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Scoff now, but when waves of plastic model J-10s take to the skies, you'll see!

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I am really just looking forward to the skies above WOE being filled with even more exotic creatures and the J-10 will go so well with the Formosa Straits terrain which is currently a work in progress.

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All the PLAAF missiles already exist in the Weapons Pak ... they're not an issue at this point (maybe performance-wise). Let's not worry too much about the J-10 until it gets closer to release...let's fix what's existing NOW, and then run a crash program to load the 10 (just like real governments do!!! :rofl: )


What IS a problem is the lack of proper rocket pods...I can fiddle an LAU style into the 7 shot (which dosen't look even close), but we're lacking the 90mm and 130mm rockets, the 4-shot pod, the 11 shot pod, and a few small other things. I can probably create the 57mm 11 shot pod by leaving out some of the center missiles in UB-16, but those tubes will still be showing.

Also, nothing seem to give us the actual NAME of the containers!! Like the bombs, they have a series number; 250-1, 500-2, 1000-3, etc.

Alternatively, the UB-13L, with it's 5 shot conatiner could be used. But, again, no proper sized rockets for use.


We may be 'stuck' with improper weapons for a while until a modeler creates the right shapes (meaning, use the PRC UV series I modded, listed in the loadout thread -- they'll be fine on the earlier aircraft, Fresco and Farmers, at least).


I have to reskin a lod for the 200-4 anti-runway bomb, but I should have some 'things' usable by the weekend.



kevin stein


EDIT: ok, I've got some of the new weapons data posted in the KB, in the "Loadout Fixes Thread". Some new bombs, using existing shapes. Please have a look at them, and see what's up.


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I am making the J-10,some screenshots here.

I will add the little "wings" on the nose later,and how do you call that in English?


And a question,If I want the aileron and the level stablizer (hope I spelled that right) use the same mesh,what should I change in the .inis?


Thanks.And please write your suggestions below.


I've been checking out the J-10 for a while now.....


Jus saying, if you want help... :yes:


I was looking at your landing gear, you might want to enlarge it :yes:


The way it looks, it just doesn't fit proportionally to the rest of the aircraft :dntknw:


Great work though!!!! :good:

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About J-10 can not carry much AG weapons,in fact. :dntknw:

The laser targeting pod is a project.And there is someting wrong around the pod of the project's position.

This is said that J-10 can not carry LGBs.

Also no TV-guided weapons.


Now the J-10 noly carry rocket pods to CAS,if possible.



My PL-9 is a mistake. I mixed PL-9 and PL-8. :blink:


I would be careful about assuming that the very limited selection of photographs that have been leaked to the West to-date, are truly representative of what the J-10 is capable of. Bear in mind that the J-10 only entered service into regular squadron usage (as opposed to deployment for field trials) a little over a year ago. It is only natural that the air-to-air weaponry should be integrated first, as reflected by most (although not all) of the photographs and videos that have been leaked seen so far.


All modern combat aircraft, whether peforming an air-to-air or air-to-ground mission, should expect to carry at least a minimal air-to-air self defense compliment at all times. The air-to-ground weapons, however, will take longer to integrate fully into the J-10 family. The air-to-ground potential of a fighter, however, is actually "baked in" from the beginning. It becomes very difficult to add to it later in a product's life cycle. Based on everything I have seen, I would expect the J-10 to eventually fill the role of the Rafale (a truly multifunctional platform), and not that of the Typhoon (which sacrificed payload and range for pure air-to-air performance).


Time will tell. Our first good look at what this platform is capable of will probably come when it enters Pakistani service in a year or two. The Pakistanis have a much longer history of combining air-to-air and air-to-ground functions into their squadrons. That will probably be our first good look at what the maximum load-out of this warplane really is.

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For those who haven't yet seen it, the attached video was released by the Chinese government a little over a year ago (December 2006), when they officially acknowledged the J-10 program for the first time.



Many of the clips from this video were taken from the early development and test squadrons, and display features that were not seen until relatively recently in operational units: including mid-air refueling probes; and iron bombs. If you watch carefully you may also notice that the two seat version of the airplane has an enlarged dorsal spine. There has been a lot of speculation as to why the two seater would need the extra electronics volume: whether for dedicated ECM roles, or for specialized air-to-ground (SEAD) electronics.

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Great work on the J-10 :good:


Regarding the video check it out at 02:59, am I the only who noticed the MIG-28 being blown up clip from Top Gun, replay the clip between 02:58 and 02:59 and pause that's a freakin F-5 :blink:

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That is a MiG-28 :rofl:

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Great work on the J-10 :good:


Regarding the video check it out at 02:59, am I the only who noticed the MIG-28 being blown up clip from Top Gun, replay the clip between 02:58 and 02:59 and pause that's a freakin F-5 :blink:


:rofl: :rofl:


BTW, that movie syncs up with almost scary precision to


wait for it...


All By Myself, by Eric Carmen!

Edited by Longestpants

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Great work on the J-10 :good:


Regarding the video check it out at 02:59, am I the only who noticed the MIG-28 being blown up clip from Top Gun, replay the clip between 02:58 and 02:59 and pause that's a freakin F-5 :blink:


Truly man, you never knew that the "Mig-28" was just a single and two-seat F-5 painted black with Russian Stars just for that movie?

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No, that's not what I meant, what I was trying to say was that it's rather amusing to see a Top Gun clip being used in the J-10 promotional vid, that's all.

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