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Guest Ranger332

HOAX - A Salute to PW - HOAX

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Guest Ranger332

Just got it varified the PW (PhantomWarrior) died in Iraq a few weeks ago

dident know him well we meet on line in Novalogic Lighting3 game as he had a dialup he asked if he could remote off my pc for dl and to play the game (dont think it ever incressed his speed lol,but he dident lag he said) but he was always trying things(crashed his PC about once a month :)) We meet for about 45secs at an airstrip He reognized my voice from Roger Wilco and called out "Ranger" I was shall we say talking to an officer that had messed up or "stick" and was trying to load all improtant equipment to the same "bird" (not our S.O.P.) though I dident realy know him He enjoyied the sims as I did ,and that was all we needed to be "friends" He "Flew with the Sultans a Raptor Sqd in Nova. Just saying Goodby to him in a way he might like

(took his sig and added his "pic") and posting in Salute and "Good journey"


War tends to feed off the young and those with the most promise.

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Guest MrMudd

Lord, guard and guide the men who fly

Through the great spaces of the sky.

Be with them traversing the air

In darkening storms or sunlight fair.

You who support with tender might

The balanced birds in all their flight,

Lord of the tempered winds be near,

That having you, they know no fear.

Control their minds with instinct fit

Whene’er, adventuring, they quit

The firm security of land;

Grant steadfast eye and skillful hand.

Aloft in solitudes of space,

Uphold them with your saving grace.

O God, protect the men who fly

Through lonely ways beneath the sky.


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What? This is indeed sorry news. This is the first Biohaz regular we have lost that I am aware of.


Any idea what he was doing in Iraq? IIRC, he was 39 and retired wasn't he?? Hold on...


Just did a search on his old posts and came across this.


Iam 39 and retired from service yougster


In case anyone is confused on who this is just click the link for a listing of his previous posts:



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I am very sorry to hear this, and my condolenses to the family.



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Very sorry too hear that, my condolenses to his Family !!! :cry::cry:

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Guest SandViper



RANGER asked me about this fellow but I dont much. Ill see if I can rattle a few doors and find out more. hate to hear of anyone "passing" always leaves a "hole" in lives of those left behind

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<S> :!:


Perhaps we could send his family something (collectively) once the details are sorted out.

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Guest Ranger332

OK heres is what I found out so far it appers his name was j dont know if it was jay or j was short for something but it seems the family isent to fond of simmers right now. unknown to them "J" played Ghost Recon two days after his reported death someone sent a letter stating they would blow him to bits and send him to his base in cubes(they dident know what had happened and were talking about the game. Then four days later they got the linda bleir face from the excorset the love song thinky. the two things compined and for the most part they arnt responding to much. Got the info from some kid I think as they refered to "Uncle J" then the line went "cold" maybe if we send E-mails they will not hate simmers

H was in 4th ID in a support role of unknown type





MJ can you run an IP3 tracer for the state or do they have to be on?

that is all I have

seems I know some of you folks better then I knew him

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It would make more sense to me to find out more info on him before approaching his family about anything. The last bit of info sounds strange. If all we know is "J" then we need to find out more.


Sorry, it's just the ol investigator comming out of me again. :wink:

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Guest Ranger332

rgr isent thier a listing of ppl that KIA in Iraq if so I cant find it any one know of it?

I know one was released during the first Gulf War but dont know about now,but it like with MJ all I know of hin is of his postings. and I think I talked to Him more then any of you.and all I know bout him is he works on Internet security and this web site.

Iam still looking as is SandViper and we sent an E-mail to his Cyber Sqd commander sofar I got no relpy.

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