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Valentines Day

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It's okay, despite being colonial riff raff, we'll forgive you for being a pom. :biggrin:


Got a lot to answer for, that Captain Cook... :biggrin:

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I've never had much tolerance for V-Day. A bastardization of St. Valentine's Day manipulated by gift industries to make you feel like you must buy outrageously priced products from them to give to your significant other, it totally eliminates the idea that love is enough.


Valentine's Day is the big, burning pile of faeces that you can put unwanted money in.


That being said, my position on the holiday has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that I am all alone.



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Guest Bounder

take the easy way out get married on val's day ya bound to remember one of them HE HE HEEEEE :biggrin:



heee hee meds kicking in :haha:

Edited by Bounder

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If I was a communist I would say Valentines Day is a holiday exploited by the upper class onto the proletarian.

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If I was a communist I would say Valentines Day is a holiday exploited by the upper class onto the proletarian.


Now you're thinking like a cheap wease- er, a freedom-loving socialist, Comrade Viggen!


But really, that makes more sense than communism ever has. At first, one would say that the proletarian has not need to buy such things, thus foiling the Second Estate. But, the other proletarian feels that the lack of Valentine's-related goodies is a result of a lack of love on the first one's part. All attempts to explain that this is actually not true will fail. Thus, the Third Estate is more or less forced to spend much-needed money that could be spent on overthrowing the oppressive dicta- er, Communist Leadership, is spent on candy hearts.


So you actually raise a pretty good point.


Welcome to the world of sparking pointless soliloquies, Comrade Viggen.

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Well back on topic, I hate, my girlfriend hates it (thank god), and most people I know think I'm crazy when I tell them what Al did back in the Depression.

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Al ? Al ?


That's mister Capone to you, laddie ! :biggrin:

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Well back on topic, I hate, my girlfriend hates it (thank god), and most people I know think I'm crazy when I tell them what Al did back in the Depression.


Big Al had panache.

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Big Al had panache.


I agree. That Fedora he always wore too...style. :good:


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I didn't forget, i just didn't buy her anything. I really didn't have much money and i'm not creative when it comes to these things. So now she thinks i'm an A-hole and jerk.

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Ah well you know, Scarface really had skills



Edited by Corktip_14

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I've always hated it even when I wasn't alone (which was only the last two years but not this year again) because even when you have company it's not just the fact that everything is over-priced, all the restaurants are booked too! Got turned down this year for a date as well and my backup computer failed to boot as well - all in all a perfect Valentine's Day... NOT!!! :angry2: :angry2: :angry2:


Edit: Here goes my vote for the Eels to eradicate said date from the memory of all of Mankind forever!!!

Edited by TX3RN0BILL

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Heh, well at least I needn't worry about the date part anymore!


Cypress Hill's video for Insane is forever immortalized by its appearance on Beavis and Butthead, the quintessential commentary of 90's teen life!



BTW, if you're ever down in Miami you can visit Al's final home where he lived till he died. It's just SO exciting to see a ~100 yr old house with absolutely NOTHING special about it other than Al lived there in a wheelchair.

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Ah well you know, Scarface really had skills




And don't forget a raging case of syphillis

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One of the better things I'e done, cause we all know how us males tend to forget things, is have Valentines Days your anniversery.


so much eaiser to remember....


Pat got her usual, with the plus of an extra rose I left out last night before bedtime (wasn't sure 'the usual' had gotten ordered. The "usual" being a large ballon bouquet delivered to her office with a card and some kind of stufed animial (mostly cats); same as I do for her birthday.



kevin stein


ps: Happy V-Day to all!!


Huh..typical. I might have know..jammy b******d

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