+peter01 2 Posted March 13, 2008 (edited) I'm finishing off the FMs I'm working on, maybe a week or so to go, but would like to say some things. Rather than boring you all with one long post, I thought I'd bore you all with several shorter posts between now and when they are ready, then collate it for the readme . Feel free to comment, or whatever. First point... have I mentioned that the EP FMs are very sensitive . Well, they are, and it can be a problem in the game. Now I try to eliminate this, but it doesn't always happen and its sometimes hard to find. It may also relate to joystick settings and particular joysticks. What happens is the plane you are flying can feel "funny", to use the correct technical term. Changing to another plane, finishing the mission, or even restarting the game won't solve the problem. You have to restart the PC. I suspect its probably a problem more for Force Feedback Joysticks. I have one, and its less of a problem if you set Force Feedback levels to low. Actually its better on Low for the EP, planes are too tight when set to High. It was a minor problem in the pre-EP, but can be worse in EP and harder to recover without restarting your PC. It doesn't seem to be effected by in-game joystick slider settings. You'll know if it happens. Let me know, I'll try to fix it, if it seems to be happening for a particular plane(s). If you mod the pitch or ailerons especially (and most other things too) as I'm sure many of you did for pre-EP, I can guarantee it will happen. TK has put some "buffer" in his, so they are somewhat more robust than mine, but with some compromises. I guess he knows people will mod his FMs, and/or he's built them for for different joysticks/settings. This time around, its not the AI that overly sensitive, its the actual FM. Edited March 14, 2008 by peter01 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
deep 5 Posted March 14, 2008 Hi peter01, I just want to say thank you for all your contributions to FE. EP seems so different from the original, and I know you must have been discouraged by the impact this made on all your previous work, but you have risen to the challenge, and I want you to know you have made at least one virtual pilot very happy! S! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+peter01 2 Posted March 15, 2008 Thanks for your encouragement. These days, I do FMs for myself & my own game, but upload thinking/hoping others will enjoy them too, so appreciate your post. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+whiteknight06604 940 Posted March 15, 2008 I think most of the people who have used your flight models have more than enjoyed them.I'm very greatful for the effort and work that has gone into them.Thanks. :fans: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+christian59 8 Posted March 15, 2008 thank you for your work Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+peter01 2 Posted March 16, 2008 (edited) Thanks fellas. Edited March 16, 2008 by peter01 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+peter01 2 Posted March 16, 2008 (edited) Going well, think I've finished, just need to tidy up, maybe a couple of days. In this lot there are 26 planes, a total of 31 FMs with various extra Camels, Spad 7s and Hanriots etc. Mainly updates (tho major changes), to the previous lot I uploaded, with the addition of the Tripe, Pup, Brisfit, Pfalz D3. From TKs lot, the Camels, Spad7s and FokkerDr1 haven't changed from the stock FMs, just AI changes to get consisent. The Se5a, Spad 13, Fokker D7, Fokker D7Fs, Alb D3s and Alb Dvs have been redone. Also an extra Alb D3 160 hp version. The Alb D3s haven't changed much from my previous upload, the Alb Dvs have somewhat. The Fokker D7s have also changed from my "definitive" version :blush2:. The Se5a and Spad 13 have changed a lot. From EmID, the N28 and the Hanriots. The Hanriots haven't changed, except for a couple of AI parameters to fix AI/autopilot problems with the original FMs. N28 a lot diffferent. From Laton, the Fokker D8. Changed considerably. From the A-Team, the Brisfit, Dolphin, Snipe, Pup, Tripe, Junkers D1, Schuckert D3, Pfalz D3, Pfalz Dr1, Pfalz D8, Pfalz D12. All but the Junkers have changed considerably. I think thats the lot. Its most of the mid 1917-end of war fighters we have, N24 and N27 still to come. AS Firecage pointed out, I think you can use the multi-engine add-on bombers from the A-Team, Laton, MontyCZ in the EP as AI as is, maybe even flying too - the Handley Page, Gotha, Staaken, Savoia Pomilio, Caproni. Thanks to Laton, EmID, the A-Team and of course TK, for these great models and allowing me to do FMs for them. Edited March 16, 2008 by peter01 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+Tailspin 3 Posted March 16, 2008 Thanks Peter. You da man! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+christian59 8 Posted March 16, 2008 for a big work a big thank you christian Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+NeverEnough 78 Posted March 16, 2008 That's a whale of a "bit sized chunk" of updated FM's you did there! Many thanks for all your efforts. