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Site check-feedback welcome

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I would appreciate if you guys could give me some feedback on my Strike Fighters site overhaul. Still some work to be done and features to add but any and all input is appreciated. Sorry for the size 56kers :) Thanks in advance!

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Guest Ranger332

nice site

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Guest Sony Tuckson

Really good looking


I love this "tech" look and feel


really nice!!

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Dueces.....I got a small project for ya.


That site is great!!! as well as all the work on TC Teaser and everything else. Don't stop man!!!




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Hey Deuces what is this comm you have there for an alternate loading sound??

Sounds very real...what's this?

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Thanks guys.

I'm trying to put together some screens of the Bombing/Target Range now and will post them on my site. It's looking like it will be ready for release very soon! Kudos t Andy Bush and Bunyap for all thier contributions on it. It's a blast!


Fates, let me know what it is you need. Be glad to help if I can.

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What software did you use for creating your site? I've been wanting to update mine but haven't found anything I like.

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Hey Deuces what is this comm you have there for an alternate loading sound??

Sounds very real...what's this?


Bernard it is a piece of a sound file of two VF-32 F-14As from USS John F. Kennedy downing a pair of Libyan MiG-23 Floggers in 1989. The whole comm is pretty intense. I could send it to you if'd you'd like to hear it all.


wpnssgt_1, it's done with Macromedia Flash MX

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WOW! great comm :D :wink:

it's already my new loading sound! Sure it's very intense and I like the breathing sound in it (hope much we are going to hear this in the next patch!).


Yes I would be more than pleased to hear it all, you have my address, thanks very much for the offer

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Awesome, Deuces!


Very impressive!!!!!!!!!!!



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My only recommendation would be that you increase the .fla movie frame speed to 120. I dont like long transitions in animations because it takes too long. Something snappier would add a touch of speed to the site, otherwise I think you did a good job!

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very nice site


one pb, a little bug under mozilla.



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Guest Sony Tuckson

He he Dam


gear is shaping up!! :wink:

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My only recommendation would be that you increase the .fla movie frame speed to 120. I dont like long transitions in animations because it takes too long. Something snappier would add a touch of speed to the site, otherwise I think you did a good job!


Thanks BP

120? Typo right? Motion picture is like 24fps.

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Perfect Deuces




:D (happy linux user)



to sonny : well, the gears, it's a sad story. Is there a 3D guru to help me with the gears?

I have deformations when I clone and animate.

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Guest Sony Tuckson

t'as tout recommencé?


ou pas?


tu bosses sous linux, dual boot?


ou deux pc en réseau?

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ben j'ai dans l'idée de recommencer, mais je garde l'ancien modèle. Pour le moment g pas trop de tps donc...


pour linux : là je suis au travail, donc une machine en dual boot (koike que winxp je l'utilise jamais ici)

à la maison, faudrait que je t'envoie un photo, trop chiant à expliquer.

(nb, je boote rarement linux à la maison paske je fait que du SFP1 et du 3DS chez moi)

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Thanks for the heads up on the javascript error damwaar. Not sure how that migrated from another site I was working on.

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