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WOE...anti-ship missions

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OK, for the cheap seats here (that is me)...why is it when I start an anti-ship mission using third party aircraft it throws me into the middle of nowhere and says "mission accomplished"?

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If I were you I would have a look at the service dates of ships and planes, it might be that you are trying an anti-ship mission with a plane at dates where no ship (tanker and cargo are the default ships) is available.

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The 2 stock ships, CargoShip and Tanker, are available for ALL years..no matter what 'era' your flying in. Pull the data inis for both, and have a look. At worst, you can change the end service year to 2100 or something like that


I know WoE has shipping routes defined, so you should have SOMETHING to drop on!! Maybe they just scuttled themselves when they heard it was YOU gunning for 'em?? (or more sabatoge from the Togoan Insurgents?) :haha:


You can also try d/l that WW2 cargo ship (Liberty ship), give it a long end service date, and see what happens.



kevin stein

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well the add-on in particular was the Super Etendard...and no add-on ships


you are correct, this clearly is a direct influence of the Togoan Tyrants...will they never let peace reign in their cold hearts?

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It's already happened to me that ships were actually floating on land etc, but the few times where I was thrown into nowhere already heading back to base was when I was flying planes whose max speed was way too much anyway (like the MiG-31 Firefox), but randomly that may occur... though, most of the times I use the Alaska map on WoE. Try flying through all waypoints, sometimes when you're approaching the target you have to search for it (it won't always pop up as target for you right away - do some searching, fly over the ships, then you should be able to get them) - and if it comes to worst, fly the waypoints through with autopilot on normal and max time compression, should at least point you in the right direction...

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- nope...it starts in the middle of Germany and immediately Red Crown announces "mission accomplished"...but when I exit, the mission results screen says "aborted" right under mission success


- again, the Super Etendard was not going to out run an MiG-31, so do not think speed or time of service was an issue


- Alaska terrain for WOE? wait a minute

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  sparkomatic said:
- Alaska terrain for WOE? wait a minute


It's more like Bering Strait for WOE, and it's my favorite terrain:




Fun, fun, fun. :biggrin:

Edited by Gocad

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You're right, Gocad, it's called Bering Straight... it's my fav, too! (Although probably because I haven't found any other that would work right with WOE since WOE is all I got...)


sparkomatic, you can get it right here:



Edited by TX3RN0BILL

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You're right, Gocad, it's called Bering Straight... it's my fav, too! (Although probably because I haven't found any other that would work right with WOE since WOE is all I got...)


It's actually called "Danger: Bering Straits". Designed for a stand-alone install, like OTC and the forthcomeing Desert Strom and Iran/Iraq rebuilds.


You're kidding, right??? I have ALL the terrains working in WoE. Simple text edit to the terrain's ***.ini, add some nice desert tiles, and Bob's your Uncle


This is from the SCal.ini; as you can see I've been testing it in ALL versions of the game, and it works fine:



TerrainFullName=Southern California















Note the commented sections, so I can just move the minimum files necessary. Lot's of good desert tiles out there...don't take much to install them, and get those maps working :ok: (mind you, the Sea1.tga might have some issues, but nothing unresolvable)



kevin stein

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Are you sure you have the problems with the anti-ship missions only with 3rd party aircraft? Because if not, then the problem could be in your Nations.ini

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First 2 lines must be exactly as follows (no extra spaces, no nothing)




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Wrench where the hell did you get SoCal? I've been looking for a USA terrain forever!

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But it's getting a complete and utter rebuild. (where do you think all those ruined buildings I've been posting are coming from??). Wait til yo see the Bay Area....


Right now, I'm fine tuning target placements whilst awaiting the Terrain Master Guru to make me a new HFD file, with flattened areas for the myriad of new targets areas (including several new airfields, ports, the usual suspects - vehicle depot and Factory/Industrial complex)


"You can see my house from here" (well, actually, there's a HAWK battry there right now... :haha: )



kevin stein


btw: anyone have a five-armed octo-squid?? I could use one for San Fran....of course, there's always Capun's Eagle, for The Giant Claw...hmm.....

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  Wrench said:


But it's getting a complete and utter rebuild. (where do you think all those ruined buildings I've been posting are coming from??). Wait til yo see the Bay Area....


Right now, I'm fine tuning target placements whilst awaiting the Terrain Master Guru to make me a new HFD file, with flattened areas for the myriad of new targets areas (including several new airfields, ports, the usual suspects - vehicle depot and Factory/Industrial complex)


"You can see my house from here" (well, actually, there's a HAWK battry there right now... :haha: )



kevin stein


btw: anyone have a five-armed octo-squid?? I could use one for San Fran....of course, there's always Capun's Eagle, for The Giant Claw...hmm.....



Aww, can't we just get a giant monkey?

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  Wrench said:
It's actually called "Danger: Bering Straits". Designed for a stand-alone install, like OTC and the forthcomeing Desert Strom and Iran/Iraq rebuilds.


