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Camo schemes for F/A-37 and others.

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Guest Saganuay82

Whats the X about?

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Whats the X about?


Experimental... but i guess in this case Fictional

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Guest Saganuay82

Maybe a Y then? or a Z.

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Cod 4's Red tiger has come to SF?? :biggrin:





Been meaning to bug you about this on^^ Fal, I've just been really busy of late... :yes:

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Gents the following happens when you let your girlfriend paint a Scooter in Gimp. Its the eyes I tell you! I looked in her eyes and I became confused and let her use the PC!





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Falcon161: Nope, I just dont' have time man, I'm going to NTC at the end of the week for three weeks. I need a break from skinning and everything associtated with it for awhile. Be mighty bored but hey sometimes you need to walk away...

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Gents the following happens when you let your girlfriend paint a Scooter in Gimp. Its the eyes I tell you! I looked in her eyes and I became confused and let her use the PC!


Like, wow man.. That's a groovy job, like wow. PEACE MAN! :haha::biggrin:



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It's alright man you wouldnt mind if I gave it a shot man? BTW JA-37 it is the eyes man! As soon as girls look at you with those eyes it's all over dude! That poor A-4 looks like it was painted by a group of high hippies.

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Hey you think I should release it? :rofl::haha:



I've got some Mercenary A-4 skins as well that I'm working on. I'll post them later.


Then comes my Friday WIP: A-4X *working name*hawk.

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Hey you think I should release it? :rofl::haha:

I've got some Mercenary A-4 skins as well that I'm working on. I'll post them later.


Then comes my Friday WIP: A-4X *working name*hawk.


You should man... Its very... unique :haha:



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hmmmm...yall just gave me an idea with the F/A-37! Coming soon Baby blue, Pink, and yellow camo!hahahahahaha

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:rofl: Nice Falcon!



Here was one I made for the Phantom. Active Camo!





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Gents the following happens when you let your girlfriend paint a Scooter in Gimp. Its the eyes I tell you! I looked in her eyes and I became confused and let her use the PC!


Egads man... you never look in the eyes!! Some people have to learn the hard way I guess... :yes:

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Egads man... you never look in the eyes!! Some people have to learn the hard way I guess... :yes:


Oh now you tell me!

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New skin WIP! Here is another Skin that I am currently working on it is based on CoolHand29's snow camo skin.


This F-16A BLK10 NDC is painted in the 25th Tactical Training squadron of the TMAF. Though it is a training squadron they are required to serve two tours in a current conflict. This is one of five TMAF training squadrons based in Tacoma T.M. Air Force base near Crownpoint, New Mexico. This squadron also operates MIG-23MF's, and MIG-29E's.



I will post up the MIG-23, and MIG-29 Skins pictures soon.

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Gents the following happens when you let your girlfriend paint a Scooter in Gimp. Its the eyes I tell you! I looked in her eyes and I became confused and let her use the PC!


Your girly's not a fan of acidwash or tie dye is she?? :haha:

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Your girly's not a fan of acidwash or tie dye is she?? :haha:



No. :nono:

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Here is a group shot of two of the Jester squadron


These aircraft are the MIG-29E, and F-16A BLK 10 NDC painted in the 25th TTS "Jesters' camo scheme. They use this paint scheme for both their required combat tours, and training scenarios. They are shown here engaging F-4E's of the Communist Army of South Vietnam (CASV). I used the Twisted Cross F-4E's, which I am creating a CASV skin for.


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Okay Guys here is the Communist Army of South Vietnam's F-4E skin that im workin on for the TC F-4E. Any suggestions that could make it better that arent too complicated. I only have GIMP 2.0 so I am limited at what I can do.


This F-4E is used by the Communist Army Of South Vietnams Air Force. These aircraft were left overs from the last Vietnam War. The left over aircraft were fitted with Soviet and Chinese Armament, but still retained their 20mm Gau gatling guns as well as their American Electronics. They were then painted in a similar pattern as some of their MIG-17's. During the second Vietnam war T.M. F-4X Neo Phantom pilots were astounded to see that some of the aircraft that were engaging happened to be the older sibling of their Aircraft. The CASV Air Force had a total of 250 of these aircraft and a total of 234 of these CASV F-4E's were shot down mostly by T.M. Air Force, and T.M. Navy F-4X Neo Phantom's.


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these are awesome, reminds me of that "zebrage" paint scheme applied to WWI ships

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I've never seen that pattern before from WWI. But I think this is definitely the first Vietnamese skin i've made or even seen for the Phantom. Im thinking about making one for the A-7 probably the same pattern along with a CASV version of the stock WOV aircraft.

Edited by Falcon161

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Okay Guys here is the Communist Army of South Vietnam's F-4E skin that im workin on for the TC F-4E. Any suggestions that could make it better that arent too complicated. I only have GIMP 2.0 so I am limited at what I can do.


This F-4E is used by the Communist Army Of South Vietnams Air Force. These aircraft were left overs from the last Vietnam War. The left over aircraft were fitted with Soviet and Chinese Armament, but still retained their 20mm Gau gatling guns as well as their American Electronics. They were then painted in a similar pattern as some of their MIG-17's. During the second Vietnam war T.M. F-4X Neo Phantom pilots were astounded to see that some of the aircraft that were engaging happened to be the older sibling of their Aircraft. The CASV Air Force had a total of 250 of these aircraft and a total of 234 of these CASV F-4E's were shot down mostly by T.M. Air Force, and T.M. Navy F-4X Neo Phantom's.


Communist Army of South Vietnam? :blink:


But the paint is not bad!

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Yeah it's a faction in my short story. Basically another vietnam war breaks out but this time it's the north that breaks away and wants a democratic government. But the Communist south wants to keep vietnam a communist country so they send in their Armed foces to try and retake Democratic North Vietnam. The president of North vietnam sends a request for aid to the U.S. but since the U.S. doesnt want to be involved in another Vietnam, and the U.S. is focusing on Iraq they decide not to get involved with it. But the T.M. Commander (Based on Me) Orders 5 battalions of T.M. Army infantry, 2 Battalions of Airborne Infantry, 4 Battalions of Armored infantry including the 2nd Armored infantry which uses BMP3's, and 3 Battalions of heavy armor including the 42nd Tank Battalion which uses Merkava MKIII's and T-90's. The T.M Marine Corps sends in 3 battalions of infantry frome the 6th T.M. Marines, 2 Battalions of Specialized Armored infantry from the 3rd T.M. Marines, 2 T.M. Marine Air Calvary, the 42nd Tactical Marine Fighter Wing, And the 77th Tactical Marine Fighter Wings. The T.M. Navy sends in the 2nd Carrier Battle group which is equiped with new stealth La Feyette, Visby class, Type 45 Destroyers as well as the New T.M.N.S North Carolina Ford Class CVN-21 Carrier. The T.M.A.F sends 10 Fighter and Attack squadrons, As well as 6 Heavy Bomber Squadrons, one the 55th Tactical Bomber Squadron uses the Tu-120G. The 2nd Vietnam war lasted only 4 months and costed 237 T.M. Lives, the Free Army of North Vietnam lost 1,211, the Communist Army Of South Vietnam lost 85,798 of it's soldiers. The civilian loss of life was 734 total casualties 134 KIA, 600 WIA.


Whew.... Sorry for long explanation. Hope ya enjoy that tidbit!

Edited by Falcon161

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Iowa ANG with F-23's


uploading soon

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I like it. Any chance of Massachusetts? (Yeah I know I've asked for just about every thing in Mass ANG colours)

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