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My new Mirage IIIC skin

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Available at check-six...


The last colors of the French Mirage IIIC in the spring of 1985 before retirement, with small marking.




Thanks to the "Mirage Factory" for the model.


Have fun

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Thanks for your comments, pilots ! :yes:


The next one...




Still WIP... :rolleyes:

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Nice skins PGC.

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Nice skins. Vey shiny :biggrin: Never knew that the Mirage III was used until 1985.

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OHHHH very nice work, its look like a comic about french air force that a i have when i was young.


sorry for my english

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OHHHH very nice work, its look like a comic about french air force that a i have when i was young.


sorry for my english


Hans, may be this one :



or this one :



Thanks for your comments, guys ! :good:

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My new skin (still WIP for few time :rolleyes: )...


Mirage IIIC 1ère Escadrille "les Cigognes", 2ème Escadre de chasse, based in Dijon (CIRCA 1964).



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