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Phun with Phantoms......

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A "what if".........MF Spey powered fuselage & wings mated to the RF-4C nose section [also MF] a true multi role aircraft.


Times were hard for the RAF and Royal Navy, they needed a "jack of all trades" [if not master of all] aircraft.......one that could do just about every job needed....most missions were now dual role....this bird could takes pics of tomorrows targets while attacking todays, it underwent constant upgrades to try to keep it on the frontline....ecm,new pit,flir, cft's [dont laugh] money was tight.. :biggrin:







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The CTFs make it look like the F-4X from Ace Combat 5 Unsung War.


Very nice. So this is the Phantom FGRASB MK.3?

Edited by JA 37 Viggen

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Hmm, it would be cool to do the F-4X with the huge ventral fueltank. It had Speys as well, if I remember correctly. And the F-4E(S) for Israel too, all three of them. :biggrin:


Awesome work as usual, Sundowner.

Edited by Talos

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Wouldn't the camera's displace the radar, or was it updated to a more modern version, smaller electronics boxes??


Gotta stay within the budget, doncha know!


I LIKE it, though.


Of course, with Sundowner skins....



kevin stein

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So I presume this was made becuase of another White Paper?

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Hmm, it would be cool to do the F-4X with the huge ventral fueltank. It had Speys as well, if I remember correctly. And the F-4E(S) for Israel too, all three of them. :biggrin:


The F-4X would have used water-injected air with advanced air intakes to increase J-79 turbojet performance.

Spey engines, being turbofans, are less efficient in supersonic applications in comparison to turbojets.

Spey engines enhanced the F-4's subsonic performance (very useful for climb and turn performance at dogfighting speeds), but decreased supersonic performance through a combination of increased drag (caused by the installation of the Speys) and turbofan inefficiency as speed increases beyond Mach 1. For a similar example, the F-16/J-79 intended for export to countries not elligible for F100 turbofan technology, actually had equal or better supersonic performance than the F-16A despite the fact that the F100 was rated for at least 5000 lbs more static thrust at sea level.


Read up on the speed records set by the early F-4s and you will find that some were exceptionally fast (faster than F-15s Mach 2.3/2.5 limits) because they used alcohol spray injected air to get results similar to the F-4X (no small coincidence). Also note that Israeli F-4s have already been modified to use such a spray system to provide emergency power (comparable to WW2 fighters). The systems used by the Israelis and for the speed records could cause uneven cooling resulting in engine damage, which is why such systems were not standard in all J-79 engined F-4s. Presumably, the F-4X was going to solve that problem or else be very expensive to maintain.

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I realized why I thought the F-4X had Speys for a moment, I was getting it mixed up with the F-4L fighter that was to carry a pair of AIM-54s and be fitted with those engines.

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Very good looking!!


That RF-4C noose I understand is from an aircraft existing, is it released anywhere? I didn´t see it before.



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