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Chavez vows revenge for Falklands war

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And for the record, kittens can be dangerous. A kitten of ours kicked my dogs ass, and everyone on the internet has seen that clip of a kitten jumping out of the bushes and mauling a toddler.

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The Problem is , when the Kitten get super modern weapons and looks like a lion!

Few Months ago Chavez brought the Rusiam SAM System S-300 and i Think TOR-M1, or Just the second, I realy dont remember.

and the was looking for Delivery ships (i dont know how is this in English, the same Ships of Tarawa Class , Hermes(...)

and its open they way for him Brought New Tanks, Apcs , and modern Radars

Edited by Silverbolt

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and the was looking for Delivery ships (i dont know how is this in English, the same Ships of Tarawa Class , Hermes(...)


Aircraft Carriers. But the Tarawa isn't a full aircraft carrier, it only launches helicopters (do harriers operate from it too?)

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A single CVBG would clean his military's clock in a single day. They may have the toys but can't use them worth a damn.


However Piloto his back is a HUGE worry too.



Ok...buts lets put the scenario in the works: a coalition between Venezuela,Colombia,Bolivia,Chile,Paraguai,Uruguay and Argentina...with the "support" of Russia,China,Cuba,Iran and N.Korea...it tends to be a little "messy" at least...and the New Cold War fear is just around the corner...

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Well with the way Gordon Brown is with the CCCP...errrr Russia, the Cold War seems even closer! I hope that everyone has a copy of Tom Clancy's Red Storm Rising.


Of course India and Pakistan are already in a Cold War by themselves in a way.

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Gordon Brown, thats the new PM of britain right?


What would they call that then? the Caracas pact?


Would be a pretty cool addition to cap off my FA'08 project, a bit of real tension and an excuse to make an otherwise neglected Panama/South America map they included.

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if this is a mod of SF.... Marcelo is working in a couple of south american aircrafts.

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Gordon Brown, thats the new PM of britain right?


What would they call that then? the Caracas pact?


Would be a pretty cool addition to cap off my FA'08 project, a bit of real tension and an excuse to make an otherwise neglected Panama/South America map they included.


How about "The Bolivarian Resurgence"?


"The Return of Simon"


"Simon's Revenge"


"The Bolivarian Ascendency"

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I just saw a guy on Jon Stewart, a rerun of last night I think, who wrote a book about Chavez. According to him alot of people have been helped by his social programs and doesn't deserve the demonization he gets here. He cited chavez calling bush a donkey(translated he probably meant ass, but directly I find it amusing knowing American politics and how the donkey has always been a symbol of the democratic party) and that we really don't get a context of why.


That may be true, but shutting down a TV station critical to him and trying to extend his term indefinitely is dictatorial no matter what else he does.


FA'08= Fighters Anthology '08 yes, a SF mod I'm putting together, I'd been planning for a long time, and now it's going forward. I'm working with Dels and Marcelo already( he has about half the aircraft needed as WIPs already) It's about rebuilding the old Janes games in strike fighters.

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I just saw a guy on Jon Stewart, a rerun of last night I think, who wrote a book about Chavez. According to him alot of people have been helped by his social programs and doesn't deserve the demonization he gets here. He cited chavez calling bush a donkey(translated he probably meant ass, but directly I find it amusing knowing American politics and how the donkey has always been a symbol of the democratic party) and that we really don't get a context of why.


That may be true, but shutting down a TV station critical to him and trying to extend his term indefinitely is dictatorial no matter what else he does.


FA'08= Fighters Anthology '08 yes, a SF mod I'm putting together, I'd been planning for a long time, and now it's going forward. I'm working with Dels and Marcelo already( he has about half the aircraft needed as WIPs already) It's about rebuilding the old Janes games in strike fighters.


I think the concern that many people have is that he is establishing a harsh dictatorship using the guise of benighted benevolence. As many people see through that facade as are taken to the cleaners by it. He is establishing one-man rule by decree and has suspended many of the democratic principles he used to gain power and he is betraying all of the liberal ideas of the left to obtain absolute rule for life. He has gone far beyond just shutting down a critical TV station - that's just for starters. Just like all the tinpot dictators of history from across the political spectrum. As in all the rest of the leftist agenda - a complete fraud to obtain power.


having said that -


your project sounds cool. Looking forward to it. Want a tailhook input to it?

Edited by Typhoid

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Like I said, he's becoming a dictator whether he helps anyone or not. But remember dictators are power hungry regardless of left/right, it's completely unfair to lump an American or European liberal's ideas with a lust for power of a crazy latin marxist.


Re:project, the more the merrier. PM inbound.

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Like I said, he's becoming a dictator whether he helps anyone or not. But remember dictators are power hungry regardless of left/right, it's completely unfair to lump an American or European liberal's ideas with a lust for power of a crazy latin marxist.


Re:project, the more the merrier. PM inbound.


I think we can agree on the lust for power being across the political spectrum. I did say that explicitly. I also tried to make the point that just because this guy calls himself a socialist, he is getting a pass from the left side of the aisle on his abuses. Having said that - you obviously recognize the threat. good on you.


got the PM, looking forward to it.

