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Hi there!

I know that France was not properly part of NATO in the era of the mod (except 1962), but with add-ons planes such as Mirages III, V and F1 and Mystères (and the upcoming vautour that I saw somewhere), it would be a great addition for an hypothetical v3 of the mod.




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You can find all those files on Checksix




Hi there!

I know that France was not properly part of NATO in the era of the mod (except 1962), but with add-ons planes such as Mirages III, V and F1 and Mystères (and the upcoming vautour that I saw somewhere), it would be a great addition for an hypothetical v3 of the mod.




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Yep, it's easy to add fighters to a campaign...there are several threads about it. I've added french fighters to my 1979 and 1993 versions of the WOE campaign.



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Hi there.

Just enjoying NF2 :good:


But I'm still willing to have some french planes (SMB2, Mirages) flying.

May be Fastcargo can PM me his files?

I do really suck at modding, not even able to install properly ME wars. So any help would be very much appreciated indeed.

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Hi there.

Just enjoying NF2 :good:


But I'm still willing to have some french planes (SMB2, Mirages) flying.

May be Fastcargo can PM me his files?

I do really suck at modding, not even able to install properly ME wars. So any help would be very much appreciated indeed.



One advice...if you have NF installed dont instal the Weapons Pack or the game will start giving you problems...is best to unistall NF and install all the planes manually...its really easy to install, just read the readme.txt in the planes you download or pay a visit to the knowledge base...

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One advice...if you have NF installed dont instal the Weapons Pack or the game will start giving you problems...is best to unistall NF and install all the planes manually...its really easy to install, just read the readme.txt in the planes you download or pay a visit to the knowledge base...



have not had any such problem. My baseline load now includes all the NF additions AND the weapons pack.

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have not had any such problem. My baseline load now includes all the NF additions AND the weapons pack.


Ok put your ideas here for NF3......Since C5 is busy lets take the lead and do it ourselves.

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Well, my N3 suggestions:


- French airforces/airplanes (we do have the SMB2, M3 and MF1)

- Perhaps a 1984-85 campaign? Just to have to deal with MiG-29 and Su-27... :biggrin:

- Flyable red side would be cool, but it's not a priority for me

- More red side squadrons, especially in no-1979 scenarios: there are very few East-german, Polish, Csech or Hungarian planes...

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I've been hoping for an NF3 addition ever since the release of NF2. :grin: However, the long time passage made me realize that it's doubtful C5 ever will, so anything we can do here is greatly welcomed!

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I do remember C5 saying that he was quite keen on a Mirage special NF edition.

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Here are my suggestions - taken from my modded 1979 WOE campaign:


US Navy - blantently ripped off JSF_Aggie's Harrier campaign idea preview




Royal Navy - Using the HMS Ark Royal and the HMS Hermes




French air force and navy - HMS Ark Royal deck repainted to simulate French Navy carrier Foch




German Air Force Tornado




USMC Harriers off the USS Tarawa




F-111s...but of course!





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Don't forget the F-111's best weapon...the SRAM! :grin:

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I'm wondering if adding navies is relevent...


Because IMHO, US and Royal Navies, just like french one, might have been busy in the Atlantic supporting defence of Iceland and Norway, hunting the red fleet and fighting soviet bombers; or doing the same support things in the Mediterrannean sea with Greece, Italy, Spain and Turkey (and why not, Yougoslavia).


For the pleasure to fly them, I'm 100% with the addition of navies.

For the sake of "realism", I think adding more nato squadrons is better.

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Don't forget the F-111's best weapon...the SRAM! :grin:


The FB-111A's best friend you mean. :biggrin:

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The FB-111A's best friend you mean. :biggrin:


A bit overkill for the campaign...


But then again, a B-1B could carry 24 of them...



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A flyable F-4G squadron would be good. A whole campaign of defence suppression missions would really seperate the men from the boys!

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A flyable F-4G squadron would be good. A whole campaign of defence suppression missions would really seperate the men from the boys!


Actually, I tried that with my 1993 WOE campaign using the EA-6B, adjusting the missions to very little strike and mostly SEAD. Using these numbers:













Yet, 9 out of every 10 missions has been strike. There have been a very few SEAD missions in there...I wonder if the campaign engine doesn't do much SEAD...



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What about adding Czechoslovak Air Force? There are few problems, but i believe they can be solved. First, the entire order of battle is about 16 aviation regiments, each with 36 aircraft. This can be solved by fewer aircraft per regiment + fewer regiments, but how many?

Second: There are only 8 Czechoslovak airfields on stock GermanyCE map. Two of these were taken over by soviets in 1968. So a force of 8 16-plane regiments for pre-1968 and 6 20-plane regiments for post-1968? (this is how it was done for real - regiments that lost their bases disbanded and others had a 4th squadron added)

Third: Missing planes.

Mig-15SB and Mig-15bisSB - fighter-bombers with 6 underwing pylons (2 fuel tanks, 2 inboard, 2 outboard). Used as fighter-bombers 1958-1964. Used for CAS till 1982.

Mig-19P, PM, interceptor version of 19, same radar as Mig-17PFU, P is armed with 3x23mm cannons, PM with 4 Alkali missiles.

