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Looking thro' the download list I noticed that there are no seaplanes. Well I can't find one anyway and I wondered if there was any particular reason for this... like no-one wanted to make one or is there some other reason like the game engine won't allow it? It's just a thought now that my brain's back in gear.. :rofl::rofl::dntknw::dntknw:

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Hmm... My bet is that there is no way to force a plane into a seaplane...


Maybe in the v01.04.14 patch? :biggrin:



Fellow Modders, ideas on the subject? Anyone working on it?

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Well it would be nice to have a Vought Kingfisher or a Catalina.

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Yea, Catalina... I'm looking forward to gunners stations first... then seaplanes... but seaplanes would be easier to implement I guess

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Guest capun

Yes, you can make seaplanes. I did a proof of concept a while back, a hacked together Spitfloat.


Also Pasko released the NiK1 "Rex" a while back


You can land and take-off from the water.

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Hmmm. Since I choose WOV, I choose the the P5M Marlin.




Gobs of weps:


4x 2,160 lb (980 kg) torpedoes or

4x 2,000 lb (907 kg) mines or bombs or

8x 1,000 lb (454 kg) mines or

16x 500 lb (227 kg) bombs or

16x 330 lb (150 kg) depth charges or

1x Mk.90 "Betty" nuclear depth charge


An HU-16 Albatros would be bitchin too. The USAF flew SAR feet wet with Navy SPADS escorting them.

If you land on easy with gear down you can land on water. I did it with an F-8e with a dead engine.




:ph34r: CL

Edited by charlielima

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Hmmm. Since I choose WOV, I choose the the P5M Marlin.




Gobs of weps:


4x 2,160 lb (980 kg) torpedoes or

4x 2,000 lb (907 kg) mines or bombs or

8x 1,000 lb (454 kg) mines or

16x 500 lb (227 kg) bombs or

16x 330 lb (150 kg) depth charges or

1x Mk.90 "Betty" nuclear depth charge


An HU-16 Albatros would be bitchin too. The USAF flew SAR feet wet with Navy SPADS escorting them.

If you land on easy with gear down you can land on water. I did it with an F-8e with a dead engine.




:ph34r: CL


Hmm.. great pics but not really a seabird!!

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Yes, you can make seaplanes. I did a proof of concept a while back, a hacked together Spitfloat.


Also Pasko released the NiK1 "Rex" a while back


You can land and take-off from the water.


Plane looks great but I don't fly for the Japs!!! :biggrin::biggrin:

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ummmm??? not a seaplane? Marlin ( a big fish), it's belly is a boat hull :blink:

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Sorry Mates. The black pony is one of my sigs, not a seaplane.




:ph34r: CL

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ummmm??? not a seaplane? Marlin ( a big fish), it's belly is a boat hull :blink:


I was meaning the F-8e not the Marlin.. :biggrin::biggrin:

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Yes, you can make seaplanes. I did a proof of concept a while back, a hacked together Spitfloat.


Also Pasko released the NiK1 "Rex" a while back


You can land and take-off from the water.



Hi can you enlighten us how to make a usable seaplane or where I can find Paskos NIK1 so I can see how he acheived it?

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Guest capun

Here's the "Spitfloat" taking off, you need to create custom missions since there are no "airfields" in the water


Do some legwork and search for Pasko's site.








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Well, uuh, no offense here sirs, but is it really meant to look like a Spitfloat, or is it just a thing you quickly put together to illustrate your comments?

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Guest capun

Read my comment a few posts up, it was just a proof of concept since we did not know if floatplanes worked.


Supposedly there were two Spitfloats done and they used two large floats only.

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Hmm...two large floats, Spitfire-ish body...hhmmmm....I'm seeing a Supermarine racer here!!! (wonder if the Macchi Mc-72 could be done as well)


Something interestering to think about for Major Lee's partly-finised air race terrain



kevin stein

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Well Dogies! if its that easy I bet ole Hieneman also drew a skyraider on a bar napkin with floats or even an AD5 / A1E with an amphibian style hull like the grumman duck. Back to what is not a seaplane, here is Dilbert taxing back to building CVA-41 parked @ 16 knots in the tonkin gulf. It looks more like the connie or the kennedy to me.






:ph34r: CL

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