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it looks more Populism than comunism, is like a modern politic of "pane et circus" in the old roma.

but now, he want elevate the moral of people, like in Malvinas/Falklands, the Argentine govnrment just want elevate the moral of people, but conquer one Island ....of UK! :blink:

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I think from a different point tht Bush is a crazy dictator that is in anger because democrats want to stop war(his best interest in running that country), just war, for US war produces money.. Who in the world makes him the ruler, why he must have all the weapons, why he can point to any country and make it suffer with death and whatever he needs to do to get money, call it money from weapons, oil, or what you want, at the end is always the same....WAR.... sorry that the North American people got used to live in war with every comunity in the world, if you just look back in the last 60 or 80 years US have made more enemies than Atila el UNO......Chavez might be the clown of the world today, bt the real problem is not him, Republicans are,.....Massones, Stone cutters, elite, what ever you want them to be called....they want just money, and the price is paid by his citizens and the poor countries that get in their way....somehow they re getting the world to forget that they hated israeli people just like the nazis back then, and makes me believe (with History channel or NatGeo programs) that Hiroshima and Nagasaki was a right thing to do.... is just a cuestion of Who's running the white house, nd if is not a republican, they just kill his president, like i said before, a cuestion of lust....(by the way i hate Rides) and don't believe everything they put you in the screen.....


Venezuela or Britain hve nothing to do with this, one hs a crazy man, nd the other cant seems to say NO to their american twisted son....

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Limited, sane, political discussions are okay on a case by case basis. This thread has so far been very productive.


Barely legible rants are not okay.


Keep it civil.



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I think from a different point tht Bush is a crazy dictator that is in anger because democrats want to stop war(his best interest in running that country), just war, for US war produces money.. Who in the world makes him the ruler, why he must have all the weapons, why he can point to any country and make it suffer with death and whatever he needs to do to get money, call it money from weapons, oil, or what you want, at the end is always the same....WAR.... sorry that the North American people got used to live in war with every comunity in the world, if you just look back in the last 60 or 80 years US have made more enemies than Atila el UNO......Chavez might be the clown of the world today, bt the real problem is not him, Republicans are,.....Massones, Stone cutters, elite, what ever you want them to be called....they want just money, and the price is paid by his citizens and the poor countries that get in their way....somehow they re getting the world to forget that they hated israeli people just like the nazis back then, and makes me believe (with History channel or NatGeo programs) that Hiroshima and Nagasaki was a right thing to do.... is just a cuestion of Who's running the white house, nd if is not a republican, they just kill his president, like i said before, a cuestion of lust....(by the way i hate Rides) and don't believe everything they put you in the screen.....


Venezuela or Britain hve nothing to do with this, one hs a crazy man, nd the other cant seems to say NO to their american twisted son....


I take it you don't like Americans eh?

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No, USAFMTL, in fact i have family living there, I am so sorry if i did not expressed the idea in understandble words, i am not to good with english, i hope you did not felt that i was charging at you, is just that what the "Logias"(republicans) did to the american people is not a good thing, making them have enemies all over the world like chavez, talibans, iranies, irakies..... Didn't mean to make a political disscus.... i just saw Bush's sudenly Speach i Irak, and was a little... sorry again....Salutes to all, let no flag be the loosing af a potential friend ....

Edited by leeloominaí

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I take it you don't like Americans eh?


Hey, I don't like Americans either! You bastards get all the cute Sydney girls during fleet week!! :biggrin: But then again... I spose the opposite was true when my buds and I were in the US/Canada... Nah, I can't hold it against you Yanks. :no:


I think Silverbolt's got a good point. It is just popularism, but do remember anti-American sentiment can score you BIG points in quite a few places around the world, even here in Oz. I was keen to see Prez Chaves take office initially because I thought it might produce a nation that was independent of the polarising Pro-US/Anti-US sentiment active since 11/9/01... but with crackdowns on political opposition, the TV station shutdown and his general antics (like his 'demon' speech at the UN)... I don't know. I think the sabre rattling will be fine, if it's just that. It'll score him points on the world stage, the US will get mileage out of it too, but should he succeed in creating a Southern Pan-American Army --Note, not an alliance of nations or economic union, both of which would be far more beneficial for South American nations looking to develop an economic/military parity with strong nations such as the US and China, he'll only lead it downhill. I think that's why you'll see Bolivia, Argentina, Peru et al quite hesitant to commit to such an endeavour as it would drag them into conflict they may not necessarily believe A. They should be in or B. That they're capable of participating in (remember that the local economies there are still recovering).


and PS, there is an Anti-US sentiment in Oz, but thankfully, most of them are smart enough to realise that it's the government they're quarraling with, not the people of CONUS. There's a big difference! (Oh, and I'm left leaning and I approve this message. Vote Quimby!)

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I'd like to he how he's going to sink a navy we don't have any more!


Damm bean-counters, politicians and cut-backs.

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I'd like to he how he's going to sink a navy we don't have any more!


Damm bean-counters, politicians and cut-backs.


Thats easy...go in some Russian shop and buy some KH-31 or 41 and voila!

5 Sukhois armed with anti-ship missiles against one Fleet...

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Despots and dictators will always rattle off their mouths and spew nonsense. It keeps the from paying attention from the screwed up job they are doing in their own country. It seems to me all he is asking for is to become another member of the "Paveway" club.

Edited by ironroad

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