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The Last Falcon?

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Nice thanks man - was this on the Lockheed Martin Site?

Edited by CoolHand29

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Nice thanks man - was this on the Lockheed Martin Site?

i search for, but i dint found there.... one friend send to me :biggrin:

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LOL ! F-16IN ? Is that even possible, won't one of America's key "Allies" i.e Pakistan throw a fit, the same way Indian govt throw's a fit of outdated F-16 sales to Pakistan. Then again who know's maybe Lockheed can use the same bribing techniques on the Indians like the one's they used for the F-104 Widowmaker aka Flying coffin to Germany and other Western European countires :dntknw:


EDIT:- Before someone says what ? a "reputable" company like Lockheed and scandal's, unimpossible, here's a taste of what it involved.


Bribery Scandal

Edited by Atreides

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Is that even possible, won't one of America's key "Allies" i.e Pakistan throw a fit, the same way Indian govt throw's a fit of outdated F-16 sales to Pakistan.


They will have as much to say about it as India had when the US sold F-16s to Pakistan. :wink:

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So it's going to be just B.S as usual !

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Your only retort is an insult ? :ok::clapping:



Your first post was an insult. Again, over something that happened 30-50 years ago. :clapping::clapping:

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:haha: What ? My post insulted you ? :rofl: I thought I was pointing on Lockheed's PAST shady business tactic's, but YOU got insulted.. :rofl:

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The Pakis have plently to worry about than having the Indians possibly buying some F-16s. Given the level of violence in the country at the moment from the fundamentalists as well as a potential backlash from them after they lost 51 of their 53 seats in the recent election, a President that is grasping onto power and the only replacements having a history shrouded in corruption allegations, F-16s east of the border are going to be the least of their concerns.


Besides, I’m willing to bet that India will go with the Mig-29/35 given it’s history with the Russians and that they’d be more compatible with the existing inventory of IAF aircraft (not to mention already having 2 other Mig-29 types inservice).

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I hear what you're saying. But, for once I would'nt be suprised if the Indian's did go the Lockheed route specifically because the aircraft being offered to them carries the lethal AESA radar, that alone gives the IAF an edge coupled with the fact that if the a/c could/would be locally manufactured by HAL. Personally in the single engine aircraft dept either the F-16IN or the Gripen are both tempting choices, I think the Gripen might be cheaper. In the twin engined choice the EF-2000, no way can they afford a reasonable number of them, so perhaps the Rafale or even the Super Hornet, which again has a formidable electronics suite.

Edited by Atreides

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The Mig-29M2 and the 35 will both have the lastest versions of the the Zhuk or phasotron AESA arrays too. I sincerely doubt the US would share that tech with India. US defence contractors will claim property rights and suggest it'll harm it's business interests. They may produce it for them, but I doubt India will be given a liscense. Remember, India wants a FULL tech transfer here and only Russia has been open to that with them, historically speaking. The US, sorry, not to be US bashing here :smile:, but they don't have a great track record on the transfers of technology and the Indians deem this stipulation in the contract to be non-negotiable. I reckon they'll play it safe.

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JSF Aggie works for the said company. And I agree you were insulting Atreides. So this one is done.

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