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New strike fighter 2 in 2008 ?

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Yeah right, DX10... spending hundreds of hours to modify the graphic engine instead of focusing on more content or functionalities, as if the market for SFP1 wasn't already a niche, TK should reduce it's market even more by making it only playable on high end computers with an over-priced and useless OS.

That sure sounds like good business practice as opposed to catering to people with modest configurations and legacy OS.


More seriously, as Badfrank mentioned, there are already new games from ThirdWire :


Wings over Vietnam (which you can consider SFP2) : focused on the Vietnam conflict, with the same engine as SFP1, updated (adding carrier operations).

Wings over Europe (SPF3) : focused on Central European conflicts during the Cold War, with the same engine as SFP1, updated beyond WoV (adding more modern avionics).

First Eagle (a new branch) : focused on WW1 and using a version of SFP1 engine tweaked for WW1 planes.

Wings over Israel (SFP4) : to be released, focused on Israelo-Arab conflicts, once again with SFP1 engine updated and a few new tricks.


A nice thing with TW sims is the retro-compatibility, every time a new game is out with updates to the engine, a patch is issued for the previous games to get them to the latest standard (SFP1 started without clouds, carrier, 70's avionics and thanks to successive patches offer the same functionalities as WoE, only the content (European map, WoE specific planes) is missing), meaning any content from or for one of the game can be used for the others (excepting SFPx and FE content).


The Strike Fighter series is a game engine before being games.

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- bet you a lot of money that the damn medals still do not show up in the pilot record

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Which would be a shame and a relief, imagine the heaps of medals (mostly posthumous purple hearts for some of us :blush:)

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The use of DX10 would take me out of the market for these sims. I have no need or desire to upgrade to Vista. It will be a long time before I can afford a computer upgrade.

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my laptop is Vista...it sucks...Bill needed to make up the like $40 billion he gave away I guess...XP still rules in my opinion

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my laptop is Vista...it sucks...Bill needed to make up the like $40 billion he gave away I guess...XP still rules in my opinion



or better coming a patch for this game. not run on vista, when mission abort with ESC. :dntknw:

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We all know it might be difficult when English is not your native language (mine's French), but please try to make sentences one can understand without ambiguity, or if you're not sure you can make yourself understood include what you want to say in your own language (so people who share this language can translate for us).


From what you wrote I understood that you are complaining that hitting ESC aborts the mission.

If you want another key to do so, then change the key-mapping (in Options > Controls > Customize... change the key for "End mission" which should be the first item on the list).

If that's not the problem, please try to be more explicit and we'll be more than happy to help you solve your problem. :)


If you have trouble running SFP1 with Vista, I think there is another thread specifically for those problems in the Knowledge Base.

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We all know it might be difficult when English is not your native language (mine's French), but please try to make sentences one can understand without ambiguity, or if you're not sure you can make yourself understood include what you want to say in your own language (so people who share this language can translate for us).


From what you wrote I understood that you are complaining that hitting ESC aborts the mission.

If you want another key to do so, then change the key-mapping (in Options > Controls > Customize... change the key for "End mission" which should be the first item on the list).

If that's not the problem, please try to be more explicit and we'll be more than happy to help you solve your problem. :)


If you have trouble running SFP1 with Vista, I think there is another thread specifically for those problems in the Knowledge Base.


Hey !! big thanks Gunrunner and wish a god christmas, and happy new yeahr

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Hey !! big thanks Gunrunner and wish a god christmas, and happy new yeahr


As mush as I have loved the SF series aren't we all getting tired of the same thing over and over?I mean other then skins,and maybe a new terrain area its still essentially the same thing as other titles in the series.I wish Thirdwire would work more on better flight models and avionics as well as maybe some new terrain that is not so flat.I'd also like to see more things happening on the ground.Even in the populated areas its like a ghost town.

Edited by Akwar

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As mush as I have loved the SF series aren't we all getting tired of the same thing over and over?I mean other then skins,and maybe a new terrain area its still essentially the same thing as other titles in the series.I wish Thirdwire would work more on better flight models and avionics as well as maybe some new terrain that is not so flat.I'd also like to see more things happening on the ground.Even in the populated areas its like a ghost town.



gunrunner, a have the same problem :crazy:

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As mush as I have loved the SF series aren't we all getting tired of the same thing over and over?I mean other then skins,and maybe a new terrain area its still essentially the same thing as other titles in the series.I wish Thirdwire would work more on better flight models and avionics as well as maybe some new terrain that is not so flat.I'd also like to see more things happening on the ground.Even in the populated areas its like a ghost town.