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+peter01 2 Posted March 16, 2008 (edited) This next bit I've been umming and ahhing about a bit - extra files to enhance gameplay, maybe. The reason I'm uncertain is that people make their own changes to these files & testing everything is problematic. But in providing a whole set of FMs (more on why you should use all the FMs, not just say add-on planes in next post), its an opportunity to get things in one place, and I'd say there are quite a few new players here too. Also to get over one problem with Rockets. I'll be providing several Aircraftobject.inis, gundata ini files and gundata dat files (they go together), and weapons ini files and weapons dat files (go together too). You don't need to use ANY of these files. You can use some not others, they are not a set so to speak. They are in the right directory structure in the zip file. EG, the weapondata files are in a "Weapons" folder (you need to copy the folder, or create one if you don't have it. The others go in your "Objects" folder. First the Aircraftobject.ini. Several files...Aircraftobject.ini, Aircraftobject_hard.ini, Aircraftobject_normal.ini, Aircraftobject_original.ini. The Aircraftobject.ini default one is the hard one.....it makes the AI more capable, better shots, better defensively, much more aggressive. Together with the AI stuff in the FMs themselves it makes the AI as hard as you could want. If too hard (it is even for me in campaigns), you could just use TKs (by deleting the Aircraftobject.ini, it will default to the original in the game), or to make a little easier even then TKs (still very tough with my FMs) use Aircraftobject_normal.ini by deleting the Aircraftobject.ini and renaming it the normal file one to Aircraftobject.ini. This ones keeps Aces very tough, but makes the rest easier, tho still a challenge, again if you use my FMs (they work together). In addition to these options you can make the AI easier or harder in the game options by selecting the "Enemy Skill Level" .... Hard, Normal, Easy. This only affects the ENEMY AI, not your wingmates/squadron. Its important I think to get the AI the way you want, some like it tougher some don't, so these provide a whole range of options. Second is the Gundata files. Two sets here, modified version and a copy of the original from the game. The modified version reduces the effectiveness of machine guns by reducing the ammo weight 60%. Eg, Spandau default weight is 10 grams, now 6 grams. It has been reduced 60% for the Lewis, Vickers, Spandau, Parabellum. No other changes. Included the original to save you extracting if you want to make your own changes, but use the guneditor if you do so! The benefit as I see it: you will notice the difference between having two guns and one gun; bits will still fly off planes, but not to the same extent, especially whole wings (bit arcadish to me); you can shoot down a plane in a few shots if accurate (no lucky shots, you should get up close), but it can take much more if you don't hit critical bits; in a furball you will need to watch your ammo, you can't down 3 or 4 planes without being a good shot; funnily enough it works in your favour too...with tougher better AI (which is good to me), you will get shot up, but not necessarily downed in a couple of shots, ie, your survival chances improve: ai versus ai seems fine (but depends on your choice of the capability of the ai as above, ie the more capable, the higher the casualties are on both sides. Needless to say you do not need to use this file, or do your own (use the guneditor!!). but it makes a very significant difference in gameplay to me . The last files are the Weapondata files. I did this as Rockets don't work at the moment, for say the Dolphin, and others. It explodes when you fire them. Hope its okay P10ppy, but I modded the weaponsdata file so the Rockets work like P10ppy's LePrieur Rockets. Nice and inaccurate too. It was excellent work by P10ppy. I have also included P10ppy's rockets in the file, but to use them you need to download other things and follow the instructions by P10ppy for the Spad 7s, and by Tailspin for the Camel etc. Again, you don't need to use this file. Fairly long post, maybe not clear to newer players, maybe anyone hehe, so any questions please ask. Edited March 16, 2008 by peter01 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+Baltika 86 Posted March 17, 2008 Thanks Peter As someone who is really only getting started with FE, I really appreciate the various options you are setting out here. (It also makes it easier to reverse-engineer your AI changes and apply them to my WW2 installs ) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+peter01 2 Posted March 17, 2008 Thanks guys. Another post, did say there were a few things...... It relates to using the alternative FMs in place of the stock ones, or at least modding the stock ones yourself if you have already made changes, eg, P10ppy's Spad7s, Tailspins suggestions etc. Firstly, I think the Spad13, Se5, Albs and FokkerD7s FMs are better than the stock ones, from both a perspective of feel and performance. To me, the Spad13 should be a powerhouse, the FokkerD7s should be superior, the Se5a should lay some claim