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Who is Looking Forward to Transformers?

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"Suspend that disbelief" is a line I learned from some comic book guys a long time ago.

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What sucked about the movie, yes I said that, was the Bull$*it GM car's AAARRRRGGGHHHH Jazz was a piece of S**T Solstice ? WTF ? Why could'nt they make him a Porsche ? A solstice indeed, good thing they ended his Solstice misery at the hand's of Megatron. :good:

Edited by Atreides

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They couldn't make him a Porsche for the same reason Bumblebee wasn't a Bug. Licensing baby!


The Porsche Audi group knew it was going to be a stinker so decided not to let them use the Porsche or Volkswagen likeness in the movie.

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The Porsche Audi group knew it was going to be a stinker so decided not to let them use the Porsche or Volkswagen likeness in the movie.


Except the movie isn't a stinker from what I can tell...seems to be getting good box office returns. This kind of logic as to why to pull licensing is usually pretty stupid. Unless the movie specifically disparages a particular product, any exposure is good exposure.



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Except the movie isn't a stinker from what I can tell...seems to be getting good box office returns. This kind of logic as to why to pull licensing is usually pretty stupid. Unless the movie specifically disparages a particular product, any exposure is good exposure.





Well....the Matrix sequels got pretty good returns...as did the Star Wars prequels.


Not what I would call good movies.

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In terms of marketing it's different - the fact that it's a good movie or not hasn't got anything to do with brands being in them or not. The exposure counts, hence a movie which is a box-office hit is naturally appealing to any brand wanting to do publicity in a movie. What could have turned off the Volkswagen group (of which Porsche is a part) was the fact that not all "cars" would survive, and some would be roughly handled (kinda like the car licensing for the Need for Speed series where the cars do the most spectacular accidents without scratching the paint-job) . That's my guess at least. I bet GM was just happy to replace VW, since the movie's been such a success...

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What could have turned off the Volkswagen group (of which Porsche is a part) was the fact that not all "cars" would survive, and some would be roughly handled (kinda like the car licensing for the Need for Speed series where the cars do the most spectacular accidents without scratching the paint-job) . That's my guess at least.


And it wouldn't be a bad guess. It isn't the first time I've read about auto makers (heck even Paramount has this 'no destroying the Enterprise' rule for games...for the most part) using this kind of reasoning. Again, it's pretty dumb...BMW did a GREAT job with their 'The Hire' series, a few of those BMWs had some damage done to them as part of the film itself...but BMW was okay with it (obviously). I reiterate...any exposure (other than specific disparaging) is good exposure.


Funny this facet is brought up. On 'Eureka', for the pilot episode, the 'solar car' was orginally going to be a Mercedes 'Smart' car, but was pulled at the last minute by Mercedes because they were going to have the main character act like he was 'cramped' inside. Now, I can see why Mercedes would be upset (though, the 'Smart' car is pretty damn small inside) and logically, I can see why they pulled their support.


Not so in the case of the Transformers.



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Well....the Matrix sequels got pretty good returns...as did the Star Wars prequels.


Not what I would call good movies.


Agreed, we all have our likes and dislikes in movies. But in this case I bet you Porsche Audi etc wish they had a piece of the pie now.

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In terms of marketing it's different - the fact that it's a good movie or not hasn't got anything to do with brands being in them or not. The exposure counts, hence a movie which is a box-office hit is naturally appealing to any brand wanting to do publicity in a movie. What could have turned off the Volkswagen group (of which Porsche is a part) was the fact that not all "cars" would survive, and some would be roughly handled (kinda like the car licensing for the Need for Speed series where the cars do the most spectacular accidents without scratching the paint-job) . That's my guess at least. I bet GM was just happy to replace VW, since the movie's been such a success...


They used the prototype Camero for Bumblebee and in the making they had GM reps on hand to make sure the care was handled with great great care. It was funny how they were telling the actors how to get in and out of the car etc. At the time of shooting there were only 4 of those Cameros in exsitance.

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That made me think of something that would be awesome- Wheeljack as a ford GT90 prototype.

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They don't care if a movie is "good" or "bad." How many product placements have you seen in Oscar winning films?

They only care if it will make them look good/increase sales. In this case, Porsche possibly thought that it would do more to hurt their sales with their existing clientele than it would to make Joe Schmo and his friends new customers.

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Then I'd think they'd want bumblebee as the VW bug, boost sales with a mostly male audience of what's considered a feminine car. Not so feminine when it turns into a giant robot and kicks some ass.


But I could definitely understand that with the porsche.

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I must tell you though, I wouldn't ever dream of buying a "New Beetle" even if it would have been Bumblebee's car version - Though I'd love to have an "Old Beetle" in Bumblebee's paintjob...


One brand I know that's eating its heart out for not being present is Citroën - They've had ads with their C-models transforming into robots for years on TV now... Hey, I wouldn't be surprised if one of the sequels would feature one!

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They wouldn't. I doubt many dealers know what a Citroen is in the US, or if any could be bothered to import them.

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Licensing isn't all about money.


How many copies of Gran Turismo do you think have sold world wide over the years?


Yet, have we ever seen a Ferrari in Gran Turismo? Or to even bring it closer to this discussion, have we ever seen a Porsche for that matter (I am not talking about the RUF loophole they used in GT2, but an actual Porsche)

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Licensing isn't all about money.


How many copies of Gran Turismo do you think have sold world wide over the years?


