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which is your favourite cockpit?

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F16 (but i do hope -whine whine :blush2: - for a definite MLU/ Block 50-52 pit in "two weeks"), the good old high res F4 pit and the high res F104G....




Derk :good:

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by Thirdwire: F-104G

3rd party: F/A-18 (I would say some I made, but they aren't exactly 3rd party for me :no: )

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the F/A-18 Hornet pit from Mirage Factory. Looks just great! :good:

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Definitely the cockpits of the Razbam Skyraiders, followed by the B-26K and the F-105.


The razbam Skyraider pit is art.

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The razbam Skyraider pit is art.


You should his A-6 pit! That one is even better.

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I love flying the hog and the 16-I'm patiently waiting for the A-10C with it's new pit.post-21792-1199417409_thumb.jpgpost-21792-1199417020_thumb.jpg


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Is it any surprise to anyone who knows me that I love the F-4 (inside and out)?



RAZBAM's F2H is a pleasure to fly as much as their Skyraider is.

I wish RAZBAM could do more, I like his 3d work quite a bit.

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personally speaking, mine is the cockpit of F-16 series.

What do you think?Which is your favourite cockpit in the game?


BTW,where can i find cockpit of the later variants of F-16, I know that wpnssngt has a beta version,has it already completed?


With so many beautiful cockpits available on this site it is extremely difficult to select a single favourite but here are three absolute beauties.





Beaufighter TFX by Colin Muir and the A-team




F-15 Baz by Column 5




Mig21bis (Late) by Gerald14 and other highly talented team members.

(for full list of greators/modders of these beautiful airplanes see the files availble here at C.A.)


Why do I like these ones..well they are IMHO superbly proportioned, gloriously coloured and an absolute treat for the eyes. They work great too!

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