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Does the Talon counts? 150000ft lost the pit

???? confused lost your pit, what the cockpit dissappers?

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???? confused lost your pit, what the cockpit dissappers?


You should check out the thread I mentioned on the previous page. :wink:

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At this moment my personal record is 60095 m with the FANTASTIC NF-104A by Starfighter2 :good:

P.S. sorry Starfighter2 but i've reinstalled the M61A1 :biggrin: just in case.....

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Couldn't get 30k. No matter how hard I pulled the nose went down.

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i went to the edge of space in a MiG-31 i took the shoot for my Virtual aircraft collection so no high t mentioned in the snap forgot it too.


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May I set the bar for strike planes?




My 53148 feet in the F-105 here isn't exactly challanging the MiGs, but let's see you hit that in an A-10!


PS: there's room for improvement in this class... I hit that starting with full fuel and a couple of 'winders, and no planned climb curve.

Edited by Rambler 1-1

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I got one up. Stock engine specs (at least for AD's F-105D-31), completely NOTHING (no ammo, 25% fuel, except for the "kct's special wingtip 'Winders"), but added with the NF-104A's rocket booster (values for the booster is not tweaked at all, except positioning of the booster + exhaust emitter). For the pit shot, I should have looked at the LEFT instead...


Was planning on a fictional interceptor, but eh.





Edited by kct

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