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Happy Birthday to....

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Bib ole boy. 18 years old. Hope have have a great B Day dude.

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Bibs is only 18? Sheesh! Still wet behind the ears!


Happy birthday!

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18!?!? (que up Alice Cooper) ...I gotta baby's brain and an old man's heart. Took eighteen years just to get this far.... :biggrin:


Happy B'day bib!

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Happy B-day kid.

have a great time. :good:

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Cheers guys! At long last, everything I've done before will now be legal :biggrin:

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It crushes my heart to know he never experienced a McDonalds Big Mac in a styrofoam container. Nevertheless, Happy B-Day!!

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It crushes my heart to know he never experienced a McDonalds Big Mac in a styrofoam container. Nevertheless, Happy B-Day!!


Or Gretzsky when he was an Oiler! Happy bday whippersnapper! :tongue:

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18!?!? Oi vey, I remember back then.


I'm almost twice his age!!

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