You're kidding, right??? I have ALL the terrains working in WoE. Simple text edit to the terrain's ***.ini, add some nice desert tiles, and Bob's your Uncle


This is from the SCal.ini; as you can see I've been testing it in ALL versions of the game, and it works fine:




Note the commented sections, so I can just move the minimum files necessary. Lot's of good desert tiles out there...don't take much to install them, and get those maps working :ok: (mind you, the Sea1.tga might have some issues, but nothing unresolvable)



kevin stein


I'll have to look into it but I remember having done something similar for the Israel terrain and two things happened many times- I crashed when I used alt-n, and ground targets weren't visible (part of the terrain instead of a destructable object). The only other terrain I tried was Lybia, with the same effects, plus the bonus that I started off from nowhere - was supposed to be an airport but none was visible... Kinda funny starting off from dirt and having to do so at full AB just to avoid smacking into the mountains that stare you in the face whilst you're getting ready to take off... :dntknw:

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That's becuase you were missing the pointer to the proper terrain cat file. All the buildings, runways, etc are in the cat. Unless, like I did with the destroyed objects, they're floating loose in the terrain's folder. That's how I added 'desert_airfield3', the small runway (with the blown up shelters). I also took a page from fubar's book, and 'paved' it with concrete. Although there's a small glitch with the centerline and edge lines -only- at one end. Very strange. All else works fine.


As for the buried objects...ya, that happens. Ive noticed it depends on the terrain tiles, too sometimes...and I don't know why. The original (ok, nth run) DS I used Polaks desert tiles, and the coastline was 'off place' by several 100 meters,and some items were 'under the sand and/or water'. Although, that may be a HFD problem (height field). Don't know for sure. They didn't work in SoCal, I can tell ya that.



kevin stein

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I'll see if I can make them work this weekend... As for the ground targets not being visible, I never had that problem with Danger: Bering Straits, probably because it was done from the get-go to work with WoE instead of using other pointers? I dunno - and I never put any other tile set on it to change it in any way, it works just fine for me - hope the upcoming Iraq-Iran (one of my favourite flying terrains because it's so familiar, simulator-wise) as well as the Desert Storm terrain will be non-troublesome in these aspects with WoE... :good:

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thanks, will check the nations file that I use and ensure the lines are there

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  TX3RN0BILL said:
... As for the ground targets not being visible, I never had that problem with Danger: Bering Straits, probably because it was done from the get-go to work with WoE instead of using other pointers? I dunno - and I never put any other tile set on it to change it in any way, it works just fine for me - hope the upcoming Iraq-Iran (one of my favourite flying terrains because it's so familiar, simulator-wise) as well as the Desert Storm terrain will be non-troublesome in these aspects with WoE... :good:


The Bering Strait for WOE terrain set was an attempt to minimize or eliminate the use of third party target objects and terrain tile sets. At the time I wanted everything to be WOE stock (right down to the airfields), because I wasn't sure what actually worked and what did not. Plus, the addon for the most part is just ini files, etc..., making it small and easy to use.


The GERMANYCE tile set, looked nice and attractive, and close enough at least for me, to represent this area in spring/summer at least. Its a great map for getting good FPS, nice dogfighting, and the planning maps worked out ok as well.


I also made a Falkland Is. (Malvinas) terrain along the same lines. Here the GERMANYCE terrain tile set does not represent well the Patagonai region of Argentina. But the terrain set does look nice overall, and the water (stock WOE), looked better, at least to me, than some of the other Falkland Is. terrain sets.

Edited by Stwa

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  Stwa said:
The Bering Strait for WOE terrain set was an attempt to minimize or eliminate the use of third party target objects and terrain tile sets. At the time I wanted everything to be WOE stock (right down to the airfields), because I wasn't sure what actually worked and what did not. Plus, the addon for the most part is just ini files, etc..., making it small and easy to use.


Probably the secret of why it works so well! :ok::good: It works great without a hitch! :clapping:


I also made a Falkland Is. (Malvinas) terrain along the same lines. Here the GERMANYCE terrain tile set does not represent well the Patagonai region of Argentina. But the terrain set does look nice overall, and the water (stock WOE), looked better, at least to me, than some of the other Falkland Is. terrain sets.


Cool! Where is it available for download?

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  TX3RN0BILL said:
Probably the secret of why it works so well! :ok::good: It works great without a hitch! :clapping:

Cool! Where is it available for download?


It is not uploaded here for download. If you PM me with your e-mail address, I will send the zip file to you.


The terrain does not have a lot of targets in it. And for the FI there is only Stanley and Goose Green represented, but there are 2 airfields on the island. There are 4 or so Argentine airfields. I use the terrain to fly cap missions over the island, and I take out the incoming bad guys, using the stock RAF stuff (great FPS). But anyone could add some ships, and a small campaign or something to spice things up a little.

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