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The thought of proper air-racing is giving me a chubby! (yeah... I know..."bad visual") :biggrin:


Think of all the airframe possibilites!... Biplane, Formula 1, Sport Class, T-6 Class, Jet Class, Unlimited Class... :clapping:


To me the Sport class is the most "interesting"... some very unique airframes in this class!


Sorry PC... looks like your Civilian thread has been hijacked by air-racing hoodlums! (I'm with you on the Civi stuff too though) :good:

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Well I am going to fly with a T-6, P-51 and a F8F.....why not LOL

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Now air racing could work! This would play closer to TW sims strengths. Wouldn't need super detailed terrains either. Maybe even have collidable objects above a canyon to encourage keeping in the course...


You could even arm the planes...guns only. Any combat would have to take place on the course...so there is a risk of being in the lead...:) Do you go fast or try to combat your opponents to win? Yeah, I know, defeats the non-combat part.


Actually, since we're brain storming here...another way to keep combatants in the course, line the course borders with SAMS that are 100% effective. Stray from the course and you die. Again, the idea would be to discourage trying to stray outside the course.



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hehehe air racing, would picking a thud be cheating?

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If we put together a team......3d modellers,terrain gurus etc...we could approach TK with mebbe a team effort...him and us...(hmmmm...supercharged P47...yowser...)


Edited by russouk2004

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Now air racing could work! This would play closer to TW sims strengths. Wouldn't need super detailed terrains either. Maybe even have collidable objects above a canyon to encourage keeping in the course...


You could even arm the planes...guns only. Any combat would have to take place on the course...so there is a risk of being in the lead...:) Do you go fast or try to combat your opponents to win? Yeah, I know, defeats the non-combat part.


Actually, since we're brain storming here...another way to keep combatants in the course, line the course borders with SAMS that are 100% effective. Stray from the course and you die. Again, the idea would be to discourage trying to stray outside the course.




(Read in a horse race announcer style)...


"AND here come FastCaro around the 3rd pylon... Followed closely by USAFMTL... USAFMTL apprears to be hugging the pylon to force Fastcargo wide.... OH NO! FastCargo has strayed wide and high on the coarse... Looks like the west SAM battery has him locked up... He's back on coarse but with a missle hot on his arse!"


Brings a whole new meaning to "do not deviate from your waypoints"... :blink:

Edited by Zurawski

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There is an Airbus for the Luftwaffe and a civilian one at the downloads section,and there is also a VARIG skin for the C-47.It makes the C-47 an "armed" DC-3,an innocent civilian airliner with training bombs! :biggrin:

BTW,civilian planes can be nice for the worst terrorist dreams,it would be cool to take down a 747 with a MiG-25.

Oh,you can also recreate the KAL incident...

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I actually like this idea. I think it would be interesting to see what kind of airshow skins that people could come out with! But I also like the airline intercept idea as well.

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As for running out of military aircraft to model, there's a whole world of 1920-1930's aircraft begging to be done for hypothetical wars.


Someone around here has to like the idea of carrier battles with biplanes, ultra "modern" monoplanes (like the B10 - LOL) and a while assortment of odd looking aircraft which would be "fun" to shoot down :crazy:

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(Read in a horse race announcer style)...


"AND here come FastCaro around the 3rd pylon... Followed closely by USAFMTL... USAFMTL apprears to be hugging the pylon to force Fastcargo wide.... OH NO! FastCargo has strayed wide and high on the coarse... Looks like the west SAM battery has him locked up... He's back on coarse but with a missle hot on his arse!"


Brings a whole new meaning to "do not deviate from your waypoints"... :blink:



And coming up from the rear in last place is, yes, I believe it is...Beetlebaum...

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Hi guys, been gone for the last 24 hours so wasnt able to reply. Get home last night and both mine and the wifes' computers are off which is wierd. Try to reboot hers and it just keeps booting all the way to the windows welcome screen, then starts to reboot again...over and over...wierd. Figure she's got a virus as other things have been going on lately. So decide to try to save some of her data. In the process, my computer shuts off in mid-operation! And it wont boot up! At all! Like the power supply is frtitzed! Anywho, we are both using the laptop right now until I can sort this mess out.


Dont worry about hijacking the thread, this is the kind of brainstroming this thread was all about. Matter of fact, Im working on a civvie skin right now for a plane. Next up will be a racing skin! Be interesting to see what else you guys come up with. I also like Nicolas Bells reminder about the 20's and 30's aircraft. Ive already did a 20's and 30's install awhile back. There are some planes in it but it could sure use some more. Also, remember this time frame was HUUUGE for air racing, remember Jimmy Doolittle...

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But I also like the airline intercept idea as well.


Anyone remember Microprose's F-14 Fleet Defender, where you could launch on intercepts to escort intruders away from the fleet? Russian Bears and Libyan MiG 25s most often IIRC.


And there was always the chance that the ROE would change when war was declared - I once flew a mission over the Med where tensions were high and we launched to intercept some unidentified heavies. Turned out they were Backfires and after we intercepted and turned them away the balloon went up, so they reversed course while we were on the way home and launched a wave of cruise missiles at the battle group!


I also remember launching to intercept an S-3 off the coast of Korea who's nav systems had crapped out and he was wandering northwards in lousy weather. We flew close in to him and took him in trail and turned away from the coast before the NK MiGs could catch us.

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As for running out of military aircraft to model, there's a whole world of 1920-1930's aircraft begging to be done for hypothetical wars.


Someone around here has to like the idea of carrier battles with biplanes, ultra "modern" monoplanes (like the B10 - LOL) and a while assortment of odd looking aircraft which would be "fun" to shoot down :crazy:


What you mean?

The Martin B-10?

Maybe that odd planes,like B-18,B-23,B-7,B-32.


Oh,and BTW,someome should add that 747 that haves the USAF laser.

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What you mean?

The Martin B-10?


Yes. Sarcasm doesn't carry well when writing. :tongue: While we might laugh now, at the time of it's introduction the Martin B-10 totally outclassed the competition - including the fighters which it might oppose.


I just like the idea of fighting hypothetical wars in planes we're hardly familiar with. Unfortunately I have no skills to assist in creating these aircraft.

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The air races sound fun! And while we're at it, why don't we throw in a couple sky scrapers to have people fly around? :crazy:


I think a canyon would be better to race in than having pylons (if we don't want to have realistic ones). Try to pass someone and they'll pressure you into the wall! :biggrin:


A little OT, but did anyone think about an airshow? I know the c6 guys did it with the blue angels, but we could set up a MP aerobatics team...

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I'd be interested in joining one! Hell I even got a paint scheme Idea in my head, but dont have the know how to do one! But what aircraft would we use? MIG-31, F-18, F-16, SU-27, or even the F-22 when it is released?

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