Yet, have we ever seen a Ferrari in Gran Turismo? Or to even bring it closer to this discussion, have we ever seen a Porsche for that matter (I am not talking about the RUF loophole they used in GT2, but an actual Porsche)


Well, perhaps the guys who did GT didn't bother to ask Ferrari for permission to feature one of their vehicles in the game. Or Ferrari thought that their official license to NFS would be enough in terms of ingame official representation (there are lots of Ferraris and Porsches in other games which don't carry the car's brand or model name, which cuts out the need to seek for a license, and allows for distantiation between a game and a brand, like in GTA:VC, where everybody could see that a Testarossa was featured but it wasn't called that way nor was it endorsed or officially associated to any Ferrari product).

Coupled to that may have been the considerations that GT players may not be potential Ferrari customers, and unlike GTA:VC, in GT the cars are supposed to be replicas of the real deal, so to have a Ferrari in GT the company would have to request a license from Ferrari, and for all the reasons I stated previously, it may just not have been possible or desired, hence the official absence of some vehicles in some games, no matter how ilogical it may be, from a gamer's perspective.

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Well once again you're in the minority paul. Saw it the other day with a bunch of friends and my brother, he was the only one that didn't like it. But his favorite movie was always dunston checks in so....


Megan Fox is legal right? they were supposed to be in 11th grade, but for the sake of not being a dirty pedophile she they better have cast someone older.

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Michael Bay was over the top in my opnion. The battle scene at the end...


attractive woman on the ground screaming in slow motion as an alien transfomring robot flies over her head.

a crownd that never fled from streets that looked as if they should have been abandoned to begin with.


Things like that annoyed me. Too much banter and smart @$$ kid crap also with the parents and girlfriend. I wish the decepticons would have had more dialogue as well. We canonly hope a new director is lined up for the sequel (maybe pray is a better word than hope).

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Megan Fox is legal right? they were supposed to be in 11th grade, but for the sake of not being a dirty pedophile she they better have cast someone older.


She is 21. Born May 16, 1986

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So i went yesterday, took my kid (4 yrs old) and my wife, we left the "newest one" with the grands.

OK, it was a very expensive movie! (read further) 1st of all my kid LOVED it, my wife turned 14 again and i enjoyed , i felt a kid again and yes, despite the fact that it was a bit cheeze and had a lot of cliches, it was great! WHO cares if bumble bee was no longer a bug, it was a camaro and looked awesome! i agree with the action, too fast, too blurry and not too many, but it was a great time at the movies.Regarding Megan Fox.......wwwwwwwwwwwwwooooooooooaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh.......but everyone knows that she stayed with the kid just because of the car!..LOL, sure the theater was packed with kids and their respective parents (..heeeyy Ron...you too?? as i found known faces there...lol) i was showered with popcorn steped over by kids and lose 10 minutes worth of action taking my kid to the bathroom.But overall i loved it, i really wasn´t a transformers fan back in the days (G.I. Joe, baby!)but i always watched it.Now the expensive part, after the movie we just had to hit the toy store!...LOL spent serious $$ buying transformers toys! also did the "bumble bee in new camaro form" hunt with no results (ended with the Z28 version), spent the rest of the day playing with my kid (daddy, i KNOW you can model starscream in your computer...lol) and "our" new toys until he felt sleep on the rug where we were laying and playing..ALL THIS is priceless!!

Ah and the final act...an "autobot" bumper sticker appeared on my explorer´s hatch...hummm...


Best regards


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I just saw the digital version of the movie few hours ago. WOW! WOW! WOW! The sound effects were awesome. I disagree about Paul's crictism about fast transforming. To me they transform about right speed where you see how they transform. Granted they transform fast in some scenes but that's when they jump into a battle which makes sense.


I didn't think the action was too blurry also. I do agree that there wasn't enough TF scenes and Starscream didn't whine at all. IMHO he looks better as a F-15.


Optimus Prime looked great in this movie and boy he kicked some metal booty too. When I was watching the movie, I felt like a kid again! I definity will buy the DVD and maybe a few figurines ;)



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I think its time to dig out those 1980's era transformers from the attic. Anyone else have an Ebay fortune sitting around?


21, Phew! Hotter than hell. But IMHO, she doesn't look like the kind of girl I'd date.

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..and maybe a few figurines


Action figures!!..they are called ACTION FIGURES!!





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In terms of marketing it's different - the fact that it's a good movie or not hasn't got anything to do with brands being in them or not. The exposure counts, hence a movie which is a box-office hit is naturally appealing to any brand wanting to do publicity in a movie. What could have turned off the Volkswagen group (of which Porsche is a part) was the fact that not all "cars" would survive, and some would be roughly handled (kinda like the car licensing for the Need for Speed series where the cars do the most spectacular accidents without scratching the paint-job) . That's my guess at least. I bet GM was just happy to replace VW, since the movie's been such a success...


Actually, in the case of Bumblebee and Jazz, VW didn't grant the likeness of their vehicles because of the "war like nature" of the Transformers. They did not want to be associated with gaint ass kicking robots that change into their cars.


I just ordered a couple of ACTION FIGURES from the "Alternator" line....a Subaru WRX called "Silverstreak" and a very cool Ford Mustang called "WheelJack"....I wish the robots in the movie looked like these figures do....Very cool stuff. My kid is going to be thrilled when they arrive

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I'm off to watch it Thursday with some friends who all remember the cartoons :) I've purposely not read the entire thread in case of spoilers but can you tell me if Optimus Prime is in it? :D

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