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F/A-18A HUD Problems in WOI

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I've managed to get the F/A-18A from MF installed and working in WOI. I have some problems with the HUD, however, as follows:


1. Pitch ladder is very soft focus - nearly unreadable

2. Flight Path Marker sits well below the horizon line when in level flight (it should be level with the line)

3. Gun shoots ~3 or 4 mils right of the pipper in both A/A and A/G modes (with zero yaw)


If anyone has ideas, I will certainly welcome them.





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  wagsled said:
I've managed to get the F/A-18A from MF installed and working in WOI. I have some problems with the HUD, however, as follows:


1. Pitch ladder is very soft focus - nearly unreadable

2. Flight Path Marker sits well below the horizon line when in level flight (it should be level with the line)

3. Gun shoots ~3 or 4 mils right of the pipper in both A/A and A/G modes (with zero yaw)


If anyone has ideas, I will certainly welcome them.






Hey wagsled,


Could you do us a favor and post a screenshot with what you are seeing? I think that'll help us figure out what's going on. That's kind of a strange combo of symptoms.



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  FastCargo said:
Hey wagsled,


Could you do us a favor and post a screenshot with what you are seeing? I think that'll help us figure out what's going on. That's kind of a strange combo of symptoms.





I'll try, FastCargo...never even took a screenshot before...let's hope I can paste it in here...


F/A-18 HUD problem


Well, I've pasted something in. Hopefully, it is the HUD from the screenshot. Disregard the 20mm shooting to the right...it didn't do it today.


Please let me know if I've messed this up. And thanks for your interest and help.




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Okay, part of the issue is that you've got a combo HUD there...you've got parts of the older F/A-18A HUD mixed in with the newer F/A-18A HUD. The 'fuzzy' stuff is the old stuff.


Alright, here is the most straight forward way to fix it, but it takes a while to download the file you need.


Go to this link and download the Mega Pack C6:




It's a HUGE download, and has a lot of stuff in it.


Install the pack, but NOT into any of your current installs. Make a 'fake' install location for it.


Once that's done, look in the Objects/Aircraft section for a F-18BA. It's a Blue Angel F/A-18A, but has the modern avionics.


Put that aircraft into your Objects/Aircraft directory of the install you want to fly the F/A-18 in.


Now, go into your old F-18 directory...you see the subdirectorys of skins? (most named for the squadrons they belong to). Copy those directories to your F-18 Blue Angel directory.


Go into the F-18 Blue Angel directory (F-18BA)...you see the subdirectories with the Blue Angel skins (BA, B1, B2, B3, etc)? Delete them...all of them.


Open up the F-18BA.ini file and first look for the entry that says this:



AircraftFullName=F-18 Blue Angel



Change it to:

AircraftFullName=F/A-18A Hornet


Then, find these entries:




Name=BlueAngels N°1


Squadron=Blue Angels







Name=BlueAngels N°2


Squadron=Blue Angels







Name=BlueAngels N°3


Squadron=Blue Angels







Name=BlueAngels N°4


Squadron=Blue Angels







Name=BlueAngels N°5


Squadron=Blue Angels







Name=BlueAngels N°6


Squadron=Blue Angels





Delete the entries...yep, go ahead and delete all of them.


Save the file as FA-18A.ini.


Delete the following files from the F-18BA directory:









Rename the F-18BA directory as FA-18A.




It works...I just did every single step myself to verify it works.


Also, you should be able to delete your old F/A-18 too.


Let me know if this works for you.



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  FastCargo said:
Okay, part of the issue is that you've got a combo HUD there...you've got parts of the older F/A-18A HUD mixed in with the newer F/A-18A HUD. The 'fuzzy' stuff is the old stuff.


Alright, here is the most straight forward way to fix it, but it takes a while to download the file you need.


Go to this link and download the Mega Pack C6:




It's a HUGE download, and has a lot of stuff in it.


Install the pack, but NOT into any of your current installs. Make a 'fake' install location for it.


Once that's done, look in the Objects/Aircraft section for a F-18BA. It's a Blue Angel F/A-18A, but has the modern avionics.


Put that aircraft into your Objects/Aircraft directory of the install you want to fly the F/A-18 in.


Now, go into your old F-18 directory...you see the subdirectorys of skins? (most named for the squadrons they belong to). Copy those directories to your F-18 Blue Angel directory.


Go into the F-18 Blue Angel directory (F-18BA)...you see the subdirectories with the Blue Angel skins (BA, B1, B2, B3, etc)? Delete them...all of them.


Open up the F-18BA.ini file and first look for the entry that says this:



AircraftFullName=F-18 Blue Angel



Change it to:

AircraftFullName=F/A-18A Hornet


Then, find these entries:




Name=BlueAngels N°1


Squadron=Blue Angels







Name=BlueAngels N°2


Squadron=Blue Angels







Name=BlueAngels N°3


Squadron=Blue Angels







Name=BlueAngels N°4


Squadron=Blue Angels







Name=BlueAngels N°5


Squadron=Blue Angels







Name=BlueAngels N°6


Squadron=Blue Angels





Delete the entries...yep, go ahead and delete all of them.


Save the file as FA-18A.ini.


Delete the following files from the F-18BA directory:









Rename the F-18BA directory as FA-18A.




