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Desert Storm terrain

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Is there a desert storm terrain to download? i have only found the desert storm planning map but not the terrain.

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yes there is. I'll try to find it and give you the link.



edit--->actually there was. Now it seems that it is removed. Why? Because there is a new desert storm campaign in the works and the terrain might be in for a face lift.




Edited by bucklehead101

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yes there is. I'll try to find it and give you the link.



edit--->actually there was. Now it seems that it is removed. Why? Because there is a new desert storm campaign in the works and the terrain might be in for a face lift.





OK, thank you

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Yes, indeed it is under going a complete renovation -- there are now more than 130 target areas, re-tiles so anyone can use it (not just SF users, but WoV and WoE). New cabinets in the kitchen, new bathroom fixtures; new airfields in correct locations, properly named oil fields, shipping and truck routes...SCUD sites....and AAA and SAMs that will make you cringe.


We're await the arrival of a few more planes, more skins (all will the historically accurate), and some more terrain work


There's a few preview shots floating around here somewhere, probably down inthe "Mission and Campaign Building Section"

be it known, however, all those are early wips, and not to be construed as completed items



Kevin Stein

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Yes, indeed it is under going a complete renovation -- there are now more than 130 target areas, re-tiles so anyone can use it (not just SF users, but WoV and WoE). New cabinets in the kitchen, new bathroom fixtures; new airfields in correct locations, properly named oil fields, shipping and truck routes...SCUD sites....and AAA and SAMs that will make you cringe.


We're await the arrival of a few more planes, more skins (all will the historically accurate), and some more terrain work


There's a few preview shots floating around here somewhere, probably down inthe "Mission and Campaign Building Section"

be it known, however, all those are early wips, and not to be construed as completed items



Kevin Stein


actually, I've been able to use the DS terrain just fine in WOE.

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typhoid: same here! Just a simple matter of some text editing in the DS.ini. No problemo for those few of us that actually read the 'readme'.

But I think we're rebuilding it with just WoE in mind (not sure exactly; may have something to do with one of the stock birds, of which I personally think the aftermarket version is MUCH better)


JM: not just wip, my brother, but an early wip!!! :haha:


Right now it's still in the shop (like I said above). We may be getting some new tiles, but I'm not really sure about that. Me personally, I want the rivers!!! Which means, of course, I get to lay out all the bridges....for you lucky folks to blow up :good:



kevin stein

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typhoid: same here! Just a simple matter of some text editing in the DS.ini. No problemo for those few of us that actually read the 'readme'.

But I think we're rebuilding it with just WoE in mind (not sure exactly; may have something to do with one of the stock birds, of which I personally think the aftermarket version is MUCH better)


JM: not just wip, my brother, but an early wip!!! :haha:


Right now it's still in the shop (like I said above). We may be getting some new tiles, but I'm not really sure about that. Me personally, I want the rivers!!! Which means, of course, I get to lay out all the bridges....for you lucky folks to blow up :good:



kevin stein


and mobile SCUD launchers with fuel convoys to hunt down?


(during the fight we would pass SCUD launch locations to the SCUD Hunters (A-6E and F-15E, not to mention Special Ops dudes). Post war analysis determined we never caught any. :( )

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You mean like this???




A GCI site..



The only problem I've had so far, is getting the SCUD launcher to show up in ARMED_RECON missions. But it' being worked on :yes:



kevin stein

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Kevin, getting the SCUD launcher into an armed recon mission should be easy.


I once made up a little "surprise" package for Dave, who was gullible enough to install it. He later called me, angry as hell and cursing me out. It seems that he'd encountered a convoy on an armed recon mission that was entirely comprised of ZSU-23-4s :lol:

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I've run into something similar to that :)

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That's the one thing I truely miss in the SF series from my older, FA experience....


being able to create a mission, with truck convoys, supported by mobile SAM and AAA. I just wish this series had the same ability; ie, to put the "MOBILE_AAA" units with the convoys (other than classing them as TRANSPORT). Alternatively, it would be an easy matter to simply add an MG to trucks -- I did this for Pasko's T-55 Bridgelayer. They WILL shoot your a$$ full of holes!!!


And yes, they're in the DS mod too.


And I fixed the SCUDs this morning before leaving for work. I'll post some screenies tonight when I get home. Very simple fix (create copy, rename, change mission role, BAM - convoys of SCUD!! oooh yeah!)



kevin stein

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I got rid of the old terrain since are are redoing it.

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Now THAT's what I call good news! :good:


Btw, is there any terrain that covers Iran and some of its westward neighboring countries? I remember flying around Iran since back in the days of F-19 Stealth Fighter, and also in Jane's Fighter's Anthology there was a nice Iran map... Would be cool crossing around the Zagros mountains shooting at F-4E's, F-5E's and F-14's again in an F-19... :ok:

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Guest Saganuay82

You can make a mission with the KME and add AAA and SAM as escorts but you can't have them in a truck convoy from a game mission maker you mean?

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Btw, is there any terrain that covers Iran and some of its westward neighboring countries?


There is something blowing in the easterly wind.................


stand by to stand by

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You all mean somethin' like this???




or this..









and possibly even...



(that last one is purely my own fault...that's what happens when your looking at ground object placement, and not the jerkweed in the F-7A that snuck up behind you....)



kevin stein

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:shok: ... :swoon:


Are those pics from an Iran-Iraq War scenario, Wrench? Bring it on! :ok::clapping::good:

Edited by TX3RN0BILL

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They're from single mission tests that I run, mostly to check object placments (targets ini stuff). I mostly run RECONs over/near specific target areas, then 'jump out' into the free cameraa view (with the HUDDATA set to debug on to get map coords). But everyonce in a while, you have to run a STRIKE or CAS to check positions aginst the movement ini.


Truth, I wouldn't be giving anything away by 'titeling' them:


1 - Mirage F-1EQ on a recon over Busher (note the HAWK just aft of me)

2- 21MF Fishbed J passing west of Bandar-e Shaupur, on a recon run to Crack Island (note: B-e S now has on oil refinery, like it real life)

3 - F-4E intercepting a raid near Tehran

4 - Iraqi T55 (or T62-disremember!) attacking an Iranian strongpoint

5 - Iranian infantry (Kesselbrut's troops re-nationed) near a strongpoint

6 - some dummy getting his a$$ handed to him (ok, ME) in an Ali-Cat north of Um Qsar


The rebuild still has a long way to go before it's re-release. What I can say, is all the loadouts are country specific for both nations, there's lots of new target areas, correctly named oil fields, fortified positions, ports, docked ships (and shipwrecks! - I didn't build them for nothing!), lots of AAA and SAMs.


I don't have any idea for a release date; probably near winter/year's end. There are some terrain issues that need working out.



Kevin Stein

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Looking good so far!


Hmm, having to wait for your work and that of the Desert Storm map, is there still a possibility to download the already existing Desert Storm map from somewhere? I just love that area!

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