but could you change the Razbam site so that either you dont have to make an account to buy something - or make sure SSL is used on the create account page that people are forced to put their personal info and password into.



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Hey Coolhand:

Well, the OS Comerce system, wich is what we use for our direct sales online store works that way and i know some feel unsecure using it.Since what it uses is paypal where SSL is used, i think is fairly safe, HOWEVER, i trully understand your position and yes, we are looking for a better alternative to the OS commerce system.


Best regards



Dark Lord of the Evil Empire of Payware

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Thanks Prowler - glad to see you are aware of the issue.

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I guess I'll chime in with the "whoa, wasn't expecting this route" deal.


My issue is I don't have a lot of time to devote to SF/WoX and the mods. Honestly it's been over a month since I've flown any of them but FE, and then we're talking maybe 3 hours in the last month.

So, while I have the time to DL a freeware mod and check it out and enjoy it, I can't justify spending the money on any payware mod since I know I won't get my money's worth. Not the makers' fault, just my own reality.


I agree somewhat with the philosophical "if person A is charging, what's to stop persons B and C?" outlook, and I too am concerned especially for our foreign members for whom $15-$25 is not chump change, and these sims may be the only thing that can run on their lower-end PCs.


Unlike MSFS, our community is vastly smaller and I don't believe is large enough to make payware viable. That is, they can't sell enough to quit their day jobs. :grin: I've known people who deliver pizza or the newspaper as second jobs on the side, and I think they could possibly make that much money, but not as much as those MSFS guys who have an install base of hundreds of thousands and not just thousands.


I don't think it will make or break the games, either, I just personally regret that everything isn't done gratis. Probably mostly because every game I've used mods in I've never gone payware: F4/F4:AF, rFactor, various Q3A-engined games and Unreal-engined games, and so on. Only Red Orchestra did I buy, but that was a full commercial release.


Payware is for people that dedicate their time to a handful of games. Freeware is for people like me that have more games than mods on their HD and can't spend too much time on a given game.

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In reality im not saying payware is wrong...I have bought add ons for FS2004 (quite a few actually)...they are items I wouldnt have had the time to make myself in a long while...terrains I havent a clue but I would have a go if yet again I had the time to learn and make them...what pissed me off was,everyone being led to believe that the terrains were going to be free then told...oh no sorry I forgot,they arent free..theres a charge..thats misleading...

Reason my Buccaneer is taking so long is...as if I need to explain to anyone the reasons..!!..time...pure and simple.....im tyring to get my new models as accurate as possible,with as few polys as I can so EVERYONE can fly them for FREE....I dont mind them being free,as the satisfaction of others enjoying summat ive been able to produce,on a hard to learn 3d programm allows.

I havent been "hanging " this above anyones head as suggested.I have a busy time and try to do as much 3d stuff time permitting...Ive had a few offers to go commercial with my stuff,but as ive said,I couldnt promise to complete items in any given timeframe...so I decided to release anything I did\do for free...when I get round to finishing any of the aforementioned models that is......hell I dont even get to fly any of the sims im so busy....sorry but computer games stuff comes last.. ...I have other stuff that takes priority ...I seem to recall certain people denouncing YAP etc a while back,all of a sudden they are the best thing since sliced bread......if you want to pay for what others do for free thats ur money.All I dislike about the payware stuff of late,is the in ur face approach..microsoft dont bombard all the free FS related forums.....This isnt personal to the makers each,just in general.

well thats that..


Edited by russouk2004

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In reality im not saying payware is wrong...I have bought add ons for FS2004 (quite a few actually)...they are items I wouldnt have had the time to make myself in a long while...terrains I havent a clue but I would have a go if yet again I had the time to learn and make them...what pissed me off was,everyone being led to believe that the terrains were going to be free then told...oh no sorry I forgot,they arent free..theres a charge..thats misleading...

Reason my Buccaneer is taking so long is...as if I need to explain to anyone the reasons..!!..time...pure and simple.....im tyring to get my new models as accurate as possible,with as few polys as I can so EVERYONE can fly them for FREE....I dont mind them being free,as the satisfaction of others enjoying summat ive been able to produce,on a hard to learn 3d programm allows.

I havent been "hanging " this above anyones head as suggested.I have a busy time and try to do as much 3d stuff time permitting...Ive had a few offers to go commercial with my stuff,but as ive said,I couldnt promise to complete items in any given timeframe...so I decided to release anything I did\do for free...when I get round to finishing any of the aforementioned models that is......hell I dont even get to fly any of the sims im so busy....sorry but computer games stuff comes last.. ...I have other stuff that takes priority ...I seem to recall certain people denouncing YAP etc a while back,all of a sudden they are the best thing since sliced bread......if you want to pay for what others do for free thats ur money.All I dislike about the payware stuff of late,is the in ur face approach..microsoft dont bombard all the free FS related forums.....This isnt personal to the makers each,just in general.

well thats that..



I hear yeah Russ and thank you for explaining . Your contributions have always been appraicated and always will be. Looking forward to your Bucc.

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And on this season of Controversy.... :rofl:


Can't wait for the Buck. You modders, keep up the good work.

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Yeah, I have to agree with Russ on that....it isn't the whole payware thing that gets my goat, it's the way this one was presented.


Take Prowler's stuff for example, he has always been payware...so it is easier to swallow. When you see a "Coming Soon" screenshot from him, you know it is payware and his stuff is priced (at least IMO) fairly.


When you look at the price for the terrains, it is a tough pill to swallow. Granted, I am sure a lot of work went into them...but 15 bucks worth? Especially considering you can get a pack of new aircraft models with multiple variations for less.


If these were priced appropriately, I would probably be crashing into that new terrain right now.


That said, if Prowler ever decides to bring over his Skyhawks packs, I am first in line for those (hint hint). I have been dying for a two seater Scooter since day 1

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