It works...I just did every single step myself to verify it works.


Also, you should be able to delete your old F/A-18 too.


Let me know if this works for you.





Thank you very much for this, FastCargo. It worked like a champ and now the HUD looks pretty much as I remember it. I initially thought that whoever built the cockpit/avionics model for the F/A-18A had perhaps used an F-16A HUD as a starting point, hence the analog scales for airspeed and altitude, but then with the fuzzy graphics I wasn't sure what I had. I very much appreciate your help.


In some small repayment, in the event you decide to fly the F/A-18A for a bit, I've modified the FlightControl section found in the FA-18_data.ini file so that the handling qualities are a bit more in line with reality. I really wish the pitch authority of the Hornet were as good as the original FM indicated, but it was far too responsive. I flew a lot of the FOT&E work on the F/A-18A and B models, including a lot of FQ&P so I think I'm fairly close in my estimates here.


What I have below is a start on a better FM, but frankly it seems like there is more to be done. I just don't have enough knowledge of the data.ini files to know where to start. The changes I've made below reflect a more realistic response in all three axes, as well as more realistic speeds for stall, cruise, etc. The F/A-18A was limited to 8.3 g depending on GW, but we typically tried to hold it to around 8.0 as a max. Once we got the g-limiter perfected and installed the new flight control PROM (early 1985, if I recall correctly) then overstress became much less of a problem. If you give these a try, I'd love to hear your thoughts.
















Thank you again for your help with the HUD!





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8.0gs! - Thats Interesting I always thought (assumed) the FA-18A was closer to a 9g airframe! :doh:

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  CoolHand29 said:
8.0gs! - Thats Interesting I always thought (assumed) the FA-18A was closer to a 9g airframe! :doh:



The F-16 is a 9-g bird; not sure about the F-15, but I think it was a 9-g bird as well. Hornet was 8.3-g, at least the A and B models. I think they raised it to 9-g for the C/D and/or the E/F, but I was retired by then!



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I was also wondering about the fuzzy HUD, thanks for the fix FC.


Little bit on g-lims: According to NATOPS, the -18E/F is a 7.5g-limit frame. This may have changed since they fixed the wing problem but I haven't seen anything on that yet. Both the F-15 and F-14 were 9g birds at one point, NAVAIR restricted the Tomcat to 6.5g in the 1970's, I think the -15C kept 9 until just recently; unfortunately I can't find my source there so take that with a grain of salt but I understand it got lowered to 7.5g shortly after the ANG F-15 break up. They also change if there's a fleetwide problem and can dip way low temporarily. In wartime, I understand g-limits are only there if you're not being shot at.

Edited by Caesar

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Hey Wags (and Caesar as a side benefit),


Glad you got it fixed...never say the USAF can't help the Marines every once in a while...


Interesting info to know about the early Hornets...thanks for posting that stuff. I'm sure other people smarter than me can use that kind of first hand experience...



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Is there a way to adapt this fix to the CF-188 which is based on the MF F/A-18A ?

I am seeing the same hud problems.

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C-models have a 7.5 G-limiter in them. But the pilots can "force" it over that.... then us maintainers get to do an overstress inspection.... yipeeeeee!

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  Ruiner29 said:
Is there a way to adapt this fix to the CF-188 which is based on the MF F/A-18A ?

I am seeing the same hud problems.


As far as I know, the CF-188 uses the same pit and aircraft model as the F/A-18.


I would say apply the fix as listed, then simply rename everything in the new F/A-18 directory as CF-188.


That's my guess.



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Hey, FC...


Followed your instructions to the T for using the Blue Angels pit with the regular fleet hornet skins... end result? I see no cockpit (only a gun reticle) and in the F6 view, I see only weapons hanging in empty air. Any idea what gives? Getting pretty frustrated, because I tried the F-18BA as-is before doing your fix and it worked fine...




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missing the aircraft LOD and cockpit LOD perhaps???? Doulbe check your folders!



kevin stein

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Nope, all LOD's are there, and nothing was changed from the Blue Angels Hornet except the folder name, the name in the .ini, and the skins, as per Fast Cargo's instructions (to the letter) above. I'll keep farting around with it, I guess...




Edited by Rampstrike

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I will get you squared away in the AM. I got one already put together.

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Thanks, Dave! Canadair sent me one all packaged up, but when I tried it, I only had a gun reticle in the HUD, no working radar, and my available weapons in the loadout screen was really wierd (No AIM-7's, no Mk 80-anythings, but I had 'Flash Bombs'?). I hope yours works better!


Thanks again,


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  Rampstrike said:
Thanks, Dave! Canadair sent me one all packaged up, but when I tried it, I only had a gun reticle in the HUD, no working radar, and my available weapons in the loadout screen was really wierd (No AIM-7's, no Mk 80-anythings, but I had 'Flash Bombs'?). I hope yours works better!


Thanks again,


I just tried the package I sent you. Works perfectly on my system. all what you have to do is unpack it and place it in the aircraft folder. you might need to adjust loadout, but this is s econdary and easy problem, having only the reticle of the gun means that you are using an Fa18.ini that points to avionics 60!. I really don't know who to help you more than that.

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Ramp check your PM in like 20 mins....

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