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Rambler 1-1

Intense last-ditch kill

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look at this.


I was going anti-ship with the new crusader, and I took a hit from a MiG-21 that blew my wings and most of my weapons off. All I had left was one AIM-9B and some guns. I took out the other MiGs with guns (and no wings), and then I took carfull aim and let the 'winder loose on the cargo ship. Lo and behold, it hit at the base of the bridge and the ship blew up! AHAHAHAHA!!!! :rofl:




this is to reply to a couple of things, the ongoing 'winder-B ability issue and the new 'sader. Methinks there's a problem in a damage file or something, 'cause my wings got blown clean off and I still kicked butt. And if you can't hit anything with your AIM-9Bs, try practicing on ships. :biggrin:





Edited by Rambler 1-1

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"Given enough power, even a brick will fly"



kevin stein

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that's interesting...my legendary F-105D-31 was hit by a snowflake and came apart (yes, Wrench it was on a Bering Straight map after a damnevilcommbuilding)...so how did you manage that one...


and what map were you using to get the anti-shipping missions to work?

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Once I didnt get enough bomb hits on a runway ... then I decided to fire some of my AIM-9's into it.. worked to....

Another way to kill it is to fire about 400 rounds of 20mm into it...



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Well even a broke watch is right twice a day.

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You crazy.

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Rules of Engagement by Joe Weber. In it Marine Captain Brad Austin shoots a VC patrol boat with a sidewinder. Its not that uncommon. An A-4 pilot in Vietnam killed a MiG-17 with a Zuni a/g rocket. Desperate times call for desperate measures in combat. We learn to kill people with e-tools in hand to hand combat. Anything is possible.

Edited by Jarhead1

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they also shot some Locos with Sidewinders in Vietnam.. hehe

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well, the kill with the 'winder didn't suprise me that much, but the accuracy did. The unguided 'winder was more accurate than my rocket pods on the next mission. Oh, and yes, I did go into the .ini and make anti-ship missions possible, and I added my personalised pilot.

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would you share with me how you fixed the anti-shipping mission issue in WOE? Have been trying for a while, but am prone to missing things, like details...


- "I am not much of a 'hands-on evil genius'"...

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"Given enough power, even a brick will fly"



kevin stein


Yes but how would you control it? :biggrin:

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Maybe his flight settings are on easy. So if you lost a wing or some thing you still can fly.

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That's pretty sweet.


I've noticed the new F-8 can fly pretty well without wings. Two days ago, I noticed a damage call from my wingman. Of course, I thought he bought it, but then I see this flying cigar, still fighting. Oooookay... the guy even landed it! I took some screenshots, but I've also been screwing with display settings and evidently, every time I take a screenie now, it just looks like a bunch of vertical lines. Gotta look into that.


Good job bagging that ship with a 'Winder!

Edited by Caesar

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Maybe his flight settings are on easy. So if you lost a wing or some thing you still can fly.


naw, i had flight settings to "normal" and everything else was "hard". It had a real tendency to roll left. Also, as soon as I tried to put it on autopilot it spun out of controll straight down.


Sparky, To add the anti-shipping mission all I had to do was go into the .ini in the 'sader and adjust the avaliable mission types, but this was in SFP1. I donno about WoE.

Edited by Rambler 1-1

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The problem is that the wing mesh serves as both the wing (obviously) and as a highlift device (simulating the variable incidence feature). These are separate subsystems, and if the VI component gets damaged, the mesh will be blown off but the plane will still fly because the game doesn't think the wing itself was damaged. Clear as mud?


I'll look into alternative setups for our 1.1 updates which will also fix the sidewinder pylons and some skin errors.

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The problem is that the wing mesh serves as both the wing (obviously) and as a highlift device (simulating the variable incidence feature). These are separate subsystems, and if the VI component gets damaged, the mesh will be blown off but the plane will still fly because the game doesn't think the wing itself was damaged. Clear as mud?


I'll look into alternative setups for our 1.1 updates which will also fix the sidewinder pylons and some skin errors.


I actually think I understand.


I donno if I want it changed, 'cause it sure made for some cool screenshots! :tongue:

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