What is nice about it, is the openness of the sim. Most of the tools are out there for the user to modify and add what they want. In fact there is a terrain editor and with a little time and patience, YOU may be able to create a more rugged terrain to your liking and release it.



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You're welcome, a merry Christmas and happy new year to you too.



Keep in mind that ThirdWire is pretty much a one-man operation, with very little cash to work with.

Also, SF is a series of "light" sims in many ways, as it doesn't strive for painful realism and instead aims to be fun and easy to learn (even though some parts of the aerodynamics modelling are better than other sims according to some more knowledgeable people than myself), it either doesn't strive to offer a dynamic campaign as immersive as concurrent sims, it also is light on hardware requirements, while a lot of people can't afford a computer to run LOMAC or IL-2 smoothly at a nice resolution, SF runs on practically anything (with the exception of some high definition add-ons).


The goal is to offer the most enjoyable game with the limited resources in time and money available to the developer, bringing new content and features with each new "game", and offering an engine light enough for nearly any computer to run it and open enough for the community to create content and keep the games alive (and produce new games based on the engine more easily, meaning at a lower cost).


If you want more content, there is quite a lot provided by dedicated modders on this site, and if you want something really that bad, you may do it yourself, most modders around here are friendly and will try to take some time to help you learn how to do it yourself, but be sure to try yourself first and to consult the various documentations and how-to readily available.

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Took the words right out of my mouth.


TK's aims have always been:


- Accessibility in terms of gameplay, which translates to less fidelity in terms of avionics

- Moderate to light computing requirements

- Ease of modding


If you approach his sims keeping all of the above in mind, you can pretty much figure out where he's at and where he's going. LOMAC and F4:AF it ain't...and that's fine with me.



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TK stated that he will release DirectX10 versions of his sims. However, there will be no possibility to upgrade the current titles to this new standard.


Taken from this thread at the Third Wire forum.

Edited by Gocad

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More Flight sims!! sweet! looking forward to it


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Thanks, I didn't see that, and from what I understand, it would only be re-releases of the games using a DX10 compatible version of the engine and not whole new games.

Let's hope he continues working on the DX9 engine afterwards, even though that would sometime mean doing the same work twice, I don't see most of us buying a new computer or Vista (for up to 600 € a licence, yeah right) just so we can play the latest TW sim (I'd rather pay $10 more for a DX9 version than being forced to move to Vista until it meets my needs).



Sorry, I answered on the basis of missing information, you were right, there will be a DX10 version.

Have a look at this thread for your Vista troubles : http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=19172

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Honestly, what I'd really wish he'd do would be taking the series into a new direction like FE, but with helicopters: There hasn't really been a decent helo sim since EECH and even that one is nowhere near as openended as TK's sims.

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Honestly, what I'd really wish he'd do would be taking the series into a new direction like FE, but with helicopters: There hasn't really been a decent helo sim since EECH and even that one is nowhere near as openended as TK's sims.



Julhelm, I agree with u whole heartedly on that, I wish we could fly helos and have them fly how they are supposed to instead of taking off and landing like a fixed wing aircraft.BTW ur a/c are awesome, thank u for them.

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Let's hope he continues working on the DX9 engine afterwards...............


TK has said, on the TW forums, that after release of WOI they will be releasing patches to bring the previous games up to the same level.


Depending on how much I like WOI, I think I'll be putting SFG away. The mods can get a bit tooooo much - so many to keep track of and overlaps.


I'm dissappointed that the sun will still be the pointy sherriff's star kinda thing - that'll be the first mod to do! :)

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Honestly, what I'd really wish he'd do would be taking the series into a new direction like FE, but with helicopters: There hasn't really been a decent helo sim since EECH and even that one is nowhere near as openended as TK's sims.



Amen! Boy would I love to see a good helicopter flight model in this series.I know its not a helicopter sim but it has all the basics to get one going.Do some antisub,troop transport ops.Woohooo would love to see that. :biggrin:

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if it gona been released 08 then im the first one in the world wo gona buy it :P(if i got the money) im a big fan of sim i play microsoft simulation Serie i got all of their serie and i got forgotten battles :P

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I do hope that they fix some "standard issue" ThirdWire problems though


If they did, wouldn't it take away from the game's "character"? :biggrin:

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