to be a war winning plane and the Albs... well, they need to have a fighting chance. Secondly, not so obviously, are the disparities if you don't. Example, you fly the stock Camel, everything is how it should be, you shoot up everything, but your wingmates/squadron are at a severe disadvantage compared to add-on AI. The add-on AI are better, despite the Camel perhaps having good/better performance. In addition, flying against the Camel AI will be far easier than say flying against the Hanriot and most others too. It means the game would be quite inconsistent for the important planes. If you have made changes to the Spad7s, Dr1 and Camels & don't want to install mine, as I have only changed the AI data, I'd recommend you copy the [FlightControl] - for stall speeds mainly - and the [AIData] stuff from mine over what is currently in your data.ini. That also applies to P10ppy's excellent Spad12 - use the [FlightControl] and [AIData] sections from the Spad7 (180). For the Albs, Se5a, Spad13, FokkerD7s, its not so simple. I doubt my AI data parameters would work with the stock FM on these, as the FM and the performance has been changed considerably. In any case, these stock ones are underdone peformance-wise compared to the rest. If you stick with the stock ones, thats fine....just wanted to point out what that meant. I'd appreciate feedback on the FMs, and it'll help in doing other FMs for the EP. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+peter01 2 Posted March 17, 2008 Just uploaded. Despite all the above posts, you should still read the readme Should be available shortly here http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=6214 Let me know if there are any issues. Cheers Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+whiteknight06604 940 Posted March 17, 2008 Can't wait to try it out.this should really enhance my game.Please except my thanks for this. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tooner 0 Posted March 17, 2008 Peter01 my main man !!, Thank you! Here in Bergen op Zoom your FM's are the stuff of legends. Got to try the Albatros DVa and finally it's climbing, roling, turning and snappy ( beautiful rudder control ). At last I've a sporting chance against those b....y Camels ! I'm just gonna fly Albatroses for the rest of my days. Regards, Tooner Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FalconC45 170 Posted March 17, 2008 Going well, think I've finished, just need to tidy up, maybe a couple of days. In this lot there are 26 planes, a total of 31 FMs with various extra Camels, Spad 7s and Hanriots etc. Mainly updates (tho major changes), to the previous lot I uploaded, with the addition of the Tripe, Pup, Brisfit, Pfalz D3. From TKs lot, the Camels, Spad7s and FokkerDr1 haven't changed from the stock FMs, just AI changes to get consisent. The Se5a, Spad 13, Fokker D7, Fokker D7Fs, Alb D3s and Alb Dvs have been redone. Also an extra Alb D3 160 hp version. The Alb D3s haven't changed much from my previous upload, the Alb Dvs have somewhat. The Fokker D7s have also changed from my "definitive" version :blush2:. The Se5a and Spad 13 have changed a lot. From EmID, the N28 and the Hanriots. The Hanriots haven't changed, except for a couple of AI parameters to fix AI/autopilot problems with the original FMs. N28 a lot diffferent. From Laton, the Fokker D8. Changed considerably. From the A-Team, the Brisfit, Dolphin, Snipe, Pup, Tripe, Junkers D1, Schuckert D3, Pfalz D3, Pfalz Dr1, Pfalz D8, Pfalz D12. All but the Junkers have changed considerably. I think thats the lot. Its most of the mid 1917-end of war fighters we have, N24 and N27 still to come. AS Firecage pointed out, I think you can use the multi-engine add-on bombers from the A-Team, Laton, MontyCZ in the EP as AI as is, maybe even flying too - the Handley Page, Gotha, Staaken, Savoia Pomilio, Caproni. Thanks to Laton, EmID, the A-Team and of course TK, for these great models and allowing me to do FMs for them. Excellent. I'll start d/ling planes and your fm package Peter. Thank you. Falcon Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+whiteknight06604 940 Posted March 17, 2008 Well I've been doing a little testing.So far the changes to the gun data make a real,and in my opinion posative,change.It seems to me that it's more believable the way the enemy and myown planes were damaged from machinegun fire.The flightmodels seem much more ballenced and it was a better feeling while flying.also the AI seemed alot more "alive" to me now.I know my choice of words are rather vauge but thats the way i test things things either feel right or wrong to me and so far as my limited testing has shown to me just about everything feels more in sinc with each other and gives me an overall better feel of WWI dogfighting.Thanks. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+peter01 2 Posted March 18, 2008 (edited) Glad you like them, and happy you posted...its hard to know, sometimes, you get caught up in particular tricky aspects of the FM, and somehow, become oblivious to other issues . So any comments, good or critical helps. Yes, the Alb D5s are different to before Tooner, and to one another slightly too. You may want to retry the Alb D3 160hp, stall effects when turning etc have been reduced. I'm flying Albs a lot these days as well. Thanks, Whiteknight06604, seems a pretty accurate assessment for a few hours testing. The seemingly trivial and innocuous gundata changes do make a big difference in realism and gameplay for me too. Edited March 18, 2008 by peter01 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bandy 3 Posted March 18, 2008 (edited) Hi Peter, As always, your FM's are superlative and make a real difference to the enjoyment of the game. I'll be the unpopular one posting here, I guess, but d__m those AI Albs are just too slippery now... Edited March 18, 2008 by B Bandy RFC Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Firecage 1 Posted March 19, 2008 (edited) Very impressive release Peter I tend to fly german most of the time and I am VERY happy to see the albs get this treatment. They are now effective and can hold their own in a fight if flown well. I seem to feel small things that differ between the albs but I can't put a finger on what part it is really. But Thank you ... This helps alot. THe Se5 Was finally fun to fly, very easy to keep hold of and had more of what you would have expected in it... solid platform to shoot from. It does one of the best wingonvers of all the planes are far as getting a smooth arc out of it very easily. THis seems ot be a great plane to BF yo yo style since it handles that move so well. The spad is more of a handful now which I feel is better for the over all feel of all the FMs involved. The D7 and 7F both have great feel and are by far the easiest plane I think to fly in the game and get kills with.... well my fave is the Dr1 but the D7 can be flown well by a novice flier and still get some great action out of the FM you made. I did uncomment the AutoTrimLimit=0.0 . I find it to be un-nessessarly jumpy with out it on every plane. I saw you had it already there for each flier to set as they wish which was a nice of you to provide. THanks again 8) I am flying alot of these in the New Cambrai Fest campaign and its really given me a chance to lly each of the german FMs you have now in many situations and its been a great time. Keep up the good work, I will drop by later today after I fly them a bit more. :yes: Edited March 19, 2008 by Firecage Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+Tailspin 3 Posted March 19, 2008 I agree 100% on the SPAD XIII. Its a joy to fly using its speed and dive as an advantage. Its also unforgiving and will spin if you push it too far...something I think the Camels especially need more of, BTW. I like the DVII too except I think its a bit too unstable on the elevators while trying to line up a shot. Should be a bit smoother there, IMHO. Maybe the auto trim line Firecage suggests will help? Thats about all I've had time to try at any length so far. I'll be taking out the Tripe and Pup next. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Firecage 1 Posted March 20, 2008 Tailspin ... make sure this is un commented...AutoTrimLimit=0.0 if its not the plane is VERY hard to line up and stay right. Peter has it in all his new FMs, just un comment it and see what ya think. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+Tailspin 3 Posted March 20, 2008 Ok, will do. Seems to be more prevalent in some planes than others. Thanks. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+peter01 2 Posted March 20, 2008 (edited) If AutoTrimLimit works for you, then its an improvement. But I can't recommend you do this for the D7 or any other FM. The AutoTrimLimit parameter is complex, basically the FM has to be built for it, rather than tacking it on an existing FM. I gave up on it, because to make it work effectively, you had to build the FM so the plane was always pitching up (like the Camel, Dr1). You may find it works, or is okay, for some FMs (I doubt it tho, you may find the D7 starts wanting to climb, other things too, possibly major problems), but won't work at all for some others. But thanks for raising this - jumpy.... and nervy (in a previous thread from Tooner). I realised from Tooners post and when my old FF stick died that the planes felt quite different, depending on whether you used FF or not, even the level of FF (High lots different then Low), possibly even very different for different Joysticks (my saitek was never that bad before in a flight sim). Its the EP style FMs - fantastically sensitive (in FE only), in every way. Never seen such a difference before, pre-EP or any other game. Maybe just never noticed? So could be joysticks or could be preference - I like motion in WW1 planes, and to me the D7 seems a bit more edgy (which I like) than jumpy, but I can see where you are coming from. Anyway, what I would recommend is to increase PitchDamper=0.30 to 0.40. Its safe, changes the plane performance only very slightly, and the plane will be steadier. For other planes, if considered jumpy too, 0.1 increments should be enough for most planes, but .... ya know, it makes them a bit smoother, so keep it minimal!! Edited March 20, 2008 by peter01 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites