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Sorry FE

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Now I know im not going to be popular with what I about to say. Two weeks ago I purchased Red Baron 3D and after a many years flying all types of flight sims and combat sims CFS1/2/3, OFF, WW2 FIGHTERS, EAW, BOB (now that one's vgood) FU2/3 and many more, in my opinion Red Baron with add-ons like Hells Angels blows FE away for a WW1 sim the only thing Red baron do's not have is the eye candy. For me it has every thing I have been looking for in a combat sim.


Please do not respond to this if you have not played RB as you will not understand. I know it's old and at the end of it's day if you have not tried it do so there is room for all. One day FE and OFF will get close im sure and I have no hope in Knights of the Sky will be like IL2 at first brilliant but after time boring.


Thanks CA forum for the chance to air my views.

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I know very well Red Baron (i belong to a red baron squad since 3 years and was CFS player before) -I think you are right but may be you forgot one thing-Red baron is a now discontinued game , and he became a great game only thanks to a lot of third parties developpers and add-ons- I think First eagle is far above red baron at the level he was at his beginning-The only problem is the non- dedicated servers for FE-

By the way , do you know that a new lobby is in development ? (as good as MS zone)

I just played CFS1 in that lobby! very great!May be they will accept new games like

wov, FE,woe ?




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I don't know why anyone who enjoys FE would need to feel sorry about anything. Regardless, we're glad you have found a WWI sim you can enjoy. :grin:

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Hey Don, one of the only reasons I don't stll have RB3D loaded is lack of a voodoo card. I know it will play in DX but its real grainy. I agree it has all of what most people want in a WWI sim but its lost most of its big following when voodoo went under then Sierra basicly dumped the game in the trash. THe Add people in the community kept it alive for a long darn time.


I have tried many voodoo/glide wrappers and none of them will let the game play well and it has graphics freezes when I ised them.


If RB3D has what your after then by all means stick with it. FE is still in the early stages and It may take some time to see if its going to get to that status that RB3D once held.


Hope we see you again in another WWI sim soon 8)

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Just a quick one, not wishing to make this a RB forum (this will be my last reply on RB)


Bruno, I do not fly on line im a coward.


Firecage, and any others intending to install RB. I have a modest set-up AMD 3800 CPU, NVIDIA 7900 GS CARD, WINDOWS XP with SP2.


This is what I used and it worked ok first time out First Aid Kit from- http://www.jasta5.org/Jagdstaffeln_5/red_baron_j5_3d.htm


FCJ (Full canvas Jacket) Control Panel 2.2 from - http://www.swwisa.net/captdarwin/ this will change the screen res mine is 1280x1064 it will do many more wonderful fings to RB.


One final thing do read all the readme's that come with any addon.


Have fun, I will still use FE and OFF they will get better and time permitting I hope to contribute to these great WW1 SIMS

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Firecage I have a very good glide wrapper (dgvoodoo1.3)

if you want i d/l it to you ? (better than the voodoo 5 agp i used)

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I used to play RB 3D in the old days. Online, it was the most fun I ever had with a game. When FE came out, I thought, well it is no RB, but it looks good and not that bad. But now, even not being online with FE, I am thinking, Gee this game has advanced quickly. So many people have made it something really special - it keeps expanding. I never get a chance with all of these planes, and Firecage's campaign updates to even catch up! Yes, I can still play RB 3D on my machine, but I never seem to get to it. I am really glad that I can play FE on my little Fujitsu Lifebook.


Cheers and thanks to all your efforts to turn FE into a great experience.

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RB2/3D had a massive development team and a much larger budget than FE. For what was available FE has accomplished volumes. The lack of RB's awesome dynamic campaign isn't easily overcome...I loved the transfers around the front and ace challenges and such (and missed the infantry when 3D came out)...but as said, RB3D is basically a decade old now. Technology has marched on and the code for RB really can't keep pace.


I really wish someone would take the source code to RB and do a "BoB2" with it, incorporating all the improvements made by the community in the last decade and updating it to a modern DX9 renderer, but that won't happen.

I also doubt we'll ever see another Red Baron game from Sierra.


Instead, we have FE, the OFF mod, and KotS to look forward to. :grin:

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I just discovered FE about 4 months ago and had a difficult time adjusting to the views. I now fly nothing else. I have abandoned RB3D with some regret. It has a great on-line community that FE does not, but I tired of driving my Model T in the right hand lane - system upgrades usually imparted no improvement or forced reversion to old drivers (nVidia).


RB3D, especially with the DM's Cold War enhancements (the D7F flew like a D7F), was almost pure joy, but it was showing its age. While the problem with glide wrappers was surmountable, it was indicative of the problem. Is was a game that had progressed as far as it was going to.


FE has several problems that I feel will be addressed. It is too bad that it did not meet your needs, but to each his own. BTW, if you have not tried the Cold War patches, I recommend that you do, especially CW4.1 (may be 4.2 by now).


In any event, have fun. Should you decide to give FE another chance and wish to fly on-line, give me a shout.

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when i first fired up RB it was on flopies, I Never forgot (Wings) on the Amiga and Dawn patrol and Flying corps, but the had there day, the only game i do fire up from the early 90's is (grand prix legends)

Pacific Strike and Overlord were by far the best , back in the day

God knows how many hours of end user modding hours make RB3d the game you love 2day,

I hope FE still has legs in years 2 come , the il2 engined WW1 sim will be same as Il2 , im still waiting for a wellington, halifax ,beufort , hudson , anson, ect ect (dont hold yer breath)

But we have the power 2 make it so here

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But we have the power 2 make it so here


My thoughts exactly gambit


Can't say at this point FE is the best WW1 air sim, but then also couldn't say any others are now either - RB has had its day (or decade).


FE has some issues, thers the immersion factor, ground activity, some of the damage modelling, but TK seems to know and wants to improve some of these things - and the community could then build on this and potentially make it a great game.


So...to me, FE is as good as any at moment, but potential wise, certainly far more promising. Of course theres KOTs - so who knows.

Edited by peter01

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the il2 engined WW1 sim will be same as Il2


What sim is this?

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Gennadich's WW1 Knights Of The Sky

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Gennadich's WW1 Knights Of The Sky


Oh, okay, but it's not IL2 engined.

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Oh, okay, but it's not IL2 engined.

Originally it was meant to be using the IL-2 game engine.

If they are no longer using that what are they using, have they developed their own?

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Yes, they switched to an internally-developed engine from what I've heard. Makes sense as the Il-2 engine is turn-of-the-century vintage. :grin: It's held up very well but no game engine can really go past 5 years.

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