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"CNN has received unconfirmed report that Dong Hoi Airbase of Vietnam has been nuked during a US and UN joint military drills in the area. Aparently, a US B-52D carrying nuclear weapons has inadvertantly targetted the airbase....."




I hope you like this headline caption. Enough for screenshots. Thought a video would be more fun and easier for you to perceive how good the work of Lexx_Luthur is.


The video is about 5 minutes long. Took 14 minutes to convert from a proprietary codec to .wmv format so it is readable/viewable by Windows Media. The screen resolution of the recording and in-game is set to 1024 x 768. Graphics quality has been optimised. That's why the framerates are slow somehow.


Pay attentions to the radio chatter. When you heard "Bombs away..." you will notice that I've panned out to the "World View" by Ctrl+F12 and zoomed out as much as I can. I should have Time Compress to let you see how the mushroom cloud further develops into a very thick and widely spreadedout clouds. The weather is set to "CLEAR" but if you look up from the "point zero" into the sky, you only see the nuclear clouds. I wish to shorten the time for conversion so I cut the recording short.



Hope you enjoy the video. Don't forget to view it at Full Screen


Video here:-> http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...si&img=5593

Edited by Basher11

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That'll teach the NVA to fart in church....



kevin stein

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Basher it sounds interesting, but its not working for me -- video would be the best way for this. THANKS.


Wrench, did you see it? This is what I get from the link...



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  Lexx_Luthor said:
Basher it sounds interesting, but its not working for me -- video would be the best way for this. THANKS.


Wrench, did you see it? This is what I get from the link...




You will have to use Full Screen to watch the video coz it was recorded under 1024x768 resolution. Is that what you mean?

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  Basher11 said:
You will have to use Full Screen to watch the video coz it was recorded under 1024x768 resolution. Is that what you mean?

I'm getting the same thing that Lexx does. Don't think it is a screen resolution issue, it appears to be a download issue.

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  Jug said:
I'm getting the same thing that Lexx does. Don't think it is a screen resolution issue, it appears to be a download issue.



Same here. No joy on the video.

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We have a simpler (and working) way to include youtube here :biggrin:

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Where have you been all my life folks! :clapping: Many thanks!

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Lexx and everyone there:


Would you develop this?


<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xYllJ3UFs6Q&hl=en"></param><param'>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xYllJ3UFs6Q&hl=en"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xYllJ3UFs6Q&hl=en" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>


I will be more than happy ot do the testing for you :biggrin:

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grr by rights this should have worked :/



can't work out the code for it. though the news artical is intresting watch.

Edited by Rob Graham

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  Rob Graham said:


grr by rights this should have worked :/



can't work out the code for it. though the news artical is intresting watch.

So the mushroom cloud we see is coming from codes, not collections of effect files?

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Nukes are only toys for blockheads without balls.

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