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I have an idea, but not being a modder or skinner I don't think I could do anything with it. So I am putting it here for someone to run with it or just shoot it down. :grin:


My idea is this, take a F-111A from the F-111 package, put a new skin on it, rename and adjust the loadouts and data files. Then using FastCargos idea for adding canards and pylons to the SU-33, add the canoe and fin tip pod on the F-111.



As the EF-111 is not a shooter, thought this could be an Ai plane only.


Well stupid idea or not?


Snapper 21

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  snapper 21 said:
I have an idea, but not being a modder or skinner I don't think I could do anything with it. So I am putting it here for someone to run with it or just shoot it down. :grin:


My idea is this, take a F-111A from the F-111 package, put a new skin on it, rename and adjust the loadouts and data files. Then using FastCargos idea for adding canards and pylons to the SU-33, add the canoe and fin tip pod on the F-111.



As the EF-111 is not a shooter, thought this could be an Ai plane only.


Well stupid idea or not?


Snapper 21


deffinatly not the stupidest idea I've herd.It would work it's more an issue of somone with the skills and time doing it.I'd download it thats for sure.

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Absolutely no different from the Skyhawks humps or FC's canards...(which brings a verrryyy strange picture into my head...)


You'd just need the relevant ini edits, and a 3d modeler to make the needed humps, bumps and bulges. Then it's just a matter of dialing in the positions



kevin stein

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It sounds pretty feasible. There wouldn't be any parts to make 'disappear' I don't think.


I have to admit, a Raven would be pretty cool...


I've got other projects I'm working on...but now my interest is peaked. Besides the tail 'pod', what else would be needed modelwise? And which model of the F-111 is the EF-111 derived from?



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According to all things wikipedia, the Raven was a modified F-111A, that was later fitted with the F-111 D engines. Have noticed that the fin top pod is faired in. Dont know how difficult that would be to do.


I was looking at the Canoe from the RA-5c, but I cant get it to show up at the mo.




Snapper 21

Edited by snapper 21

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The Raven had a "canoe" on the underside where the gun was. I think that was it as far as external differences went. I also believe it had no pylons, or at least never used them operationally, although it might have had the ability to carry them.

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  snapper 21 said:
According to all things wikipedia, the Raven was a modified F-111A, that was later fitted with the F-111 D engines. Have noticed that the fin top pod is faired in. Dont know how difficult that would be to do.


I was looking at the Canoe from the RA-5c, but I cant get it to show up at the mo.


We could probably make the pod as an ECM pod (after all that's what it is :) ), and make the top of the vert stab a weapons station.

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  dwcace said:
We could probably make the pod as an ECM pod (after all that's what it is :) ), and make the top of the vert stab a weapons station.


Wouldn't even have to do that my friend. Using the 'add a pilot' method I do, the pod would for all intents and purposes become a always loaded part of the model. The option wouldn't even show up in the loading screen.



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which is, as much as it pains me to admit it, a MUCH cooler work-around than my pod-as-jammer-fix.



kevin stein

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Looking on the internet I found pictures of Ravens with no pylons , two pylons and four pylons. The fuel tanks seemed to be on the outer pylons. So I started to edit the data file just to let the outer pylons have fuel tanks, but then remembered the Raven could carry AIM-9s for selfdefence. On the F model these are on the inner pylons, so what I am wondering will it look strange tanks on the outer sidewinders on the inner?



Snapper 21

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  Jedi Master said:
The Raven had a "canoe" on the underside where the gun was. I think that was it as far as external differences went. I also believe it had no pylons, or at least never used them operationally, although it might have had the ability to carry them.


Not even for wing tanks? I've got various pics of them with single pylons fitted nder each wing, although the very brief look I've had doesn't show any actually carrying anything.


Not sure if the Raven had the capability to carry Sidewinders like the regular F-111s. I've got a three view illustration with them fitted, but no photos yet.


Either way, this would be a great addition, and would suit many scenarios.

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Well I have played around with the data file, and the only options I now get are long tanks and sidewinders!




Edited by snapper 21

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From what I read, the Raven prototypes carried -9's, but the operational ones did not. I'm not sure if they carried HARM's or not.

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  dwcace said:
From what I read, the Raven prototypes carried -9's, but the operational ones did not. I'm not sure if they carried HARM's or not.


Don't think they did.

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No, the EA-6B was modified to carry HARMs after Desert Storm, I believe, but the Ravens were just retired. No 111s ever carried AIM-9s into combat AFAIK. One got a "manuever kill" on a MiG during DS when it went low and fast and an Iraqi MiG trying to chase it down crashed into the ground, though.


As far as the external tanks go, I just never saw any pics of them carrying them.

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  Jedi Master said:
No 111s ever carried AIM-9s into combat AFAIK.


I thought the same thing but was enlightend by a few from the F-111.net community.

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  Jedi Master said:
As far as the external tanks go, I just never saw any pics of them carrying them.


The FB-111 was the prolific user of drop tanks due to its SAC mission. Only on ferry missions did the standard ones carry them.

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Do you know anyone who has time to skin a Raven? :biggrin: Or are there any templates to use? Can't see any in the download section.



Hi Wrench


Question, would it be better to put a couple of jamming pods from the Prowler in the bombay with the animation from the doors taken out, or go into the data file and add it there? And also any idea where I get that sort of info?





Snapper 21

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I wasn't referring to the "attack" 111s with missiles or tanks, only the Raven, but I thought I recalled that the external tanks had to go on the outer pylons which didn't have rotation capability? That meant they would have to leave the wings full forward to have the tanks which limited speed. I'm a bit fuzzy on it, it's been years since I read about the Spark Vark and its brethren.

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The electronics boxes were probbly mounted internally anyway; I'd just add the ECM statements to the data ini, one for a DECEPTIVE_JAMMER and another for a NOISE_JAMMER.


Power percentages (JammerStrength=), I couldn't even begin to guess!!



kevin stein

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Well have been looking at the Prowler, and come up with this for the Raven.


// Countermeasures ---------------------------------------------------------


//ReferenceName=Bunker-Ramo ALQ-86 receiver/surveillance system







MinExtentPosition= -0.23, 1.60, 0.74

MaxExtentPosition= 0.23, 2.99, 1.15







MinExtentPosition= -0.23, 1.60, 0.74

MaxExtentPosition= 0.23, 2.99, 1.15







MinExtentPosition= -0.23, 1.60, 0.74

MaxExtentPosition= 0.23, 2.99, 1.15







MinExtentPosition= -0.23, 1.60, 0.74

MaxExtentPosition= 0.23, 2.99, 1.15







MinExtentPosition= -0.23, 1.60, 0.74

MaxExtentPosition= 0.23, 2.99, 1.15







MinExtentPosition= -0.23, 1.60, 0.74

MaxExtentPosition= 0.23, 2.99, 1.15














The jammer strength I took from the ALQ-99 pod, put 6 stations because I read the Raven was a more powerful jammer than the Prowler which can carry 5 pods. And finally put 70 flares and chaff because I thought ure a long time dead! What do people think?



Snapper 21

Edited by snapper 21

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