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Too much work, not enough play

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I don't seem to be spending as much time as I would like modding and playing recently. My job is demanding alot of me right now- (damn this city, if you know anyone unemployed please send them here, we could use more workers!!!) Also with my wedding coming in the new year (I don't think I need to explain- anyone already married knows!)


What are all you folks doing to manage/create time to get the most out of modding/flying?

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well I have cut my sleep down to 6 hours (with help from the kids)

I have no tv

and rarely watch movies

but lately I have been pursueing other hobbies (table top wargames co2 pistol shooting, and making a bed for my 3 year old boy)

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All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.


A college student off from classes makes for plenty of time to play and mod. No kids, no girlfriend, minor work around the houseand none of my friends around kind of make me look pampered. When thats not the case, and I'm busy with school (and that is really busy) I simply budget my time at home between games and work. I keep a little egg timer on an empty spot on the desk and set it to a half hour. Once it goes off, I switch between either research/writing on my laptop or reading and games.

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eraser_tr, how do you know so much about me? :lol:

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Since my accident, I've had more then enough free time (too much really)... But once I'm released back to work, it'll be back to the grindstone and finishing up flying ( and of course some game time :) )

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I also sleep only 6hrs/night (aside from the weekends when I sleep more like 10 hrs) yet I still have little time available. A scant 7 hrs between getting home from work and going to sleep goes by all too fast...

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Congrats about the wedding...

hope the work overflow will end soon :)

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I just tell USAFBLT what I want and he does it all for me... It's amazing how much time that frees up for me...






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I just tell USAFBLT what I want and he does it all for me... It's amazing how much time that frees up for me...





Oh you funny guy!!!!!



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Guest Saganuay82
I just tell USAFBLT what I want and he does it all for me... It's amazing how much time that frees up for me...







So that where all those weird requests keep coming from.........

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So that where all those weird requests keep coming from.........


See I told you it wasn't me.

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