Mig-17PF similar to PFU, but armed with 3x23mm cannons instead of missiles.

Su-7BLK, rough field capable, more powerful engine (compared to Su-7BM). Not necessary.

Most of these aircraft can be made from existing ones, but it is a skill i don't posses.


Iam waiting for any sugestions or advices. If you are interested in the full order of battle and/or history i can post them here on combatACE.

Sorry for any grammar errors :dntknw:

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What about adding Czechoslovak Air Force? There are few problems, but i believe they can be solved. First, the entire order of battle is about 16 aviation regiments, each with 36 aircraft. This can be solved by fewer aircraft per regiment + fewer regiments, but how many?

Second: There are only 8 Czechoslovak airfields on stock GermanyCE map. Two of these were taken over by soviets in 1968. So a force of 8 16-plane regiments for pre-1968 and 6 20-plane regiments for post-1968? (this is how it was done for real - regiments that lost their bases disbanded and others had a 4th squadron added)

Third: Missing planes.

Mig-15SB and Mig-15bisSB - fighter-bombers with 6 underwing pylons (2 fuel tanks, 2 inboard, 2 outboard). Used as fighter-bombers 1958-1964. Used for CAS till 1982.

Mig-19P, PM, interceptor version of 19, same radar as Mig-17PFU, P is armed with 3x23mm cannons, PM with 4 Alkali missiles.

Mig-17PF similar to PFU, but armed with 3x23mm cannons instead of missiles.

Su-7BLK, rough field capable, more powerful engine (compared to Su-7BM). Not necessary.

Most of these aircraft can be made from existing ones, but it is a skill i don't posses.


Iam waiting for any sugestions or advices. If you are interested in the full order of battle and/or history i can post them here on combatACE.

Sorry for any grammar errors :dntknw:

Hi, pilot Vigilant :biggrin:

Good idea about czechoslovak air force :clapping:

About missing planes:

We haven't got original Mig-17PF, PFU and Mig-19P, PM add ons. But we have mods to create another weapon station with radar, and avionics edits for radars.

So, we have Mi-17PF, PFU and we can have Mig-19P.

Look HERE!

As you can see, there is a chance to create Mig-19PM, it is not easy, but it works.

Look HERE! for some info about cocpits.

About Su-7: it is BKL no BLK (I see BLK somewhere too, but it is not correct).


I saw Mig-15SB data.ini file somewhere... I am searching for it.

Edited by kukulino

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A fighter-bomber variant of the 15 would be a great additon, in any case!


Wonder how we could get the xtra pylons on.....maybe use the PF, bury the radar nose in the fuselage (or so) and just move thing around to get the pylons more or less under the wings?


Or, conversly, use the F6WP pylon set (for the Paki F-6 Farmers) as was done on the Cuban 17AS....more ideas to play with



kevin stein

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Ok the results of 2+ hours of work. I gave up on the pylons, as they just don't fit.









You'll note both types of drop tanks were used in the test...the 300 gallon slipper and 400 gallon Fresco types.

Still needs some dailing in of the up/down of the pods/bombs, but I think it damn close!!



kevin stein

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Looking good Wrench!

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Hi, pilot Vigilant :biggrin:

Good idea about czechoslovak air force :clapping:

About missing planes:

We haven't got original Mig-17PF, PFU and Mig-19P, PM add ons. But we have mods to create another weapon station with radar, and avionics edits for radars.

So, we have Mi-17PF, PFU and we can have Mig-19P.

Look HERE!

As you can see, there is a chance to create Mig-19PM, it is not easy, but it works.

Look HERE! for some info about cocpits.

About Su-7: it is BKL no BLK (I see BLK somewhere too, but it is not correct).


I saw Mig-15SB data.ini file somewhere... I am searching for it.

Excelent, I completely missed that thread. The 19PM is important because it was the most common interceptor in 1960-1965 period. I was able to mod 17PF out of PFU. I'll look at Avsim for the PF nose. Is there also a mig-23BN?


Should the mod be aimed on historical accuracy or diversity? For example most units at the ingame airfields in 1962 were Mig-19S/MP units. But it would be more interesting to include 8. slp from Ostrava-Mosnov with Mig-19Ps or 7. slp from Kosice with 17PFs.

Is it possible to create a multi type unit? For example, that it has 8 Mig-19S fighters and 8 Mig-19PM interceptors?


Great job with the SB Wrench.

here are a few photos http://www.valka.cz/newdesign/v900/clanek_10543.html

also some are at airliners.net (under Czech Air Force Mig-15 - But only one si identified as SB, but most are in fact SBs)

Mig-15SB was created as a replacement for Il-10 an Il-28 aircraft. In 1958 mig-15s were converted to this standard and in 1968 remaining mig-15bis were converted to mig-15bisSB. In total 125 SBs and 38 bisSBs. Last unit operating SB was 30.sbolp in 1982. The hardpoints are capable of holding OFAB-100 100kg bomb or rocket pods (those were original czech manufacture :good: LR-55 pods for 10 55mm rockets) or single LR-130 rocket.

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Is there also a mig-23BN?

We haven't got original MIg-23BN add on. But look HERE!

We are talking about Mig-23BN mod there :yes:

Edited by kukulino

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